I do not use the accepted way of placing just the scriptures at the end of a sentence or paragraph. On this website I place the scriptures at the beginning of the sentence because sometimes I feel keywords and/or the definition of certain words gives the reader better and more clear understanding of what they are preparing to read. I have been told many times that is a good way of helping readers comprehend the material they are reading.

Any person who is saved according to scripture and is inhabited by the Holy Spirit is my spiritual, and my blood kindred relative by Jesus’ blood, brother or sister, in Jesus regardless of background, race, politics or denomination affiliation.

About the writer: I am a protestant but my name is not on any church membership book. Because, at this time 7/10/2024, there are nearly countless denominations in operation and they all say theirs is the best or the only way to go to heaven. Can you imagine when the rapture takes place Jesus, flanked by some angels, gravely walks into the church, advances up front and gravely asks the pastor for the membership roll book so He can determine who is going to heaven? PURE RUBBISH! (Rev. 20:15 & 21:27) My name is written in Jesus’ book of life and that is all that will ever count.

I use the 66 Books KJV Holy Bible which is the same as the Catholics use except the Catholic KJV has 73 books, an additional 7, they call the Apocrypha. This distinction arose during the council of Trent in response to the Protestant movement in the 16th century. See the internet article The King James vs. The Catholic Bible: A Comparative Study if you wish further information.

I use the internet to obtain definitions and the new KJV exhaustive concordance book available in most bookstores because sometimes the internet version doesn’t give the definition of a word. No, I don’t know why.

To avoid confusion we must understand this concerning the Holy Spirit. There are several Biblical names for the Holy Spirit but they all have the same definition as the one that is highlighted next (Rom. 8:9 keywords: Spirit of Christ Strong’s #4151: the third person of the triune God, the Holy Spirit, coequal, coeternal with the Father and the Son). (Matt. 10:20 Spirit of your Father, Luke 11:13 Holy Spirit, John 14:16 Comforter, V.17 Spirit of truth, V.26 Holy Ghost, Rom. 8:9 Spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of Christ, V.15 Spirit of adoption, 2Cor. 3:17 the Lord is that Spirit, Eph. 1:13 holy Spirit of promise, Heb. 10:29 Spirit of grace, Rev. 11:11 Spirit of life). All these different names and associated scripture concerning the Holy Spirit tells us the how, who, what, why, where, when and with what concerning the works of the Holy Spirit.

We may as well understand God’s Identity and how we, male and female, are made in the image of God before we start. (Rom. 1:20) The Godhead (Supreme Divinity) is one who is composed of three who are totally and completely one in identity, thought, power, purpose and will. God’s presentation of Himself to man is (Gen. 1:1-31 & John 4:24) #1 God- spirit of life- the essence of life- life itself/Creator, (John 4:29-42 & Titus 1:4) #2 Jesus-body/Saviour and (John 14:15-23 & Rom. 8:9) #3 Holy Spirit-God’s soul/Comforter. (Col. 2:8-9) In Jesus dwells all the Godhead bodily.

(Col. 1:13-17 esp. V.15) Jesus is the image (representation) of the invisible God. When God said; “Let US make man in OUR image” God’s Body, Soul, and Spirit was the US and mankind, made in God’s image, (1Thess. 5:23) is also body, soul and spirit.

We, as Christians, Catholic or Protestant, must desperately understand that we are caught between two God’s/god’s war for our souls because:

(2Cor. 4:4) In whom the god of this world, hath blinded (Strong’s #5186: to blunt the mental discernment, darken the mind from #5185: to obscure) the minds (Strong’s #3540: mental perception, thoughts, purposes) of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” (2Cor. 11:13-15) (V.13) For such are false apostles (Strong’s #5570: one who falsely claims to be an ambassador of Christ also Strong’s #5571 & 652: pretended preacher, false teacher), deceitful workers transforming themselves (Strong’s #3345: to change the figure of) into the apostles of Christ,” (V.14) And no marvel (Strong’s #2298: wonderful, marvelous, worthy of pious admiration); for Satan (Strong’s #4567: the accuser, the devil, adversary, the prince of evil spirits, he incites apostasy from God, sin) himself is transformed (same #3345) into an angel of light.” (V.15) Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers (Strong’s #1249: one who executes the commands of another, a servant, from the top of the list: an attendant, a Christian teacher, pastor, deacon) also be transformed (same #3345) as the ministers of righteousness (Strong’s #1343: the state of him who is as he is ought to be, the condition acceptable to God); whose end shall be according to their works.”

SATAN’S METHOD: (Luke 4:1-14) When the devil tempted (scrutinize, entice, examine, test) Jesus he first tempted (V.3) Jesus’ soul to see if pride was there by challenging Jesus to “show off” His power by changing a stone into bread which Jesus must have desperately craved since He had fasted (V.2) for forty days. (V.4) “And Jesus answered him, saying, It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.”

(5-6) (V.5) The devil took Jesus up on a high mountain and showed Jesus all the kingdoms of the world. Second, the devil tempted Jesus’ human nature by offering to “buy” Jesus’ loyalty with earthly things. Can you imagine the gold, silver, precious jewels, sinful and pleasurable activities of people, cities, kingdoms, armies, and everything else the world had to offer the devil showed Jesus? And he could have given it too because Satan is (2Cor. 4:4) the god of this world!

Third, the devil (V.9-11) tempted Jesus’ intellect by using God’s Holy Word drawn out of context. Satan had misquoted (Psa. 91:11-12) which says; (V.11)For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. (V.12) They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.” But Satan said; (Luke 4:9-11 esp. V.10-11) For it is written, He gave his angels charge over thee, to keep thee: Satan left out in all thy ways (V.11) And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest Satan added at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.

Satan’s incorrect quoting changed the whole meaning of the situation in that instead of God’s provision and protection it became an act of vanity which made it a challenge to God thus tempting God!

In each assault Jesus defeated the devil by using and obeying God’s Holy Word in the context of its true meaning and you and I can also defeat Satan, the devil, (2Tim. 2:15) if we STUDY TO SHOW THYSELF APPROVED UNTO GOD. When a person starts rebelling against God’s Word through ignorance, laziness, neglect, not caring, ignoring, and etc. (John 8:44) the devil will be right there to help that person deceive himself through God’s Word taken out of context.

***And it is imperative that we know this!*** (John 1:1*-14* keyword: Word) (V.1*) In the beginning was the Word (Defined: Strong’s Book #3056: something said, the thought, reasoning or motive of God, the Divine Expression i.e. Christ: i.e. is the abbreviation for id est which is Latin and means saying the same thing another way), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (V.14*) And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,” JESUS IS THE LIVING WORD OF GOD! SO, IF YOU DENY, VIOLATE, DISTORT OR REFUSE TO STUDY GOD’S WORD YOU HAVE DONE THAT TO JESUS!

Please read the three part Introduction, to the commentary Sin in Church on this website Jesus Me And At least both  Catholics and Protestants read (Part 2) Was the Church that Came to America Founded on Christian Principles” which explores the founding of both the Catholic and Protestant churches before you read the rest of this commentary because it contains the documented information concerning; the origin of Catholicism under the Caesars absolute control and the origin of Protestantism and the horrifying struggle between them in Europe before America was even known and why the Pilgrims came to America. (Part one) covers the war with England and the resulting development of the Constitution. It also answers the questions “Was America founded on Christian Principles” you hear and/or read about AND was there a separation of church and state in the Constitution? (Part 3) Is Your Church Founded on Christian Principles—Are You? Do you know that only two nations were founded by a covenant with God? I am sure it will shine the bright light of understanding and you will be amazed and shocked, probably several times when you read the three articles. Local people who know me have told me the three articles were a shocking eye opener that amazed them. Please, please, please read them because it will make this whole commentary easier to understand.

(2Tim. 3:16) “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable (Strong’s #5624: advantageous) for doctrine (Strong’s #1319: teaching, instruction), for reproof (Strong’s #1650: that by which a thing is proved or tested, conviction), for correction (Strong’s #1882: restoration to an upright or right state, correction, improvement of life or character), for instruction (Strong’s #3809: the whole training and education of children which relates to the cultivation of minds and morals, and employs for this purpose now commands and admonitions, now reproof and punishment. It also includes the training and care of the body, whatever in adults also cultivates the soul esp. by correcting mistakes and curbing passions, instruction which aims at increasing virtue, chastisement in righteousness (Strong’s #1343: the condition acceptable to God, the doctrine concerning the way in which man may attain a state approved of God, integrity, virtue, purity of life, rightness, correctness of thinking, feeling, acting, justice or the virtue which gives each his due):”  

Please see (1Cor. 3:1-11 esp. V.1 keywords: babes & V.3-4 carnal then 1John 1:1 thru 2:1 & the first 8 words of  2:2 keywords: we, us, our They will give you a 1) look at the apostles, 2) look at yourself, 3) at your brothers and sisters in Jesus, 4) and at me; then read (1Pet 3:7-18 esp. *V.16* keywords: unto their own destruction & *V.18* keywords: grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ). (1Tim. 4:11 keyword: teach & 2Tim. 4:2 keyword: Preach) Paul was writing  his letters to Timothy instructing him what to teach and preach which means the writings are to all of us and Paul wrote (2Tim. 2:10-26 esp. V.15) “Study (Strong’s #4704: make haste, to exert oneself, endeavor, give diligence) to show thyself approved (Strong’s #1384: accepted, pleasing) unto God,”

#1) PAY ATTENTION TO THESE THREE PARAGRAPHS BECAUSE YOUR ETERNAL LIFE WILL DEPEND ON IT! (Mark 12:30) “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart (Strong’s #2588: blood flow, life itself), and with all thy soul (Strong’s #5590: personality, self), and with all thy mind (Strong’s #1271: understanding, way of thinking, feeling), and with all thy strength (Strong’s #2479: ability, force, might: synonyms of strength: power, brawn, muscle): this is the first commandment.” (John 1:3 & 10) (V.3) “All things were made by him, and without him was not any thing made that was made.” (V.10) “He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.” (1Tim. 3:16) “And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.”

#2) AGAIN ***And it is imperative that we know this!*** (John 1:1*-14* keyword: Word) (V.1*) In the beginning was the Word (Defined: Strong’s Book #3056: something said, the thought, reasoning or motive of God, the Divine Expression i.e. Christ: i.e. is the abbreviation for id est which is Latin and means saying the same thing another way), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (V.14*) And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,” JESUS IS THE LIVING WORD OF GOD! SO, IF YOU DENY, VIOLATE, DISTORT OR REFUSE TO STUDY GOD’S WORD YOU HAVE DONE THAT TO JESUS!

#3) ***(read these->John 14:15-26 esp. V.15-17 & 26 esp. V.15 “If ye love me, keep my commandments”)->*** IF YOU WILL NOT STUDY THE WORD OF GOD YOU DO NOT LOVE JESUS AND ARE REFUSING TO KNOW JESUS AND KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS (read these>John 8:43-45 & 13:48 then 2Cor. 4:4 keywords: the god of this world & 11:13-15 keywords: (V.14) for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light & V.15 his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness)> OR IF YOU LIE AND PERVERT THE WORD OF GOD YOU ARE LISTENING TO THE WRONG god AND YOU ARE CALLING JESUS A LIAR BECAUSE (John 14:26 again: keywords: “But the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things” (Rev. 19:1-21 esp. V.13 keywords: and his name is called The Word of God & 20:10-15 esp. V.12-15) A horror at the judgment if YOU DO NOT LOVE JESUS ENOUGH TO STUDY AND LISTEN TO THE HOLY SPIRIT “WITH ALL THY HEART, AND WITH ALL THY SOUL, AND WITH ALL THY MIND, AND WITH ALL THY STRENGTH”!

If you want to cringe or maybe even gag please click on the HOME page, scroll down the page about ¾ of the way and read the article under the sub-title THE CHURCH IN AMERICA: STATISTICS. The statistics are about Protestant Christians. If you wish to see an article concerning Catholicism please see: Pew Research Center 4/27/09: Leaving Catholicism;

All Biblical usages of the word conscience have the same definition: (the soul’s perception of right and wrong). (Acts 24:16) The conscience is exercised (trained, programmed), by thinking (intellect, reason, and rationalization) and that results in action. The measurement of the strength of an action is an individual’s willpower.

All acts controlled by the conscience are based on faith in and value of which results in loyalty to and allegiance with what and/or who. (Rom. 2:14-15) There is a “natural conscience” that enables man to establish rules of order so mankind can live together. (Gen. 4:1 thru 11:1 then especially after 11:4-9  when God confounded their language and scattered the groups at Babel) Laws against murder, theft or whatever were in the spoken or written non-biblical tribes, clans, societies and etc. since they have existed long before the Bible and Christians got to wherever these groups were.

A conscience is programmed first by an individual’s immediate family then as they grow older their conscience is programmed by their neighbors and then as they mature their conscience is programmed by their society. Consciences are programmed across the spectrum from a head hunter taught to take the head of a member of some other tribe to an honest, upstanding family that teaches their child to be an upstanding citizen in whatever society they live in to (internet info) an African tribe such as the Asante Empire, the Kingdom of Dahomey, the Yoruba, the Imbangala and the Efik (Afik) programming their conscience to take prisoners from other African tribes and sell them for slaves to European or Arab traders to a Protestant, if he/she truly believes what their denominational church believes, teaches and preaches to a Catholic if he/she truly believes what their church believes, teaches and preaches.

(1Cor. 1:10-13) The apostle Paul wrote; (V.10) “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together (Strong’s #2675: to fit, sound, complete, to mend what has been broken, to repair, put in order, ethically: make one what he ought to be) in the same mind and in the same judgment.” (V.11-13) Then Paul described the divisions that were already taking place in that church.

(Acts 18:18 thru 22:30) Paul was traveling and planting churches in Asia with the intent of finishing his trip in Jerusalem. (Acts 19:26) He had planted a church in Ephesus. (Acts 20:15-32) (V.17) Paul was on the way to Jerusalem and sent for the elders of the church at Ephesus while he was at Miletus. (V.18-26) Paul declared his stance and service to God and (V.25) Paul said they would never see him again. (V.26-28) Basically Paul told them their responsibility was to guide the church according to God’s Word and the Holy Spirit and never forget they were bought with Jesus’ blood. BECAUSE:

(V.29-30) (V.29) “For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous (Strong’s #926: heavy, burdensome, severe, stern, violent, cruel, unsparing) wolves (Strong’s #3074: metaphor of cruel, greedy, rapacious, destructive men) enter in among you, not sparing the flock.” (V.30) “Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things (Strong’s #1294: to distort, turn aside, to oppose, plot against the saving purposes and plans of God, to turn aside from the right path, to pervert, corrupt), to draw away disciples after them.” See: (Rev. 1:20 keywords: the seven candlesticks are the seven churches THEN Rev. 2:1-7 esp. V.4-5) Jesus said He would remove the church at Ephesus (the candlestick) if they did not repent and return to their first love! The church might go on but the Holy Spirit would be gone and (2Cor. 4:4 keywords: the god of this world” SEE #3) the 7th paragraph above) would be their spiritual leader and one of his (2Cor 11:14-15) fake preachers of righteousness would control their doctrine!

Ask the internet for a list of the names of the different denominational Protestant churches. Also ask for the names of the churches that say homosexuality is an acceptable Christian lifestyle. Read (Lev. 20:13 keyword: abomination, Rom. 1:18-29 keyword: fornication then 1Cor. 6:18 keywords: flee fornication *(Rom. 1:29 keyword: fornication: Strong’s #4202: illicit (unlawful) sexual intercourse, adultery, sexual immorality, homosexuality, intercourse with animals, etc.).

As you can see all this destruction of God’s true church was taking place while Paul was alive and writing *(Rom. 1:29) what would become our Holy Bible before there was a Catholic or a Protestant church! That is why it is imperative that you read the three part ***Introduction to the Sin in Church commentary*** before you go any further in this study.

(John 3:5-8 esp. V.8) (V.8) “The wind bloweth where it listeth (Strong’s #2309: to will, have in mind, intend), and thou hearest the sound thereof (Strong’s #846: himself, herself, themselves, itself), but canst not tell whence (Strong’s #4159: of place, from where, from what condition) it cometh, and whither it goeth: so is every one that is born (Strong’s #1080 from 1085: figuratively, to regenerate) of the Spirit (Strong’s #4151: the third person of the triune God, the Holy Spirit, coequal, coeternal, with the Father and the Son).” The Holy Spirit is like the wind; where did it come from? Where did it go? The Holy Spirit is like a secret agent; you can see the effects of Him but you can’t see Him. AND:

(Rev. 2:17) He that hath an ear (Strong’s #3775: a metaphor for the faculty of perceiving with the mind, the faculty of understanding and knowing), let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; (SEE: Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 26, 3:5, 12, 21 keyword in all: overcometh) to him that overcometh (Strong’s #3528: to conquer) will I give to eat of the hidden (Strong’s #2928: to hide, conceal, escape notice) manna (Strong’s #3131: the food that nourished the Israelites for forty years in the desert, the manna that was kept in the ark of the covenant, symbolically, that which is kept in the heavenly for the food of angles and the blessed), and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. (#1) At that time in ancient Greece the results of jury trials were given with plain stones; black for guilty or white for innocent. (#2) OR it was the custom of the Romans to give a white stone to the victors in athletic competitions with the name of the victor inscribed on the white stone. Biblical scholars argue which of  the two white stones above (2Tim. 3:16) God was referring to in this scripture with some of them admitting they just wasn’t sure what God meant. Obviously the name written in the white stone is ‘MINE’ because (Eph. 1:13-14 & Rom. 8:6-17) it is an I know so salvation because at the time of salvation the Holy Spirit takes up residence within us and tells us we are saved! How else would we know we are saved unless God tells us we are saved through the Holy Spirit? No mere man can possibly tell us we are saved because man is not a reader of souls. BUT:

We, as Christians, Catholic or Protestant, must desperately understand that we are caught between two God’s/god’s war for our souls because:

AGAIN! (2Cor. 4:4) In whom the god of this world, hath blinded (Strong’s #5186: to blunt the mental discernment, darken the mind from #5185: to obscure) the minds (Strong’s #3540: mental perception, thoughts, purposes) of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.” (2Cor. 11:13-15) (V.13) For such are false apostles (Strong’s #5570: one who falsely claims to be an ambassador of Christ also Strong’s #5571 & 652: pretended preacher, false teacher), deceitful workers transforming themselves (Strong’s #3345: to change the figure of) into the apostles of Christ,” (V.14) And no marvel (Strong’s #2298: wonderful, marvelous, worthy of pious admiration); for Satan (Strong’s #4567: the accuser, the devil, adversary, the prince of evil spirits, he incites apostasy from God, sin) himself is transformed (same #3345) into an angel of light.” (V.15) Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers (Strong’s #1249: one who executes the commands of another, a servant, from the top of the list: an attendant, a Christian teacher, pastor, deacon) also be transformed (same #3345) as the ministers of righteousness (Strong’s #1343: the state of him who is as he is ought to be, the condition acceptable to God); whose end shall be according to their works.”

DO NOT FORGET: (John 8:3) Jesus was in contention with the scribes and Pharisees and (John 8:44) Jesus said “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own for he is a liar, and the father of it.” REMEMBER: (Gen, 3:1-7) He distorted God’s Holy Word and murdered Eve and Adam! Think about it. (Gen. 2:9 & 17) He took away their eternal life in Eden, they had carnal mind’s because they knew good and evil and they died when their lifespan was over! (2Thess. 2:3) THE GREAT FALLING AWAY IS WELL UNDERWAY BECAUSE: NOW YOU SEE THE SOURCE OF DENOMINATIONS AND HOW SO MANY OF THEM BASE THEIR TEACHING AND PREACHING ON THE DISTORTION OF GOD’S HOLY WORD AND THAT DISTORTED WORD WILL PREVENT ITS BELIEVERS’ FROM HAVING THEIR ETERNAL LIFE WITH GOD (Rev. 20:10-15 esp. V.14 keywords: and death and hell were cast into the lake of fire) TO FOREVER DIE BUT CANNOT GET IT ACCOMPLISHED SO THEY CAN ESCAPE THE DEVIL AND HIS ANGELS THAT WILL TORMENT THEM THERE IN THE FIRE!

SATAN’S METHOD: (Luke 4:1-13) When the devil tempted (scrutinize, entice, examine, test) Jesus he first tempted (V.3) Jesus’ soul to see if pride was there by challenging Jesus to “show off” His power by changing a stone into bread which Jesus must have desperately craved since He had fasted (V.2) for forty days. Jesus answered; “It is written, That man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.” (Isa. 40:8) “The grass withereth, the flower fadeth: but the word of our God shall stand forever.”

(V.5-7) Second, the devil tempted Jesus’ human nature by offering to “buy” Jesus’ loyalty with earthly things. Can you imagine the gold, silver, precious jewels, sinful and pleasurable activities of people, cities, kingdoms armies, and everything the world had to offer the devil showed Jesus? And he could have given it too because (from the above paragraph) Satan is (2Cor. 4:4) the god of this world! Jesus answered; “Get thee behind me Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. (Deut. 11:13) “to love the Lord your God, and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul,”

Third, (V.9) the devil brought Jesus to Jerusalem and set him on a pinnacle of the temple and said unto him, if thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down from hence (V.10-11) and quoted the devil’s version of God’s Holy Word; (Luke 4:9-11 esp. V.10-11) For it is written, He gave his angels charge over thee, to keep thee: Satan left out in all thy ways (V.11) And in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest Satan added at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone.Satan had misquoted (Psa. 91:11-12) which says; (V.11)For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways. (V.12) They shall bear thee up in their hands, lest thou dash thy foot against a stone.(Luke 4:12) “And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.” (Deut. 6:16) “Ye shall not tempt the Lord your God, as ye tempted him in Massah.”

Satan’s incorrect quoting changed the whole meaning of the situation in that instead of God’s provision and protection it became an act of vanity which made it a challenge to God thus tempting God!

*****In each assault Jesus defeated the devil by using and obeying God’s Old Testament Holy Word (the New Testament had not yet been written) in the context of its true meaning and you and I can also defeat Satan, the devil, (2Tim. 2:15) if we STUDY TO SHOW THYSELF APPROVED UNTO GOD. When a person starts rebelling against God’s Word through spiritual deception, ignorance, laziness, neglect, not caring, ignoring, and etc. (John 8:44) the devil will be right there to help that person deceive himself through God’s Word taken out of context.

NOTE: History teaches the Romans named their whip the scourge (Matt. 20:18-19) and being whipped with it was called being scourged or present tense, to scourge. It is a stout wooden handle with multi-lashes, usually nine, 18-24 inches long with bits of steel and tiny shards of bone platted into them. The scourging consists of thirty- nine strokes upon the naked body of their victim. END OF NOTE.

THEN: (V.13) “And when the devil had ended all temptation, he departed from him for a season (Strong’s #2540: a measure of time, a larger or smaller portion of time, hence: a fixed and definite time, the time when things are brought to crisis, the decisive epoch waited for, opportune or seasonable time).”

THINK ABOUT THIS: (Psa. 129:3) The prophesy that Jesus’ back was like a plowed field (John 19:1) when He was scourged AND Isa. 52:14 thru 53 the prophesy concerning Jesus) “his visage (Strong’s #4758: sight, appearance) was so marred (Strong’s #4893: disfigurement of face) more than any man.” (Matt 26:65-67 esp. V.67) The temple guard of the high priest “spit in Jesus’ face and buffeted him; and others smote him” (Matt. 27:1-2) When the morning was come, all the chief priests and elders of the people took counsel against Jesus to put him to death:”   (Luke 22:63-65) The men that held Jesus mocked him, smote him, blindfolded him, struck him in the face “And many other things blasphemously spake they against him.” THEN: (Luke 22:66) “And as soon as it was day,” (John 19:1-3) Pilate ordered that Jesus be scourged and the Roman soldiers scourged Jesus with the Roman scourge, then they platted a crown of thorns and jammed it on his head (V.3) “And said, Hail, King of the Jews! And they smote him with their hands.” (John 19:13-42) And they crucified Jesus. I have written all this so I could ask you this; “CAN YOU EVEN IMAGINE WHAT SATAN, THE DEVIL, SAID TO JESUS IN THE SEEMINGLY ENDLESS HOURS OF JESUS’ TORTURE AND DEATH?   

AGAIN: ***And it is imperative that we know this!*** (John 1:1*-14* keyword: Word) (V.1*) In the beginning was the Word (Defined: Strong’s Book #3056: something said, the thought, reasoning or motive of God, the Divine Expression i.e. Christ: i.e. is the abbreviation for id est which is Latin and means saying the same thing another way), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (V.14*) And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,” JESUS IS THE LIVING WORD OF GOD! SO, If you deny, violate, distort or refuse to study God’s WORD you have done that to Jesus! This scripture will be used again probably multiple times.


See by John Salza for the Catholic information given below.

Ultimately Catholics baptize their babies to rid them from the inherited original sin in the garden of Eden and they give many general scriptures to prove they are correct such as (Ex. 12:24-28, Ps. 51:7, Job 14:1-4 RSV Bible, Matt. 8:5-13, 9:2, 18:2-5, 28:18-20, Mark 2:3-5, 9:22-25, Luke 18:15-17, Acts 2:38-39, 21:21, Rom. 5:12, Eph. 6:1, Col. 1:2, Col. 3:20 & etc.). Then as the child grows up the parents and family then other Catholics and their Church program the child’s conscience to the Catholic doctrine.

Protestants: (*Rom. 5:12* keywords: “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men (Strong’s #444: a human being, whether male or female), for that all have sinned:” (Gen. 3:5-24 esp. V.8-13 & Rom. 8:6-9 esp. V.6 keywords: to be carnally minded is death & V.7 keywords: Because the carnal mind is enmity against God (carnal is defined: Strong’s #4561 the body of flesh, bones and blood & from the base of #4563 by implication, human nature with its frailties and passions then mind is defined: Strong’s #5427: the thoughts and purposes) Protestants believe mankind inherited the fallen, carnal human nature from Eden and that sin nature brought forth death. So, the law of sin and death came from the events in Eden. That carnal sin nature from Eden is obvious in any child. If a child is caught doing something it shouldn’t do its first instinct is to lie. EXAMPLE: My youngest son refused to be potty trained and still wore diapers a few months after his 2ND birthday. A few days earlier my wife had said; “Jim we’ve got either the stubbornnest or stupidest child in the world!” We were watching TV when the ‘special’ odor came drifting under our noses. I said, “Eric have you pooped your diaper again?” He looked gravely at me and said; “Jimmie pooped in my diaper Dad!” which was our oldest son.

Protestants believe: #1) (*Rom. 5:12* above) that all people are born with the inherited sin nature, (Rom. 8:6-8) the carnal nature, from Eden because it is in our nature to sin. #2) (John 12:32) Jesus, through the Holy Spirit, must draw a person toward salvation before they can be saved, it is a process and that person makes the decision of yes or no to start attending church. A person starts attending church and   during that process God reveals Himself more and more and God reveals the person to himself more and more. (Eph. 2:8-9) (V.8) “For by Grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:” (V.9) “Not of works, lest any man should boast.” God is builds faith within the person. (Heb. 11:1) Now faith (Strong’s #4102: persuasion in or conviction of moral truth; a firm belief in the truthfulness of God or religious truth, particularly reliance on Christ for salvation) is the substance (Strong’s #5287: foundation, the underlying reality) of things hoped for (Strong’s Book #1679 from #1680: to expect, trust for salvation with joy and full confidence), the evidence (Strong’s #1650: proof) of things not seen.”

(Eph. 1:12-14) (V.12) That we should be to the praise of his glory, who first trusted in Christ.” (V.13) In whom ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation: in whom also after that ye believed (Strong’s #4100: to have faith in), ye were sealed with that holy Spirit (Strong’s #4151: the third person of the triune God, the Holy Spirit, coequal, coeternal with the Father and the Son) of promise (Strong’s #1860: announcement),” (V.14) Which is the earnest (Strong’s Book #728: a pledge, given in advance as security) of our inheritance (Strong’s #2817: possession) until the redemption (Strong’s #629: a releasing effected by payment of ransom) of the purchased possession (Strong’s Book 4047: acquisition, preservation, saving), unto the praise of his glory.” When a person prays and receives salvation the Holy Spirit enters them and tells them. It is an I Know So salvation event! BECAUSE (2Cor. 5:17) Therefore if any man (Strong’s #1536: whoever) be in Christ, he is a new (Strong’s #2537: recently made, fresh) creature (Strong’s #2937: the act of founding, a new creation): old things are passed away; behold all things are become (Strong’s #1096: to come into existence) new (Strong’s #2537: recently made, fresh).”

I knelt down beside my bed, a man grown, a tough ex-Marine, 2 combat tours in Vietnam, now working in an underground coal mine, but I was crying, and I could feel God’s presence and I said; “I’m sorry I have sinned so much.” NOTHING! I was feeling desperate because God was there! “Will you please forgive me from my sins?” NOTHING! My desperation was full blown, I felt like I was somehow wilting inside and I sobbed out; “Oh God, I’ll do anything if You’ll JUST SAVE ME!” It was hard to explain then, but instantly my sin burden was gone! I had never felt so loved in my life! I felt brand new inside! I somehow knew I was forever changed! And I somehow loved this unseen God who had rescued me! Just as the preachers had said in some of their sermons; “You’ll know it when God saves you because the Holy Spirit will tell you!” I had a KJV Holy Bible at that time and I had looked up the scriptures they had used but I did not have much comprehension of what they meant. BUT I knew God had saved me! I  couldn’t explain it at that time because I didn’t know much about the Bible but I was suddenly filled with a burning desire to know everything about God! It was September 19, 1976.

If you wish you can read about my complete salvation experience in the article About the Writer located next to the Home page. I’m sure you will get a great big belly laugh at the complete fool I made of myself in church in the morning before I lived my salvation experience at home that evening. You will be astonished by what God did to me, a nearly illiterate hillbilly. Mom had her foot across my throat; “Get that high school diploma or else.” So I took the easy courses. I almost failed English 2 so I took English 3 and 4 in summer school. Pay attention, don’t start trouble and you’ll pass. I had never heard of anyone failing summer school. Personal computers weren’t known for public use in 1960. Years later when God told me to write a Christian website I didn’t know how to use a computer and my wife had to teach me how to use one. You will be shocked by what God did with this website the a few months less than the first 4 years it was online and etc. I’m sure you will enjoy it because it is somewhat of an adventure story and it won’t take you very long to read it; so please, please do read it.


Catholics practice baptizing babies and they believe the baby is too young to have faith and (EXAMPLES: Mark 2:3-5 through the faith of the four bed bearers the man with palsy was forgiven of his sins. Matt. 8:5-13 Jesus healed the centurion’s servant based on the centurion’s faith. Mark 9:22-25 Jesus exorcises the child’s unclean spirit based on the father’s faith) the faith of the baby’s parents is what God sees and the baby receives forgiveness of the sin inherited from Eden (Matt. 18:4 “Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.” Mark 10:14 “Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God”) and becomes an adopted son or daughter of God and receives the grace of the Holy Spirit.

NOTE: NEXT are the seven Sacraments copied verbatim from their literature with their underlining and their highlighting is in blue but I only have black available on my computer. END OF NOTE.

By Scott P. Richert

Updated on July 19, 2024

The seven sacraments—Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion, Confession, Marriage, Holy Orders, and the Anointing of the Sick—are the life of the Catholic Church. All the sacraments were instituted by Christ Himself, and each is an outward sign of an inward grace. When we participate in them worthily, each provides us with graces—with the life of God in our soul. In worship, we give to God that which we owe Him; in the sacraments, He gives us the graces necessary to live a truly human life.

The first three sacraments—Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion—are known as the sacraments of initiation because the rest of our life as Christians depend on them.

The Sacrament of Baptism

The Sacrament of Baptism the first of the three  sacraments of initiation, is also the first of the seven sacraments in the Catholic Church. It removes the guilt and effects of Original Sin and incorporates the baptized into the Church, the Mystical Body of Christ on Earth. We cannot be saved without baptism.

* What Makes a Baptism Valid?

* Where Should a Catholic Baptism Take Place?

The Sacrament of Confirmation

The Sacrament of Confirmation is the second of three sacraments of initiation because it was historically administered immediately after the Sacrament of Baptism. Confirmation perfects our baptism and brings us the graces of the Holy Spirit that were granted to the Apostles on Pentecost Sunday.

* Why Are Catholics Anointed With Chrism at Confirmation?

* How Do I Get Confirmed?   

The Sacrament of Holy Communion

While Catholics in the West today normally make their First Communion before they receive the Sacrament of Confirmation, the Sacrament of Holy Communion, the reception of Christ’s Body and Blood, was historically the third of the three sacraments of initiation. This sacrament, the one we receive most often throughout our lives, is the source of great graces that sanctify us and help us grow in the likeness of Jesus Christ. The Sacrament of Holy Communion is sometimes called the Eucharist.

* What are the Rules for Fasting Before Communion?

*  How Often Can Catholics Receive Holy Communion?

* How Late Can I arrive at Mass and Still Receive Communion?

* Why Do Catholics Receive Only the Host in Communion?

The Sacrament of Confession

The Sacrament of Confession, also known as the Sacrament of Penance and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, is one of the least understood, and least utilized, sacraments in the Catholic Church. Reconciling us to God, confession is a great source of grace, and Catholics are encouraged to take advantage of it often, even if they are not aware of having committed a mortal sin.

* Seven Steps to Making a Better Confession

* How Often Should You Go to Confession?

* What Do I Have to Confess Before Communion?

* What Sins Should I Confess?

The Sacrament of Marriage

Marriage, a lifelong union between a man and a woman for procreation and mutual support, is a natural institution, but it is also one of the seven sacraments of the Catholic Church. As a sacrament, it reflects the union of Jesus Christ and His Church. The Sacrament of Marriage is also known as the Sacrament of Matrimony.

* Can I Get Married in the Catholic Church?

* What Makes a Catholic Marriage Valid?

* What Is Matrimony?

The Sacrament of Holy Orders

The Sacrament of Holy Orders is the continuation of Christ’s priesthood, which He bestowed upon His Apostles. There are three levels to this sacrament of ordination: the episcopate, the priesthood, and the diaconate.

* The Office of Bishop in the Catholic Church

* Are There Married Catholic Priests?

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

Traditionally referred to as Extreme Unction or Last Rites, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is administered both to the dying and to those who are gravely ill or are about to undergo a serious operation, for the recovery of their health and spiritual strength.

* What are Last Rites, and How Are They Performed?

NOTE: I asked the internet; “What are last rites?” The article came up “What Are Last Rites / Ever Loved” with a heart symbol. I copied it verbatim. END OF NOTE.

The end of life can be a difficult and emotional time, and for many, the idea of having a final spiritual ceremony can bring a sense of peace and closure. One such ceremony is known as the “last rites.” The phrase may evoke images of somber religious rituals, but what exactly are the last rites, and who are they for? Whether you’re just curious about last rites and the meaning behind them or are looking into last rites rights for a dying patient, you’ve come to the right place. This article covers the meaning of last rites, who can perform them, and what it means when they can’t be performed before someone passes away.

What are the last rites?

Last rites, also known as the sacraments of the dying, are a set of rituals and prayers performed for a person who is in danger of death. The rites include the anointing of the sick, confession, communion, and the apostolic pardon when performed for Catholics. The anointing of the sick is a sacrament in which a priest blesses the sick person with holy oil and offers prayers for their healing and spiritual well-being. Confession involves the confession of sins and the receiving of absolution from a priest. Communion is the reception of the Eucharist, and the apostolic pardon is a prayer for the forgiveness of sins.

When are last rites given?

Last rites are typically given to individuals who are in danger of death due to illness, old age, or injury. The sacraments are meant to provide spiritual support and comfort to the dying person and prepare them for the afterlife. In some cases, last rites may also be given to those who are facing imminent danger, such as soldiers going into battle.

Who can recite the last rites?

Last rites are typically administered by a priest or minister of the person’s faith. In the Catholic Church, for example, only a priest can administer the anointing of the sick and offer the apostolic pardon. In addition to this, the last rites involve the absolution of sins, which can only be done by an ordained priest.

Can anyone give the last rites in an emergency?

Unfortunately, only an ordained priest can administer the last rites for Catholics, even in an emergency situation. While someone who wasn’t an ordained priest could technically go through the steps of the last rites, these would not be considered valid last rites under the Catholic church. In other religions, it’s possible for others to be able to provide last rites in an emergency. For clarity, consult with your religious leaders.

Can last rites be given after death?

No, last rites are typically performed well before death (for those who are terminally ill) or in the immediate moments before death. Once a person has passed away, the sacraments of the dying are no longer applicable. However, the Catholic Church does offer a special ritual called the Rite of Christian Burial, which is performed after a person’s death. This rite includes prayers for the deceased person’s soul and the sprinkling of holy water on the casket. It is meant to provide comfort and support to the family and friends of the deceased and to pray for the repose of the person’s soul.

The process of receiving Catholic last rites

The process of receiving Catholic last rites involves prayers, sacraments, and other rituals:

Confession: The sacrament of confession, also known as reconciliation or penance, is the first step in receiving last rites. The person confesses their sins to a priest, who then absolves them of their sins and offers words of encouragement and forgiveness.

Anointing of the Sick: The anointing of the sick is a sacrament that is part of the last rites in which a priest blesses the sick person with holy oil and offers prayers for their healing and spiritual well-being. The anointing is usually performed on the forehead and hands of the person, while the priest offers prayers for strength, forgiveness, and peace. The anointing of the sick is typically what folks think of when they think of the last rites prayer.

Communion: The sacrament of communion, also known as the Eucharist, involves the reception of the body and blood of Christ. During last rites, the person is given the opportunity to receive communion, which is seen as a spiritual nourishment for the journey into the afterlife.

Apostolic Pardon: The apostolic pardon is a prayer for the forgiveness of sins that is given at the moment of death. It is typically offered by a priest as part of the last rites and is seen as a way of preparing the person’s soul for the afterlife.

In addition to these sacraments and prayers, the priest may also offer words of comfort and support to the person and their family members, and may offer additional prayers or blessings as appropriate.

When to call a priest for last rites

For Catholics, It is appropriate to call a priest for last rites when a person is seriously ill, especially if they are in danger of dying. It is important to remember that last rites are not just for those who are on their deathbed, but also for those who are seriously ill or undergoing a medical procedure that carries a significant risk.

If you are unsure whether to call a priest for last rites, you can consult with the person’s healthcare provider or a chaplain to get guidance. In general, it is better to err on the side of caution and call a priest if you think the person may benefit from the sacraments and prayers of last rites.

It’s also worth noting that in some cases, the person may not be conscious or able to communicate, but last rites can still be administered. The priest can offer the sacraments and prayers, even if the person is unable to respond or participate actively.

In any case, it’s a good idea to have a plan in place for last rites and to communicate your wishes to your loved ones and healthcare providers, so that they can act quickly and appropriately if the need arises.

Catholics dying without last rites

While it is recommended that Catholics receive the sacrament of the last rites before death, it is not an absolute requirement for salvation (think of those who die unexpectedly, in wars, or other situations where a priest could not be located to perform the last rites). If a Catholic dies without receiving the last rites due to unforeseen circumstances or because they were unable to receive them for some reason, they are still able to receive God’s forgiveness and mercy, according to the Catholic Church.

Do you have to be a part of the Catholic church to receive last rites?

No, last rites are not only for Catholics and you do not have to be a part of the Catholic church to receive last rites. While the term “Last Rites” is commonly associated with the Catholic Church, similar rituals and sacraments are performed in other Christian denominations and in other religions as well. For example, in the Eastern Orthodox Church, the sacrament of Holy Unction is performed for the sick and the dying, which involves anointing with oil and prayers for healing and forgiveness. In the Protestant tradition, the sacraments of anointing and laying on of hands are sometimes performed for the sick and the dying. In non-Christian religions, such as Judaism and Islam, there are also prayers and rituals that are performed for the dying and for the dead. The specific rituals and practices may vary depending on the religion and the denomination, but the underlying purpose is generally the same: to provide comfort and spiritual support to the dying person and to prepare them for the afterlife.

Last rites are a significant spiritual ritual that offer comfort and strength to those who are seriously ill or in danger of death. The last rites provide a sense of peace and closure, both for the person receiving the sacrament and their loved ones. Whether it is through the anointing of the sick, confession, or receiving the Eucharist, the last rites offer a powerful source of spiritual healing that can bring comfort and solace in times of great need.

NOTE: I checked some of the above underlined, highlighted, marked with a star and they are much too long to be addressed here. I asked the internet; what is the purpose of the seven Catholic sacraments + scripture.

My answer was an article by Pat Gohn on October 23, 2020, copied verbatim with their highlighting. I do not have blue available on my computer only black. Some of their answers are also highlighted in black. END OF NOTE.

Pat Gohn on October 23, 2020

The seven sacraments – Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony – have five important elements in common.

  1. They are the sacraments of Christ. All are instituted and based on the words and deeds of Jesus. His earthly life announced “what he was going to give the church when all was accomplished” (CCC, 1115). St. Leo the Great taught: “What was visible in our Savior has passed over into his mysteries [sacraments] (CCC, 1115).
  2. They are the sacraments of the church. The Catholic Church and Christ are one. By the power of the Holy Spirit , Christ guides her “to all truth” (John 16:13). The Church is “the faithful steward of God’s mysteries” (CCC, 1117).

The sacraments are “of the church” in the double sense that they are “by her” and “for her.” They are “by the Church,” for she is the sacrament of Christ’s action at work in her through … the Holy Spirit. They are “for the Church” in the sense that “the sacraments make the Church.” (CCC, 1118)

  1. They are sacraments of faith. The Church’s mission from Christ is to “make disciples of all nations, baptizing them” (Matt. 28:19). But first, people’s hearts must be prepared by the word of God and by faith.

The purpose of the sacraments is to sanctify…. They not only presuppose faith but … they also nourish, strengthen, and express it. That is why they are called sacraments of faith. (CCC, 1123)

  1. They are sacraments of salvation. We are saved thanks to Christ at work in each sacrament. Sacraments confer grace, imparting a share in God’s divine life and friendship. Each sacrament offers divine life and friendship. Each sacrament offers unique graces for specific purposes.

The church affirms that for believers the sacraments of the New Covenant are necessary for salvation. (CCC, 1129)

  1. They are sacraments of eternal life.

St. Thomas Aquinas taught that sacraments are a pledge and a sign of our future glory. “The Church celebrates the mystery of her Lord ‘until he comes,’ when God will be ‘everything to everyone.’” (1Corinthians 11:26, 15:28; CCC, 1130)

Sacraments unite us with God and his love and life now – as we await a more perfect communion in heaven.

Copied verbatim:

Catholics: Why the Holy Spirit matters by SISTER ANNA MARIE MCGUAN

Jesus told his Apostles at the Last Supper many things about the Holy Spirit, and some of these are included in the readings at this time, such as: “And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Advocate to be with you always, the Spirit of truth…” (Jn 14:16-17).  In another moment during the Last Supper discourse, Jesus even said to the Apostles, “But I tell you the truth, it is better for you that I go, the Advocate will not come to you. But if I go I will send him to you” (John 16:7). The Holy Spirit’s presence with the Apostles, disciples and with the entire Church throughout the centuries is always meant to be a comfort, a consolation, a leader and a guide to Jesus’ friends.

If we think back to the Last Supper, it is totally appropriate that Jesus would make such a promise at that time. The impending departure of Jesus was troubling his friends. They did not know what was about to happen, and they did not understand many of the things Jesus was saying. All they really seemed to grasp at that moment was that Jesus was going away – and this reality left them in the dark, even desolate.

Jesus knew this, so at the Last Supper he not only instituted the holy Eucharist, whereby he would always be present with his friends, but he also promised them the Counselor, the Holy Spirit. He told them the Holy Spirit would dwell with them and be with them. The Holy Spirit’s presence in and among the disciples would make it possible for them to live for Jesus, just as he was asking them to do. Living for Jesus means more than a simple calling to mind; it is to actually live Christ’s life within the sphere of my own existence. As St. Paul put it, “For to me life is Christ, and death is gain” (Phil 1:21). It is the Holy Spirit that enables that sentence to be true for Paul and for us.

The Holy Spirit makes God’s plan for each of us real, and we know the Holy Spirit by what he does in each life. Here is one way the Catechism expresses this:” –[T] he mission of the Spirit of adoption is to unite [God’s children] to Christ and make them live in him…” (CCC, No. 690).

In other words, that mission is to reveal Jesus, the Word of God, and to make the image of Jesus fully alive in each person. The Holy  Spirit teaches us who Jesus is and how we are to become more and more like him. He also makes us ready to receive Jesus in faith. The life of a baptized person can be an ever increasing union with God through faith, hope and love. The Holy Spirit is the author of that union; he teaches us how to know God better and love him more fully.

There are many ways that the Holy Spirit can do this, but two very important ones are through Sacred Scripture and through the sacraments. In Sacred Scripture, the same Holy Spirit who inspired the sacred authors to write is the one who dwells in the heart of each person reading it. As the Spirit inspired the writing, so the Spirit inspires the reading – so the mind of Christ can be formed in us.

In the Sacraments, we receive grace. Grace makes us like God, but we have to be disposed to it and cooperate with it. What does it mean to be like God? What does God do? Above all else, God knows and loves himself and knows and loves all things within himself. That is why the Lord Jesus taught us that the greatest commandment is to love God: “You shall love the Lord your God, with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. The second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (Mt 22:37-39). The Holy Spirit teaches us and forms us to do what Jesus taught us to do. It is the Holy Spirit that enables us to do this, because “The Holy Spirit, whom Christ the head pours out on his members, builds, animates and sanctifies the Church” (CCC, No. 747).

If you do not have an active and growing relationship with the Holy Spirit, you can ask for that friendship with Him at any time. You can invite the Holy Spirit to play a real, dynamic role in your life starting now. As we turn our minds and hearts toward Pentecost, we can invite the Holy Spirit to renew Pentecost in our own lives.

Sister Anna Marie McGuan, RSM, is director of Christian formation in the Diocese of Knoxville.


Protestants: Baptism: The divided protestant churches are divided into whatever their denomination considers is correct concerning baptism. The Baptist Church I attend believes what the Bible says (1Pet. 3:21) The like figure whereunto even baptism (Strong’s #908: immersion, submersion) doth also now save us (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh (Strong’s #4561 the body of flesh, bones and blood & from the base of #4563 by implication, human nature with its frailties and passions), but the answer of a good (Strong’s #18: good, pleasant, agreeable, joyful, happy) conscience (Strong’s #4893: the soul as distinguishing between what is morally good and bad prompting to do the former and shun the latter) toward God, by the resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

(Rom. 6:3-5) (V.3) “Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?” (V.4) “Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we should walk in newness of life.” (V.5) “For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection.” NOTE: (V.3 & 4) My public baptism honors Jesus by the fact that Jesus died, was buried and resurrected so I could be born again. My public baptism honors Jesus by the fact that I will be able to walk in the newness of life here on earth because I am born again and I’m a new creation in Him. (V.5) My public baptism shows that I have confidence that Jesus will make me part of His resurrection of the saints. ALSO: If you wish to read the awful thing my hard-core, Christian mocking Daddy did to me at my baptism please click on the commentary The Holy Spirit & You, scroll the menu to the article The Holy Spirit is Truth (Part 2): Jesus, My Daddy and Me and read it. You will be shocked; probably several times! END OF NOTE.

TRUE STORY: I awakened one morning  with an aching, burning, Holy Spirit burden to go see a fellow soldier in the VA Hospital at Huntington, W VA about 60 miles away. I had been through a PTSD class at a local VA Hospital where some of the veterans had accepted Jesus as their Saviour because I gave my Bible Based testimony to our group at every meeting and he had heard all of that. No, I did not know what was happening but the Holy Spirit did and that was just fine; “Gotta go Baby; God willing, I’ll eat when I get back.” It is all up to God anyway! When I got there the nurse in charge of the ward told me my friend Joe, a Vietnam hero, was dying. I hurried to his room and his cancer shrunken, wasted body was heaving with great sobs and tears had actually made wet spots on the pillow on each side of his head!

I took his hand; he opened his eyes and I said; “Joe what in the world is going on?” His features twisted and he whispered hoarsely; “They was some Church of Christ people in here. I told ‘em I wanted to get saved but their preacher said I couldn’t get saved because the hospital said I couldn’t be moved to get baptized!” “Joe that is a lie! I flipped my Bible open to (Luke 23:40-46) and read it to him. (V.42) “And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom.” And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, To day shalt thou be with me in paradise.” And Jesus died an hour later.” “See Joe, they didn’t stop the crucifixion to baptize the repentant man on the cross beside Jesus but Jesus saved him ANYWAY! “Help me Jim, help me pray.” “Joe do you want Jesus to save you with all of your heart?” “Oh God, oh God, I want it so bad I can taste it!” I led Joe in his prayer a few words at a time so he could repeat them. I just now had to get up from the computer and walk around our living room with tears in my eyes as I remembered and re-felt the spiritual jar when Joe’s scrawny, wasted, frail body faintly jerked and his raspy whisper voice rasped as loud as his cancer destroyed body would let him; JESUS SAVED ME! I’M SAVED JIM! I’M SAVED! I’M SAVED! Tears were still pouring but they were TEARS OF JOY THAT ONLY JESUS CAN BRING! “Jim bend down here so I can hug you. I bent down real close and lifted his arm and held it on my shoulder and the edge of my neck so he could hug me, he didn’t have the strength to pull or squeeze my neck but it was the best hug I have ever had and I hugged him back the best I could without moving his tortured body. I’m crying now because of Jesus’ (Psa. 145:8) graciousness & compassion, (James 5:11) pity and tender mercy, (2Cor. 10:1) meekness and gentleness, (1John 4:8 & 16) His God love that cannot be measured because it is infinite. Thank YOU beautiful God of all glory for your ‘Amazing Grace’ that saves ‘wretches’ like us! END OF STORY.

Protestants depend on the Holy Spirit (John 14:1-26 esp. V.9 Jesus’ identity is revealed, V.17 “the Spirit of truth” V.23 the Holy Spirit’s identity is revealed & V.26 the work of the Holy Spirit is revealed) “because the Comforter which is the Holy Ghost (Spirit of truth) will teach us all things and bring all things to our remembrance, whatsoever Jesus has said.” REMEMBER? Jesus is the living Word of God. The Protestants have Bible Study in the midweek at church lasting an average of 1&1/2 hours  and Sunday School from 10 AM to 11AM before the actual Church Service starts at 11AM which lasts until it is done.

Protestants are supposed to (2Pet. 3:18) “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.” It is a growing way as we mature as Christians. Click on the commentary Sin in Church and scroll the menu to the article The Four Stages of Spiritual Growth as a Christian: The Need Principle and read that.

As you can see from the 2nd  paragraph above the Sunday School and midweek Bible Study due to communal singing and praying at the beginning at these services and the praying at the end of them there isn’t a lot of time for actual studying. OBVIOUSLY PROTESTANTS HAVE A DESPERATE NEED TO STUDY, FAST AND PRAY AT HOME!

DO YOU REMEMBER: And it is imperative that we know this!*** (John 1:1*-14* keyword: Word) (V.1*) In the beginning was the Word (Defined: Strong’s Book #3056: something said, the thought, reasoning or motive of God, the Divine Expression i.e. Christ: i.e. is the abbreviation for id est which is Latin and means saying the same thing another way), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. (V.14*) And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,” JESUS IS THE LIVING WORD OF GOD! SO, If you deny, violate, distort or refuse to study God’s WORD you have done that to Jesus!

AND THIS: If you want to cringe or maybe even gag please click on the HOME page, scroll down the page about ¾ of the way and read the article under the sub-title THE CHURCH IN AMERICA: STATISTICS. The statistics are about Protestant Christians.

THEN THIS: (2Tim. 2:15) “Study to show thyself approved (Strong’s #1384: pleasing, acceptable) unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed (Strong’s #422: having no cause to be ashamed), rightly dividing (Strong’s Book #3718: to make a straight cut, to dissect correctly the divine message) the word of truth.” “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ;” As you can see Protestants are responsible on an individual basis to study God’s Word (please read these: John 3:16, John 14:15 & 23, 1John 4:1-21 esp. V.8 thru V.19) of love to develop; But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; an ever growing, personal, love relationship with (please! please! Read these scriptures or you will not understand what I am saying! John 1:16-18 esp. V.18 keywords: No man hath seen God at any time, John 4:23-24 esp. V.24 keywords: God is a Spirit & John 14:23 keywords: If a man (Strong’s #5100: a certain one) love me he will keep my words: and my Father will love him (Strong’s #846: himself, herself, themselves, itself), and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him) God/Jesus through the Holy Spirit and God’s Holy Word and through that spiritual growth in grace and knowledge we become more like (John 14:21-23) God/Jesus who inhabits us through the Holy Spirit and we burn with desire to worship Him and serve Him WITH LOVE. It is a love relationship (John 15:14) of friendship! Go back to the top of this commentary and the 6th & 7th paragraphs from the top reveals God’s scriptural identity. And the 9th paragraph from the top identifies how (1Pet. 5:8 & Eph. 6:11-12) Satan, the devil, our greatest enemy has took over and uses some of the Protestant Churches AND I am sure he has infiltrated part of the Catholic Church because you can see on the TV news programs what some Catholics, especially Catholic politicians, voters, movie stars, and athletes have done and are continuing to do!


I won’t mention the Holy Spirit’s work in the following story because you can plainly see His work in the activities of the people involved. You’ll see how God “took care of” our little congregation of Christians through the Holy Spirit when we didn’t even know about the violence in a man’s heart toward us. The violent man didn’t know he was on a collision course with God either.

 *****Please, just spiritually read the aspect of God’s unseen hand as the events unfold. All I can say is, this is simply the way things happened.

(John 14:17 keywords: the Spirit of truth) This is an amazing, true story about how the Holy Spirit works even in the arena of human anger. I was there through the whole thing and I know. I’d heard an acquaintance was dying from cancer. Bill was an older man who, a few years before, had been my section boss in an underground coal mine but we had no social relationship. He was a fair man. He didn’t expect any more out of us than he was willing to give.

Yes, he gave a lot and he expected a lot but we were willing because when the chips were down he was right there in the coal dust mud with us pulling his share of the load. He was quiet, well-mannered and I never saw him angry. One time one of the men said Bill and his wife were Christians. I wasn’t, and I didn’t pay much attention because being a Christian didn’t matter to me. I was aware he was one of the fairest bosses I’d ever had. I did wonder if being a Christian had anything to do with it?

My Daddy knew him and he said Bill was a good man. BUT: He was simply someone I used to know. We’d say our “howdy, how are ye, I’m fine” if we met in a store or on the street and that was about it. I’m sure you have the same kind of zero relationships, no social contact, nothing in common, different friends, you know how it is.

He lived probably 10-12 miles away from where I lived. He had three grown daughters, two of them lived in other states with their husbands and one lived someplace in far western KY. with her husband. Bill had the slow type of cancer and it took that parasite more than two years to kill its host.

Cancer is a stupid parasite; a smart parasite keeps its host alive so it will also live. I know that for a fact, I have cancer and if that’s what kills me I will have the great satisfaction of knowing I have also killed that cancer, my parasite, (1Cor. 15:52-55 esp. V.55) AND after I kill my cancer I get to go on to heaven, to my immortality, while that cancer gets to rot in my grave with my mortality.

Bill and his family wanted him to die at home, so, when he got bad enough their Mother couldn’t give him proper care the daughters started coming home one at a time for one week at a time to help with the lifting, turning, washing; well, you also know how that is. That way they each had two weeks to be with their immediate families and one week to help their Mom with their Dad. Of course, by the time Bill’s cancer came along I’d gotten saved and had been a Christian several years.

One of the members of our congregation persuaded the daughter from Virginia, Debbie, to come to our Church when it was her turn to be in KY. She was a very quiet, unassuming woman who sat with her friend. Debbie quickly became acquainted with several women in the Church, made friends with those loving, friendly, kindly, God people ladies and she was there for our meetings every third week.

Our Holy Spirit led congregation was always kind, friendly and encouraging to visitors; if they kept coming, lost or saved, we welcomed them like they were a part of our Church family because we loved them. God would tend to the rest of it.

Saved or lost didn’t matter, if they were lost they were welcome and we expected them to get saved, we didn’t push it because that’s between them and God. We simply worshipped God, praised God and poured out our souls in throbbing songs about God’s tender mercy, love and grace. Pastor Hubert was a God Love preaching man. I’ve never seen another preacher like him, when he got in his God Groove, God Love poured right out of the pulpit and all over us.

If you’ve read “About the Writer” he’s the one who took me, in his preaching, to see the price Jesus paid for my sorry, useless hide in his God Love sermon the day of the night I got saved. We were free to stand up and testify about what God meant to us and what He’d done in our lives. God blessed and anointed us, and walked among us in His Holy Spirit form, and He lived in our hearts.

God loved us and we loved Him and it showed, oh my how it did. We knew our small hillbilly Church congregation was as important to God as some great cathedral in some large city because God let us know it every time we met. It was a Holy Spirit led Pastor and congregation.

God had set us free, beautifully free, wonderfully free to participate, and by that God was also set free to use us as He saw fit. Yes, I realize that may sound strange to you if you go to one of those dry Churches where the service is cut and dried by rote and there is no participation from the congregation. No, I’m not putting your salvation and your Church down. (Phil. 2:12-13) You and yours have to; “work out your own salvation with fear and trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure.”

Like I said, God had set us free, we had a Pastor who understood that and, through love, we had set God free to do of His good pleasure. Everything was done according to scripture and in decency and order BUT if somebody wanted to testify or sing a song or shout for joy, they did it with our whole-hearted approval.

If you’ve never experienced that kind of unity and communion with God you probably won’t understand and I feel sorry you’ve missed so much in your relationship with God. Only God (Jesus) can give me laughter, tears, sweat and chill bumps all at the same time when His nail scarred hands tenderly, graciously, lovingly hold my heart and He gives me a drink of blessing from His own cup of beautiful, beautiful love.

When the Holy Spirit tells someone to praise God, testify, sing, shout, hug somebody, whatever it is; the Holy Spirit also tells the others it’s God’s will so sit back and enjoy it because you know it’s the right thing. (Mark 16:9-20 esp. V.18) No, we didn’t handle snakes, drink poison and all that stuff either. There are congregations who do things different than us and if that’s their Holy Spirit anointing God bless them and more power to them.

(John 4:23-24) Jesus said; “But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth.” That’s all that will ever count.

We worshipped God as matter of obedience to God through the Holy Spirit, you can find everything said in this, the next two and the four preceding paragraphs, in the Bible if you care to look in the Book of Psalms. King David wrote the Psalms after he’d killed Goliath.

Did you ever wonder why God told David to bring Goliath down with a stone? (Lev. 24:16) The punishment for blasphemy was death by stoning. (1Sam. 17:43) Goliath blasphemed God and God told David to stone him because of it. (1Sam. 17:40) Did you ever wonder why God had David choose five stones with which to fight? Check the scripture, Goliath had four tough relatives and if they wanted a dose of what God could give them God had David ready to stone them too.

There’s a lot for the Church in (1Sam. 17:1-58) such as (V.4) Goliath, the anti-anointed, (V.10) the armies of Israel, the un-anointed, (V.34) Saul, the ex-anointed AND (V.45) David, the anointed. (V.38) Is where Saul visibly quit because his heart wasn’t right with God because there was “I’ll do it my way” in his service to God and there will always be the same visible manifestation of that quitting, “I’ll do it my way” when a Christian has quit serving God.

(V.39) Saul’s armour wouldn’t work for David. A quitter’s reasons won’t work for you either, reasons like blaming someone else for your problems with Church, disobedience due to backbiting, gossip, rumor mongering, trouble making, rebellion, anger, pride, greed, tale bearing and etc. ALSO: I can’t be you and you can’t be me. Your way won’t fit me and my way won’t fit you because to successfully witness for God each Christian must witness from his life lived experience and his relationship with God with all of it based on scripture.

(V.1-58) Is full of examples for the Church; “Send me God because with Your anointing I can be a winner.” “Please heavenly Father, the devil has kicked me around like a sack of moldy potatoes and I’m tired of it, I’M TIRED OF IT! Give me the weapons, I want to get a little, no, A LOT, I want A LOT of my own back!” (V.45) “I’ve got lost family and friends I love; they’re going to hell Lord! Give me the Holy Spirit Christ Fire of righteous indignation so I can tell that Goliath, the devil, “I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied.

(Psa. 22:20) “The Darling of heaven, The Prince of life, the Son of the Living God (Tim. 2:6) paid the Ransom of His life for me and my loved ones. Oh God I’ll do anything, I’ll fast, I’ll pray, I’ll study, I’ll be obedient. (Eph. 6:10-18) Oh Great God of Glory its late but I’m finally right here, give me the full armour of God, let me oh God be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might. Give me the Holy Spirit anointing of power so, if it’s called for, I can fight and die if I need to right at the gates of hell fighting for the souls of my loved ones!” (V.–) well, you know what I mean, don’t you?

SO: Sometimes the Holy Spirit would ignite a Christ Fire Blessing in our souls and the whole service would turn into a singing, testifying love fest for God as people wept with happiness, laughed with joy, praised God with love, sung songs of praise, the Pastor would speak a comment now and then that just exactly fit and sometimes the whole congregation was up on its feet, hugging and loving each other with Godly love while the choir and the piano and guitar players poured out the Praise God love songs. That’s the kind of service it was when Debbie went to the altar and God saved her.

Some months went by and every time Debbie came in for her week of helping her Mom she came to Church, Sunday school, Wednesday night Bible study, every service we had that week. One Wednesday night our Bible study service had started, we’d prayed, and the youth group was singing a couple of songs before we split up for our Bible classes. I wish you could have seen those beautiful, sweet, innocent, little faces looking upward and passionately singing their hearts out for God.

Passion, that’s the key word for that night! God has blessed me to remember in pictures and emotions. It is His anointing and revelation of scripture that guides me to write about what I know, how I live my life and the spiritual things I see and feel. It’s staggering that God has blessed weak, sorry, useless, unprofitable me to tend His website for Him. Passion! There was the Spirit of loving passion in the Church that was more intense than normal.

While they were singing the door shoved open, a man entered and the door was violently slammed shut. That man was something to see. He was probably 6’ 2” or so tall and he had to weigh 230-240 lbs. I could tell from the way he was built and the athletic way he moved he was all muscle.

His face was livid with a glowering, frowning anger and his eyes were like fire blue lasers burning back and forth across us as he stomped down the aisle then he suddenly turned left and abruptly sat down by himself in the third pew from the back. The youth group never missed a beat, they were so spiritually into it I doubt if they even realized he had stomped into the Church house.

I turned and took another look at this huge, unidentified, angry man who had slammed himself among us. Large, thick neck, I’m sure you’ve seen the kind, even his frowning forehead had lumps of muscle on it, his jaw muscles bulged and worked as he gritted his teeth, cannon ball shoulders. He’d leaned back with his big arms spread and resting on the back of his pew, bull chested, coal black hair; his eyes burned into mine while I had my look. I didn’t even think to pray. God was with us and that’s all that mattered.

It seemed like a darkness was hovering in the corners at the back of the Church, not a darkness you can see, but a very real, threatening darkness that was somehow straining to be set free. I was aware the piano had stepped it up a notch and was now a low thunder of offering and the children’s voices had somehow risen.

I had the feeling the angels were standing open mouthed as God’s babies gave their offering and an angel with a golden censer was throwing that offering on God’s great golden altar and the incense of the sanctity of the Son of God accompanied it and it was pleasing to God.

It was odd, really odd, like the children didn’t know they were engaged but were winning some kind of battle against the darkness. The moment was broken when the children stopped and Pastor said it was time to go to our classes. Bible study through the week is attended only by the most dedicated Christians, maybe 10 to 15 percent and Sunday school attendance is between 10 to 20 percent of the congregation in most cases.

Pastor taught the older children in the pews just in front of the pulpit. A lady taught the small children in the pews in the back of the church. Toby, just starting to preach under Pastor’s tutelage, taught the adult class in the 20 foot wide room that ran the length of the Church. That room did triple duty as semi-kitchen, dining room and Bible study room.

There were portable cooking devices, counter top crock pots, ovens, broilers, warmers and etc. on the counter top with its sinks and storage cabinets at the west end of the room. The east end of the room was partitioned off even with the foyer of the Church to make a place for the restrooms that were entered from the foyer.

The rest of the room was filled with a double row of tables and chairs. It was just a small, wooden Church; lovingly built, remodeled and added to over the years by callused hands, lined faced, sacrificing, tender hearted, poor folk, hillbilly Christians. There were probably 12 adults and maybe 25 total counting the children that night at that Bible study.

When we adults went through the door that led from the sanctuary to the Bible study room the big stranger went with us. He didn’t look so angry and he walked softer. He had never said a word to anyone and by his demeanor, “don’t bother me, stay away” none of us had spoken to him, not one.

The ladies, Debbie with them, sat along the row of tables on one side and the men sat along the other row of tables on the opposite side and that left the two rows of us facing each other, it was the same thing as it would have been had we been sitting at one table. Toby taught from the west end, my left, sitting, facing the two rows of us.

The silent stranger looked at the floor as he shouldered his way on down to the end of the men’s side. I was next to him with 2 or 3 empty chairs between us and that put him on my right. It was customary that we would all jockey our chairs around so we could face Toby and that move put the stranger directly behind me and far enough in back of us that nobody could see him unless they turned completely around.

It sounds a little complicated but it was a warm, cozy, family setting. Our brotherhood, kindness, loving warmth and fellowship made it that way. If you haven’t experienced that it’s hard to understand. I was seated closest to our visitor.

It was Toby’s custom to read a few verses scripture, give his opinion on it and if nobody said anything, he’d read a few more verses, pause and read again. Each of us was free to discuss or give an opinion about what was read at any time. Toby picked up where we left off last week; “I’ll read (2 Cor. 5:17-21) and stop there ’cause the chapter ends.”

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation, Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God. For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

This next part is really hard to explain if you’ve never experienced it. If you have experienced it you’ll instantly recognize what I’m saying. Yes, I’ve seen it happen to Christians that didn’t understand what was happening and there were two or three of them there that night. I absolutely mean no insult to you and your understanding of God in the next two sentences, I simply seek your understanding of the startling events that unfolded that night.

SO: At this time: If you don’t understand exactly what being filled with the Holy Spirit means go to the article The Holy Spirit is Given scroll down to the end of the article then scroll back up seven paragraphs and you can read the true meaning of (Acts 2:1-4). If you are not sure of God’s exact identity go to the article Who is the Holy Spirit and read the first six paragraphs.

(Rom. 8:9) All Christians have the Holy Spirit living within them or they are not Christians. (Acts 2:4) The Holy Spirit filling is an added measure of Holy Spirit power to empower Christians to do a particular and sometimes difficult job for God. No we didn’t speak in tongues, we didn’t need too, all of us spoke English.

Toby read that scripture, the Holy Spirit power fell upon us with that spiritual “snap” and we were instantly in a different plane of Holy Spirit revelation and calling. If you’ve experienced it you’ll understand; intense spiritual energy is a palpable, tangible, easily perceived force, voices deepen and yet are more penetrating, the words are said with passionate power that have the hammer on metal ring of undeniable truth, eyes change and get brighter with passion and expressions change into the loving endurance of absolute certainty.

The Holy Spirit of anointing, of loving, of calling and I could have no more held my words than I could have stopped breathing; “That word creature means (new creation) ‘n that’s shown by the way it’s used. When you truly get saved you’re born again spiritually, in God’s eyes you ain’t got no sin against you, you belong to God’s family, it’s a fresh start.”

Sue, over on the other side, gentle Sue that never had much to say, looked startled and like one person doing all the talking without a break, she picked up right where I left off; “It’s Jesus’ blood that washes them sins away, nothin’ else’ll ever do it.” And that’s the way it went:

Toby; “God loved us enough to give his Son as a sacrifice so we can get saved. Jesus was resurrected ‘n the proof of that is what we feel right now.” Bryan; “Yeah, ’cause Jesus promised He’d come back in His Holy Spirit person to live in us after he was lifted up into heaven ‘n that’s what He did in the second chapter of Acts.”

The stranger gave a low, rude, grunting snort of disbelief that never interrupted a thing, except me, and it was a fleeting thought “Man, he sure is rude”.

We were in our God Groove of worship, praise and thanksgiving and he didn’t matter. Dexter: “It’s a reconciliation, I think it’s over in Colossians where it says we was made by God for God. Sin ‘n disbelief separates us from God.” Me; “Yeah, Jesus said He come to seek ‘n save the lost. We get saved from bein’ lost.” Clifford; “Yeah, it’s God’s drawin’ ‘n when that happens we realize we’ve got a decision time comin’ to make the decision of whether we’re gonna get saved ‘er not.”

The stranger uttered a softer, long, grunting sigh.

Gerri; “Yeah, sin’s in the way of gettin’ saved. Jesus suffered our sins, perfect, sinless Jesus actually became our sins on the cross ‘n that’s how they get washed away by His blood so we can get saved from bein’ lost.”

The stranger gave a long, audible sigh with a louder ahhh at the end of it.

Russell; “I was an awful feller. I didn’t believe in nothin’ but gettin’ what I could outta life ‘n other people, I was lost ‘n Jesus shore took alla that away when He saved me.” Della; “That time of decision shore is tough. I was a good person but I just knowed I was a goin to hell ’cause I was lost. Me! Me, I was goin’ to hell if I didn’t get saved ‘n that scared me to death but Him a lovin’ me so much is what broke my heart.”

The stranger gave out a long ahhhhh of a sigh with a couple of strange little grunts at the end of it.

Toby; “The scripture says fear is the beginning of wisdom, God gives us the knowledge we’re gonna die ‘n go to hell. Dana; I was raised in Church ‘n Jesus a lovin’ me so much was about as hard on me as the bein’ afraid part. I hadn’t done no big sins a growin’ up ‘n I thought a whole lotta myself for being a good person. But, no matter how good you are, you’re still lost ’til you get saved. It almost killed me that He loved me with His kinda love.”

Bryan; “When you get saved you’ll know it ’cause the Holy Spirit will move right in with your soul ‘n He’ll tell you that everything’s all right between you ‘n God.”

The stranger came out with the oddest broken sigh; “Ahhh-ahhh-ahhh-ahhh” and there was a little “catch” at the end of each one of them. I happened to be looking right at silent Debbie when the stranger made that noise, her face was more pink than usual, she had a beautiful expression of love and satisfaction and tears were pouring down her face in streams. I figured it was because she was a new Christian. Jeremy; “I can relate to that. I didn’t know what love was ’til I found out how much Jesus loved me and it like ta killed me.”

Me; “Lordy, I was 31 years old the first time I went to Church. You fellers know I’d been a Marine ‘n went to ‘Nam twice, meaner ‘n a snake, it broke my heart when I found out I killed Jesus. Shore ’nuff it was my sins that done it but I was the man that done ’em, so it was me that killed Jesus. My sins nailed Jesus to the cross. He loved me enough, well, the Innocent traded His life for the guilty ‘n I was the guilty one.” A chorus of “Amen.” and “Me too.” went around the table.

The stranger sounded like he was struggling to catch his breath ‘n was making low, wet gurgling sounds.

I was closer and could hear him the best so I turned around to see if I could help. Tears were pouring, absolutely pouring, and there were wet spots on his shirt! At that moment I loved that sore troubled stranger with all my heart; “Sir, is there some way I can help you?”

He gurgled a few seconds, started crying like a hurt child, looked at me with wide open, deathly wounded eyes and strangled out; I want what you people have got!”

I was already on fire and that statement made the Christ Fire hotter. I jumped up and started toward him saying over my shoulder; “One of you fellers tell Pastor to stop the classes, we’ve got a man here that wants to get saved.” By the time I got to him he was standing up, humped up, sagging and broken.

I took him by the hand with my left hand, put my right arm around him and we headed to the door that led back into the sanctuary (the Church proper, the altar, the holiest of holies). He was trembling like a leaf in a wind storm, all sagged down, but we were walkin’ fast. I’d never seen a bunch of Christians move so fast either. By the time we got to the altar Pastor was waiting and the tiny congregation was gathered around.

The stranger and Pastor knelt together at the altar and Pastor had his arm around him, the rest of us, children included, also knelt to help all we could with our prayers. That huge, sobbing, shivering, humble stranger was awash in a sea of God Love people and the Holy Spirit of love. As I knelt I noticed a motion back to my right and when I turned and looked Debbie was sitting on the front pew, humped over and sobbing into her hands.

I had to tend to the important business of praying for this stranger but the thought flitted through my mind; “Debbie’s a new Christian and this situation must have overcome her.” God made a short work of saving that wonderfully broken man and he came up rejoicing with that same boundless energy he had exhibited before but it was “good energy” now. He almost hugged all of us to death while he was laughin’ and cryin’ for pure joy.

Then we got started laughin’ and cryin’ and huggin’ each other. I know in my heart that God was rejoicing in front of His angels and Jesus was right there in His Holy Spirit form laughin’ and huggin’ with us. After a while things started cooling down a bit and Pastor said; “Brother, come up here with me and tell all these nice folks what God has done for you.” And he did, my goodness, how he did.

“Baby come up here and stand with me while I tell this.” Debbie got up off the pew, walked up there, they put their arms around each other and Pastor’s mouth fell open big enough for a bluebird to fly into it. It would have taken a lot of bluebirds because everybody’s mouth was hanging open too. The once angry man, now humble and tender, well, his tears were still pouring and he was grinning from ear to ear but, despite all that, even though he was trembling and his deep voice was quivering, he could still talk real plain.

Then he started and he was a well-spoken man with beautiful, proper, sort of stilted English; “God has saved me and just like you folks said I would, I know it!” He stopped a few seconds to compose himself again and started again. “I’m Debbie’s husband. When she came home one time about a year ago and told me she had started going to Church up here I was delighted. She wouldn’t go to Church with me at home so I was glad.

I’ve been a Catholic all my life and when she said she’d started going to Church up here I presumed it was Catholic, because that is all I know. Then a few months ago she came home and said she had gotten “saved” and I did not know what she was talking about.” He stopped, wiped some tears, composed himself again and continued.

“I wanted to know all about it, she tried to explain and we disagreed. I told her it was in her best interest that she stay away from those Protestants. She kept coming for her weekly visits and every time she came home she had something else to say about your method of worship and all this Holy Spirit business. An anger started building in me and every time she came home it got worse. After she left Monday morning to come up here for her turn this week I was thinking very deeply about our predicament.

Then it dawned on me; “She’s in the clutches of a cult. She’s in terrible danger. I’ve got to rescue her.” and I immediately took off work and started this way. Luckily, I remembered the name of this Church and its general location. The longer I drove the more furious I became. I love my wife and would do anything to protect her. She is the love of my life. By the time I stopped to get directions and wandered around a bit I knew your services had already started.

I was enraged and I would have fought all of you to rescue her. I even thought there might be some sort of orgy or something when I got here. When I saw this Church, it looked like some of the small, Protestant, country Churches that are located in my area but by that time my fury had overcome my reason.”

He paused, wiped some more tears and shook his head ruefully; “All I could think about was charging in here, grabbing her by the arm and dragging her out to the car. If anybody tried to stop me I would destroy them with my fists.

Like a fool I charged in here and was storming down the aisle when I saw those children’s faces and I had to sit down. I have never heard any singing like that, it was so free and beautiful. I followed her into your Bible study and a strange emotion had started somehow tugging at me. It was a beautiful emotion but somehow there was also fear in it.

When I heard you folks start talking with that strange power I knew I was hearing the truth. Something happened within me, I knew God was calling out to me, He somehow revealed to me that I was a lost soul and the immensity of His love caused me to feel crushed, small, useless and helpless.” That man was talking our language, some of the ladies had tears and the rest of us were swallowing hard. His wife had a death grip on him and was sobbing.

He was talking faster ‘n faster and louder ‘n louder; “It was a strange emotion, almost an envy, that I couldn’t be like you. At first I was ashamed of my tears, then I didn’t care, then I forgot them. I didn’t know what to do and then that man right over there asked me if he could help me and I just broke.

I don’t remember what happened until I found myself at your altar surrounded by you folks and I’ve never felt so loved in all my life. It was so natural to be there with you on my knees begging God to save me. I know, I definitely know, I was at God’s feet, God was right there and I was alone before Him. I have never felt anything like that.”

He was crying harder, it was difficult for him to talk, lots of us were nodding, crying and quiet “Amen’s.” were murmured because he sure was telling it just like it happened to us. “I was so filled with desperation, I wanted what you had so very bad and I cried out that I’d do anything if He would just save me! It was all I could do, I was so ashamed and it seemed endless but then He saved me and I knew it, I feel different, I am different.”

And he burst into loud sobs of joy and we had us another God loving hug fest. That’s when I noticed the darkness in the back of the church was gone!

It was then that I realized Debbie’s witness to her husband there in Virginia, in spite of his mounting ire, had planted the Holy Spirit blessed Christ seed in his soul. The Holy Spirit germinated, sprouted and tended that tiny plant of the desire for salvation and we were permitted to be there and be a part of the harvest when God saved our huge, happy, gentle, brand new blood Brother (Jesus’ blood) who was no longer a threatening stranger.

Debbie came back in to help her Mom twice more and she sure showed her happiness at our Church. She was somehow like a new bride. That makes sense now that I think about it; they were two new people, so, why not?

Bill died before it was Debbie’s turn to come again. I didn’t know about it until the funeral was over. Her Mom went to live with one of her daughters and I’ve never seen any of them again. I hope those two are still on Holy Spirit time because all the time is Holy Spirit time.

It would be nice if, wherever they are, they somehow found this article and read it. I’ll bet they haven’t forgotten what happened here and they’ll be glad at least one of us remembered. Debbie, if you and your husband ever read this I want you to know your salvation experiences at my Church were a bright, beautiful and shining time that has made my life a little better and I love you both.     Jim.


I found this property by seeing a for sale sign on the secondary road where this small dead-end road joins it. I took one look and knew I was home. The whole property was covered with timber. The first time we came up here so I could show my wife this property the neighbors stopped us and told us there were no copperheads (a poisonous snake) in this holler (hillbilly colloquialism for the hollow, the valley between two ridges or points). As we walked up through the timber to look at where I thought we would build the house I muttered to my wife; “Just think how lucky we are; the only holler in Eastern KY that doesn’t have a copperhead in it!” She giggled. Every year we have lived here I have killed 2 to 5 copperheads in our driveway, the yard, on our porch, our carport and the area I mow outside the yard’s 5 foot chain link fence.

When we bought this 22 acre property in the head of a holler where we planned to build our house. we soon found out Georgette and her husband Richard who owned the property joining ours were tough customers. They frequently argued with each other and used curse words that would make a US Marine blush! It did not bother her to curse out a delivery man either. They would fight; Richard would stomp off and start his riding type lawnmower and violently attack an unmowed area that bordered their yard. Three separate times he hit hidden stones and broke his mower. They said they were Catholics but they never went to church. Time went on, we were always courteous to them.

Two incidents stick out in my mind. They were cussing and quarreling; Richard jumped on his mower, took a wild cut through the high weeds, right into a bog and sank up. He rocked back and forth spinning wildly and sank deeper until the mower bottomed out. STUCK. Georgette stood in the yard laughing wildly and mocking him with a few choice curse words thrown in for good measure. I got a long rope and my mower out of my shop and drove down there and pulled him out. A few weeks later they had a visitor, a huge young man, six feet and three or four inches tall and two hundred twenty pounds or so and he moved and looked like an athlete. After the visitor left Richard came up our driveway to where I was digging a ditch. With great smugness he spoke; “That was my grandson I’m going to have him come up here and beat the crap out of you!” I straightened up my five foot eight inch 160 pound frame and said; “You tell him to come shootin’ if he does, cause I’ll leave him dead on my property if he comes up here to beat me up!” Richard looked shocked. He never said another word and he turned and walked back down our driveway to his house.

Time went on. As they got older and older they were both sick a lot. Their daughter Christine came in from Canada to handle their affairs. Christine didn’t live with them. She said she had rented a place in town. Georgette was from Canada but she had a dual American/Canadian citizenship. Of course we became acquainted with Chrstine. One time I told her about the Richard sending his grandson to punch me out event. Christine looked startled and said; “He don’t have a  grandson! It must have been a salesman or something!” Richard kept declining and at the end of his last hospital stay Christine had him admitted to a rest home in Pikeville, KY about thirty miles away.  Georgette’s health was also declining and she was suffering falls at home because among other things she was losing her sense of balance. We helped Georgette with a few things at her home when she would let us. She started having hospital stays and at the last one her health had declined so much the doctor suggested she go to a rest home. Christine had her admitted to the one Richard was in at Pikeville.

We went up there to visit them. A Catholic priest regularly visited Richard and helped him. He did not visit Georgette any. I guess he knew about her bad attitude and potty mouth and he wouldn’t put up with it. That rest home was a pig pen in maintenance and upkeep and the patients were dirty, stained and generally ignored. Richard died there. There was no funeral and I don’t know what they did with his body. Georgette had his false teeth buried in their back yard at their home. We filed a complaint concerning that rest home. Several families had already filed complaints and several more filed complaints after we did. We tried to get Georgette transferred out of that rest home and they wouldn’t release her. I had a very close friend who was part owner of a funeral home and worked there so we hired them to take their ambulance and we simply wheeled her out and brought her to the rest home in Paintsville KY about five miles from our home. About a year or so later the government closed that Pikeville rest home and some other organization bought it a few months later.

We visited her a few times every week and it was plain that she was in a health decline. The priest from the local Catholic church did not ever visit her! We would take her ice cream treats from the local Dairy Queen, cookies and pie from the local bakery, and etc. We also took her letter writing material because she asked for them. She wrote letters, put them in envelopes, but never mailed them and she kept them in a large manila envelope. No, I don’t know what happened to them. I suppose the rest home threw them away or Christine took them and never mentioned it. Then one day we received a phone call from the rest home; “You folks need to come down here pretty quick!” We left and went to the rest home. I carry witnessing literature and I witness to people everywhere I go. So my wife went on down to Georgette’s room and I stopped in the cafeteria to talk to some non-Christians that seemed interested in what I had. My phone rang, I answered, and my wife said; “Get down here quick, Georgette needs you!” I apologized to those people and headed down the hall at a fast walk.

When I went into the room Georgette had the greyish pallor of death and her normally hot tempered, glittering, brown eyes were dark with fear and dread. I didn’t know anything about the Catholic denomination at that time but I did wonder why the priest had not visited her.

I got on my knees beside her bed. She had been a very small woman but now she looked terribly fragile and tiny because she had lost so much weight. I got down on my knees beside her bed, took her right hand in my left hand and leaned very close to her and spoke softly; “What can I do for you Georgette?” She spoke quietly, almost a whisper, but there was terror in her fragile voice; “I’m not right with God! Help me! Help me!” “Georgette do you want God and Jesus with all your heart?” “Yes! Yes I do.” “OK, I’ll lead you in a prayer a few words at a time and you repeat after me.” “Oh great God of all glory.” “Oh great God of all glory.”I come to your throne of grace.” “I come to your throne of grace.”And I beg you to help me,” “And I beg you to help me,”in my time of great need.” “in my time of great need.” Tears were running down her cheeks and her voice was a bit stronger but quivering. “I’m sorry I have so greatly sinned.” “I’m sorry I have so greatly sinned.” She had started shaking a tiny bit. “I ask you to please forgive me of my awful sins? “I ask you to please forgive me of my awful sins? She slowly raised her head and looked into my eyes and the fear and dread were gone. They now had a kindness and quiet joy in them. “I feel good Jim! It’s OK.” We visited a few minutes and left because she was becoming very drowsy. Georgette died early the next morning. Christine had her cremated and I suppose she took the ashes back to Canada with her. (Luke 15:10) I feel like there was joy in the presence of the angels of God when Georgette repented!


Exact dates and times are hard to remember because this happened about 10 years ago. Amanda started working at the Exxon Quick Stop where I buy my gasolene. When I walked in there was a new employee working there on the evening shift. Eyes tell a lot about people and hers had a guardedness and an almost anger in them that said; “I don’t take any Crap off of anybody!” I gently introduced myself and explained that I was a regular customer. She just nodded, took my money, gave me my change and turned away. I think it was in the summer of 2015 which was before the days when you had to pay first before you pumped your gas.

As time passed I usually tried to say or tell something amusing. It is hard to resist kindness and humor and Amanda gradually thawed out and once in a while I would mention Christianity. They closed about 11PM. She always gave me an odd look when I mentioned something about Christianity. Gradually I started getting my gas later in the evening when there was only intermittent customers and we could talk longer. I gave her a copy of the Breath of Life and Backsliding: The Failure Principle from the Sin in Church commentary menu. Throughout our relationship I told Amanda a lot of things from the Bible. God’s Holy Word is what the Holy Spirit works with in the individual’s heart (soul). Nothing else will ever matter except Christian attitude and actions in front of unsaved people.

She had told me she was from Windham, Ohio. I asked her what had brought her down here to this rural part of KY? She had met a man named Mike up there who had made a very good impression on her as a kind and gentle hardworking man and they started dating. He said he was visiting some people up there and told her he was from East Kentucky. Amanda had been married when she was very young and had three sons. They had been divorced some time before she met Mike. She never told me why they divorced and I did not ask about it. They didn’t date very long and Mike asked her to marry him and she did and they came back here to live. Two of her sons came with her and one son decided to live with his father in Windham.

“What is Mike your husband like?” “He ain’t my husband! He kept it hidden from me until we got down here but He ain’t nothin’ but a big liar, he won’t work, he’s a drunkard and an abuser! He was mean to me and my boys so I left and filed for divorce!” Later on she asked me to talk to one of her sons and she told me where they lived in a rented trailer way out in the country and up a holler (hillbilly colloquialism for the hollow, the valley between two ridges or points). I visited her son Andrew 3 or 4 times because he was a recluse and had a fitting in with society problem and stayed at home under all conditions. Her other son Kevin had a job, a beautiful girlfriend and was perfectly normal.

There was an odd male character working as the janitor-clean up guy who also worked the evening shift with Amanda. I always spoke my; “Howdy, how are ye.” if he happened to be around when I was talking to Amanda. He never nodded or answered. He started giving me hateful looks as the months passed. His mean, cruel attitude increased but he never spoke a word to me, not one. One time when I got my gas she said she had gone into the public restroom at the station, got down on the nasty floor one hand on the sink and the other on the commode and prayed; and “God saved me Jim and I knew it because God told me through the Holy Spirit just like you said He would!” There was a kindness and a tenderness in her eyes that spoke louder than words; “I’m different!” She asked where I went to church because she wanted to be baptized. I told her and gave her the directions to get there. The next Sunday Amanda went under for the Lord and came up laughing and praising God. It was a few days after that when she said; “When you started talking to me about Christianity ‘something’ stopped me from telling you I was already a Christian because I had been a Catholic all my life.”

I knew she was having a difficult time financially and I started talking to her about going to nursing school. She said; “I’m not very smart and there’s no way I could pass nursing school.” I knew she was smarter than she thought she was. Life had simply beaten her down until she had a very low self-esteem and confidence. “Amanda, you’ll make two or three times the money per hour that you make here, you’ll have full insurance, paid vacation and job security.” My wife was the director of nursing at the local hospital so I got her in the fight.

One night when I went to get gas my wife went with me. There were no more customers there and I went in, paid for my gas and asked Amanda to go out to the car and talk to my wife. Old ‘sour eyes’ gave me his special dirty look and went into the back. I followed him, he saw me and went out behind the building where the garbage cans etc. were kept. I went right out after him and he saw me and got all bowed up but I said; “Amanda is out by the pumps talking to my wife in our car, come on out and I’ll introduce her to you.” All of a sudden, he smiled and warmed right up but he didn’t speak! Sometimes I wondered if he was on drugs? He followed me back inside, looked out the front window and looked a little happy but he wouldn’t go outside. We finally talked Amanda into going to nurse-aide school and she passed with flying colors.

She became the best nurse-aide in my wife’s hospital. She moved out of that lousy trailer into a house in Van Lear, KY. Then she met a man from another church and started dating him; OH BOY! MISTER WONDERFUL! He told her what a great Christian he was and that his uncle was the Pastor of that church. Bless her heart, she fell for it hook, line and sinker. He was a real jerk, a pseudo-Christian. And he started trying to change Amanda to his way of thinking. Yep, you guessed it. She divorced him.

A strange thing happened to old ‘sour eyes’ the mean eyed clean-up guy who worked at the Exxon station. Amanda worked at the Exxon station while she went to the nurse-aide school. After she started work at the hospital he started stalking her. He went right into the hospital and verbally assaulted Amanda with threats. The hospital security guard made him leave the hospital with threats of calling the police. The hospital insisted that Amanda secure a Restraining Order against him because he had frightened some of the other employees and patients with his screaming curses and threats and they were afraid he would come back with a gun. Some time later he and his mother went to visit relatives in North Carolina. He and his mother stayed a motel. In the middle of the night, he drowned in their motel swimming pool! That news shocked me and filled me with questions. Did he overdose and fall in? Did he commit suicide? He had a reputation for threatening people. Did he pop off his mouth to the wrong person and someone down there drowned him? Who knows?

I think it was a couple of years later that Amanda and her son Andrew moved back to Windham, Ohio. We had regular conversations and emails with her on my wife’s phone. She immediately had a very high paying nurse-aide job. She shortly met another man and they started going steady. We prayed for her every day and still do. Kevin, Amanda’s other son, had stayed here because he had a good job with UPS and his girlfriend was here. They decided to get married and we were invited to attend that wedding and to meet Amanda’s new boyfriend. He was a giant! I’m 5’ 8” and I only came up to his armpit! BUT, he had calm, kind, confident eyes and the giant hand that swallowed my hand during our introduction did not squeeze and hurt my hand.

They went back to Windham, Ohio. A couple of years passed and Amanda said they wanted to get married down here in church by a real preacher we knew with my wife and I as the witnesses and we were the only people that would attend. Amanda is a beautiful woman but she absolutely glowed with joy and happiness and Doug her new Catholic husband’s eyes were also filled with quiet joy. Just a few weeks ago they came back down here to visit Kevin and his wife and they came out and visited with us a whole afternoon and the next day they went to my wife’s Pentecostal church and my wife said they had a good time and her Pastor had an 8–10-minute conversation with them after church that went really well. Thank you my Lord and my God for the privilege of knowing a wonderful person like Amanda.