The word backsliding is not in the New Testament. Backsliding is a convenient Old Testament word that describes the New Testament situation of (2Thess. 2:3) falling away. This commentary explores Christian activities after their salvation event.
I do not approve of the accepted way of placing just the scriptures at the end of a sentence or paragraph. On this website I place the scriptures at the beginning of the sentence because sometimes I feel keywords and/or the definition of certain words gives the reader better and more clear understanding of what they are preparing to read. I have been told many times that is a good way of helping readers comprehend the material they are reading.
*****At this time please read the extremely short, about three pages long, JESUS’ GENTLENESS, on this website and you, saint, sinner, or backslidden, will see how much Jesus values you and me.***** (five stars, the Biblical number of grace)
FIRST THING: Let us Biblically establish God’s Identity in the two paragraphs below this one. (Heb. 4:12-16 esp. V16) It will help you understand how the high court of heaven operates and how the throne of grace operates when a Christian sins. (Gen. 1:26) “And God said, Let us make man (Strong’s #120: mankind, human being) in our image, after our likeness:” As you can see the definition reveals how male and female are both made in God’s image.
(Rom. 1:20) The Godhead (Supreme Divinity) is one who is composed of three who are totally and completely one in identity, thought, power, purpose and will. God’s presentation of Himself to man is (Gen. 1:1-31 & John 4:24) #1 God- spirit of life- the essence of life- life itself/Creator, (John 4:29-42) #2 Jesus-body/Saviour and (John 14:15-23 & Rom. 8:9) #3 Holy Spirit-God’s soul/Comforter. (Col. 2:8-9) In Jesus dwells all the Godhead bodily.
(Col. 1:13-17 esp. V.15) Jesus is the image (representation) of the invisible God. When God said; “Let US make man in our image” God’s body, soul, and spirit was the US and mankind, made in God’s image, (1Thess. 5:23) is also body, soul and spirit.
Let us pretend for a few sentences and compare a spiritual event<-salvation to a physical event<-car wreck. Yes, it’s a poor comparison but please just think about it. You are driving down the road appreciating the day living your life. Suddenly you are involved in a wreck. Your vehicle is rolling sideways down the road 4 or 5 times and it finally comes to a stop on its wheels (John 12:32) Jesus’ drawing; an awareness that you are lost! “Well I’ll get out of this thing.” but the door is jammed. “I’ll lay over and kick the window out and crawl out.” “Oh no the seat belt is also jammed!” There is no way out but you look out the window and other drivers have stopped and are running to help you. “Oh man! They’ll get me out of this mess!” Suddenly there is a whuuuummp under the hood and flames start coming up around the hood. (Matt. 23:33) Awareness that you will go to hell! “Those other drivers will help me.” But when you look back out the window they are running away because they are afraid of an explosion. (Acts 4:10-12) No mere man can help you. The heat is getting intense as the fire grows. “Oh God I’m gonna burn; HELP ME!”
Suddenly a man is at the door. “He’s not afraid of the fire!” “Help me, help me!” When the stranger reaches for the door (John 19:34) His shirt falls open and there is an awful scar in His side. He opens the door without effort. (Luke 23:33) When He leans across to get hold of the seat belt you see awful scars in His hands, in the palms and on the backs, where He has somehow been wounded completely through his hands (Matt. 27:25-30 esp. V.29) and there are scars all the way around His head where some awful crown has been jammed on Him. Growing awareness of Jesus and the awful price He paid for your salvation! The heat is almost unbearable but He doesn’t seem to mind. There is an indescribable love emanating from Him. “Oh Lord God I’ll do anything if you’ll just save me!” He gently helps you out of your burning vehicle and holds you as He and you walk away up the road and sit on the guard rail. Salvation! As you sit there with Him you would love your Saviour with all of your heart for saving you from the fire but you would not know Him any better that you did before He rescued you!
(Psa. 103:12) When God removes our sins they are “As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us.” Start walking due east and keep walking. When you have walked all the way around the world (even the oceans) and come back to where you started, east is still in front of you and west is still behind you!
Please see the article About the Writer on this website if you wish to see my personal salvation experience and how, as usual, I made a fool of myself at the beginning of it in church. I was not from a church going family and I had been to church only four times before I started going when I was 31 years old and was dumb as an empty bucket concerning Biblical information. You will see what God did to me to write this website by an uneducated (barely got through high school with Mom’s foot across my throat; “Git that diploma or else!”) so I took the easy courses. I almost failed English 2 so I took English 3 & 4 in summer school where if you try hard and pay attention you will pass. Nobody ever failed summer school. I was a computer illiterate, ignorant hillbilly from the mountains of Eastern, KY. I’m the writer and God is the Author. You will surely be shocked with what God did with this website when it had been online a little less than four years.
(John 14:17& 23-26 then Eph. 1:12-14 & Rom. 8:16) At the time of salvation the Holy Spirit takes up residence in a newly saved Christian’s soul. It is an I know so salvation event. How else could a person know they were saved if he/she were not told by the Holy Spirit when He comes to live within us? There are several Biblical names for the Holy Spirit but they all have the same definition as the one that is highlighted next (Rom. 8:9 keywords: Spirit of Christ Strong’s #4151: the third person of the triune God, the Holy Spirit, coequal, coeternal with the Father and the Son). (Matt. 10:20 Spirit of your Father, Luke 11:13 Holy Spirit, John 14:16 Comforter, V.17 Spirit of truth, V.26 Holy Ghost, Rom. 8:9 Spirit, Spirit of God, Spirit of Christ, V.15 Spirit of adoption, 2Cor. 3:17 the Lord is that Spirit, Eph. 1:13 holy Spirit of promise, Heb. 10:29 Spirit of grace, Rev. 11:11 Spirit of life). All these different names for the Holy Spirit tells us the how, who, what, why, where, when and with what concerning the works of the Holy Spirit.
I use the KJV Holy Bible and internet concordance and the Strong’s Book Concordance available at bookstores because sometimes the internet version does not give the definition of a word. No, I don’t know why. I gave the Strong’s # and the definition of the words in the first five paragraphs below because they will determine your eternal destination, (Rev. 20:10-15) in heaven with Jesus (Rev. 21:4) “where God shall wipe away your all tears from your eyes, there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying neither shall there be any more pain.” OR in hell then to the lake of fire with (Rev. 20:14) death, always on the agonized cusp of death, but cannot get the dying finished to escape (Rev. 12:3-9 esp. V.7-9) while the devil and his fallen angels, commonly called demons but it is not a Biblical word, will be free to torment you forever in the burning fire but you cannot get the dying finished so you can escape. (Matt. 7:15 then V.21-23, Acts 20:29-30, 1Cor. 3:1-5, 2Cor. 2:17, 2Pet. 2:9-23, & Jude V.4-19 and in many other NT scriptures) Even as the Apostles were preaching and teaching their precious lives away divisions were already taking place in the church they were building.
Look at the divisions today; ask the internet for a list of the denominations today and each one says their denomination is the surefire way to get to heaven. Scroll about ¾ of the way down the HOME page and read the material under the subtitle THE CHURCH IN AMERICA: STATISTICS and you will see the level of dedication many Protestant Christians have to a personal relationship with Jesus. Please, please read (Heb. 6:4-6) and think about how many of these Christians were so cold toward Jesus and His Holy Word they did not even know when the Holy Spirit left them! ALSO:
(Rom. 1:1-28) (V.5 & 6) To the church at Rome, BUT (V.18) some of the Christians were guilty of ungodliness and unrighteousness, and held God’s truth in unrighteousness (V.21) “when they knew God they glorified (Strong’s #1392: to honor, to praise) him not as God neither were they thankful (Strong’s #2168: to be grateful, to give thanks) but became vain (Strong’s #3154: to make empty, foolish) in their imaginations (Strong’s #1261: from #1260: internal consideration, debate, dispute).” (V.23) They went into idolatry, (V.25) they changed the truth of God into a lie, (V.26-27) their sin of homosexuality is defined, (V.28) “And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate (Strong’s #96: not standing the test, unapproved, from #1384: rejected) mind (Strong’s #3563: the faculties of perceiving and understanding and those of ,feeling, judging and determining, the higher powers of the soul), to do those things which are not convenient.” In other words a rejected soul and that is when the Holy Spirit left them (Heb. 6:4-6) and He would not be back!
These five paragraphs below may sound a bit harsh to some of you but you must know the Biblical truth because your eternal destination will depend on how you relate to them. I do not judge people. I love people and my assigned job/purpose from God is to point people toward God and the salvation He offers by using His Holy Scriptures illuminated by the Holy Spirit.
#1) (John 1:1-14 keyword: Word) (V.1) “In the beginning was the Word (Defined: Strong’s Book #3056: something said, the thought, reasoning or motive of God, the Divine Expression i.e. Christ: i.e. is the abbreviation for id est which is Latin and means saying the same thing another way), and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (V.14) “And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us,” JESUS IS THE LIVING WORD OF GOD! SO, If you deny, violate, distort or refuse to study God’s WORD you have done that to Jesus! I witness and hand out Breath of Life and a few other website articles everywhere I go and once in a while I talk to an ex-Christian and they invariably say; “Aww it was just too much trouble all that goin’ to church ‘n studying ‘n all that stuff, I quit and I aint goin’ back!”
#2) (Matt. 11:29-30) (V.29) Jesus said; “Take my yoke (Strong’s #2218: #1) a double yoke like used on cattle,#2) a coupling together, #3) the balance point in a set of scales) upon you, and learn (Strong’s #3129: be appraised, to increase one’s knowledge) of me, for I am meek (Strong’s #4235: gentle, mild) and lowly (Strong’s #5011: brought low with grief) in heart (Strong’s #2588: figuratively the thoughts, feelings) and ye shall find rest unto your souls (Strong’s #5590: life, mind).” (V.30) “For my yoke is easy (Strong’s #5543: fit for use, virtuous, good, mild, pleasant), and my burden (Strong’s #5413: load) is light (Strong’s #1645: easy).” (#2 above> (John 14:17-18 & 23-26) The coupling together by the yoke is when the Holy Spirit is joined with you at salvation to help you pull the load of your Christianity and teach you God’s word. (#3 above> (Acts 10:43) when you got saved your past sins were forgiven and the balance point of your life was at zero with nothing against you. Your future actions will determine your balance point. This whole commentary is about the balance point of your life.
#3) (Mark 12:30) “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart (Strong’s #2588: blood flow, life itself), and with all thy soul (Strong’s #5590: personality, self), and with all thy mind (Strong’s #1271: understanding, way of thinking, feeling), and with all thy strength (Strong’s #2479: ability, force, might: synonyms of strength: power, brawn, muscle): this is the first commandment.” Jesus loved you and me so much He gave us everything He had, even His life, so why shouldn’t He expect the same thing back from us?
#4) (2Tim. 3:16) “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable (Strong’s #5624: advantageous) for doctrine(Strong’s #1319: teaching, instruction), for reproof (Strong’s #1650: that by which a thing is proved or tested, conviction), for correction (Strong’s #1882: restoration to an upright or right state, improvement of life or character), for instruction (Strong’s #3809: the whole training and education of ***children*** which relates to the cultivation of minds and morals, and employs for this purpose now commands and admonitions, now reproof and punishment. It also includes the training and care of the body, whatever in adults also cultivates the soul esp. by correcting mistakes and curbing passions, instruction which aims at increasing virtue, chastisement in righteousness (Strong’s #1343: the condition acceptable to God, the doctrine concerning the way in which man may attain a state approved of God, integrity, virtue, purity of life, rightness, correctness of thinking, feeling, acting, justice or the virtue which gives each his due):” In the first underlined sentence of the definition of ‘instruction’ above *****Please read this scripture to understand the intimacy of our Christian relationship with God when we received the Holy Spirit at salvation. >(Rom. 8:15-17) (V.15) “For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Abba, Father.”(V.16) “The Spirit (Holy Spirit) itself beareth witness with our spirit (Strong’s Book #4151 the rational soul), that we are the ***children*** of God:” (V.17) “And if ***children,*** then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.” SO: (2Pet. 3:18) “But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.”
#5) (Eph. 6:10-18 esp. V.10-12) (V.10) “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might (Strong’s #2479: ability, force, strength).” (V.11) “Put on the whole armour (Strong’s #3833: breastplate, boots, shield, helmet, sword) of God, that ye may be able to stand against (Strong’s #4314: to the advantage of) the wiles (Strong’s #3180: cunning arts, deceit, craft, trickery, travelling over) of the devil (Strong’s #1228: Satan the prince of demons, the author of evil, persecuting good men, estranging mankind from God and enticing them to sin, a metaphor applied to a man who, by opposing the cause of God, may be said to act the part of the devil or to side with him).” (V.12) “For we wrestle (Strong’s #3873: the Christian’s struggle with the power of evil) not against flesh and blood, but against principalities (Strong’s #746: the first person or thing in a series, the leader,), against powers (Strong’s #1849: power of choice, liberty of doing as one pleases), against the rulers (Strong’s #2888: lord of this age, prince of this age, the devil and his demons) of darkness (Strong’s #4655: of ignorance respecting divine things and human duties, and the accompanying ungodliness and immorality, together with their consequent misery in hell) of this world, against spiritual wickedness (Strong’s #4189: depravity, iniquity, evil purposes and desires) in high (Strong’s Book #2032: above the sky, celestial) places.”
WRITER’S NOTE it lasts 5 paragraphs: The definitions of principalities, powers, and rulers above brings the realization and understanding that Satan, the devil, has an organization much like the military; he is the commanding general of an army, beneath him are demon division commanders, regimental commanders, battalion commanders and company commanders. It is an organized, spiritual, demonic army whose sole purpose is to subvert as much of humanity as possible (Luke 22:1-6) because he hates mankind, hates Jesus, (Isa. 14:12-14 then Ezek. 28:12-17) and he intends to make his throne equal to God’s throne.
SEE (Gen. 15:13-14 & 18) (V.13-14) (V.18) “In the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram (that name would be changed to Abraham), saying Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt (the Nile) unto the great river, the river Euphrates.” (Gen. 17:1-27) (V.7, 13, & 19 keywords in all: an everlasting covenant) everlasting is defined (Strong’s #5769 for ever, perpetual, & from #5956: to conceal, hidden, veiled). Abraham’s seed was Israel and that land from the Nile river of Egypt to the Euphrates river belongs to Israel forever.
The veiled part started slowly unfolding (Matt. 1:18-25) when Jesus was born, (Luke 2:21) when Jesus was circumcised on the eighth day, (Luke 2:41-52 esp. V.47) when Jesus astonished the doctors (Strong’s #1320: a teacher of the Jewish Law) when He was 12 years old, (Matt. 3:13-15) when Jesus was baptized and God verified who Jesus was, (Matt. 27:35-50) when Jesus was crucified and died and (Matt. 27:51 & Heb. 9:6-15) “And, behold, the veil (Strong’s #2665: the curtain in the Jewish temple behind which was the holiest of the holies where only the high priest could go once a year to atone for Israel’s sins) of the temple was rent (Strong’s #4977: to split) in twain (Strong’s #1417: two) from top to bottom” which signified by Jesus death that an individual, Jew or Gentile, could spiritually pray at the altar of God, the holy of holies, in heaven.
(Acts 2:1-41) The complete unveiling of the veiled part of Abraham’s covenant was fulfilled and the activation of the new covenant, the grace covenant, was complete. BECAUSE: (Eph. 2:8) “By grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God.” That is how YOU & I GOT SAVED when God drew us to Him, revealed Himself to us and revealed us to ourselves and through that revealing He gave us faith! Jesus loved us and we were important enough to Him for Him to suffer a horrid, agonizing, merciless bloody death on the cross so His blood would wash away our sins YOURS & MINE! Surely that salvation He bought for us with His life and learning to be a better and better Christian should be the most important thing in our lives!
(1Cor. 2:8) “Which none of the princes of this world knew: for had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.” (Luke 22:3-6 esp. V.3 keywords: Then entered Satan into Judas: remember above: Satan is the prince of this age). (Matt. 26:14-15) (V.14) Then one of the twelve called Judas Iscariot went unto the chief priests,” (V.15) “And said unto them, What wilt ye give me, and I will deliver him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty pieces of silver.” (Matt. 23:23-29) For effect the chief priests were princes of the pharisees and controlled the religion of the Jews. (Matt. 27: 20-25) (V.20) “But the chief priests and elders persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbas and destroy Jesus.” (V.21-24) Pilate, the prince of the Romans, tried to clear Jesus, they would not and Pilate washed his hands and said he was innocent of the blood of this just person. BUT: (V.25) “Then answered all the people, and said, His blood be on us and our children.” (1Cor. 2:8) The prince of devils, the prince of the Romans, and the princes of the Jews thought Jesus was going to lead the Jews to be a world power like Israel was in the time of King David. (John 8:13-44 esp. V.13 keywords: the Pharisees) (V.44) “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do.” Please take the time to read the complete scripture. The Pharisees knew they would lose their religious prestige that kept the Jewish religion in bondage to them! They never dreamed it was a spiritual kingdom (the church) Jesus was going to establish. END OF NOTE.
***From this point on I will give the definition when absolutely necessary but not the number unless the situation is critical.*** I have given you the means of finding definitions if you so desire. DO YOU STUDY GOD’S WORD ENOUGH TO FIND OUT IF YOUR PREACHER OR DENOMINATION IS PREACHING BIBLICAL TRUTH OR ARE THEY SENDING YOU TO HELL?
I was a member of a church when the pastor resigned due to health problems and the new pastor started preaching lies. I confronted him several times after church and pointed out the scripture to back up what I was saying. He had said; “You don’t need to do any works to get to heaven!” I showed him (James 3:17-26). He replied; “That scripture don’t apply to us.” Another time he said the seven churches in (Rev.2:1 thru 3:22) was not part of prophesy. I showed him (Rev. 1:3-11 esp. V.11) Yep, you guessed it. “That don’t apply to us.” After the same thing about several other scriptures; “That don’t apply to us.” He started preaching that a Christian cannot backslide. I showed him (Matt. 13:1-50, Heb. 6:4-6 & 2Pet. 2:1-22) “That don’t apply to us.” I was about to explode and I knew I would confront him in front of the congregation and cause trouble or cause someone to quit going to any church so I started going to another church where they preached the truth. Later I ran into a man then another time a woman who were members of that church and they both asked me why I left; I told them and they both looked shocked but said nothing. They kept attending that church. I suppose what the pastor preached and taught were more important than God’s Holy Word. That event happened several years ago and it still shocks me!
Immediately after their salvation event the new Christian does not understand he/she is involved in a spiritual war for survival with #1) (Mark 14:38, Rom. 8:6-8 & 11-13, Gal. 5:17-21) Self, the big me, one’s own carnal tendencies and desires of the flesh; #2) (Rom. 12:1-2, Col. 3:2-8, James 4:4, 1John 2:15-16) the World that offers all of us Christians enticing, wonderful, delightful, BUT forbidden things and people; #3) (2Cor. 12:4 & 11-13, 1Pet. 5:8, Rev.12:9) Satan, the devil. (1Pet. 5:8) Satan is your greatest enemy! BECAUSE: (Isa. 14:12-14) (V.13) “For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:” (V.14) “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.” Satan, the devil, intends to make his throne equal to God’s throne!
When you read the commentary Who is Satan, the Devil on this website your blood will run cold (2Cor. 12:4 & 11-13) by how he uses so many Christians and Christian leaders as his own personal errand runners, servants, mouthpieces, teachers, preachers and pastors!
(Matt. 13:19, Eph. 2:2 & Eph. 6:10-18 esp. V.11 keywords: wiles of the devil: wiles: Strong’s #3180: cunning arts, deceit, craft, trickery, by extension: travelling over: travelling over means you are overrun and destroyed) That’s why Satan works to divert a Christian’s attention away from Jesus and His Holy Word. The Devil doesn’t want you to scripturally know how to act or how to develop a relationship with Jesus through His Holy Word and the Holy Spirit.
Please read all of this commentary because it will show you by scripture where you are with God and by scripture how Jesus, with loving kindness, tender pity and indescribable mercy, brings Christians back from sin. Your decision will be of your own free will but at least you will know how to make that decision by the authority of God’s scripture if you need, want and use it. You will be shown (Heb 4:16) the how, why and when the “throne of grace” and (Rev. 12:10) the “high court of heaven” operates for every Christian’s benefit.
(2 Thess. 2:1-10 esp. V.3) (V.3) “Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away (defection from truth, apostasy) and the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.” If you have read THE CHURCH IN AMERICA: STATISTICS and the internet articles naming the various churches and their beliefs you can understand how “the falling away” is well under way!
(Matt. 27:39-43 esp. V.42) The chief priests, scribes and elders of the Jews were walking around Jesus as He hung there so alone writhing in agony from His horrid wounds and covered with gore on His bloody cross. They were wagging their heads, reviling Jesus and mocking him. Then one of the chief priests said a strange and terribly cruel thing; (V.42) “He saved others, himself he cannot save.” Did the chief priest tell the truth?
When you got saved you spiritually went to Calvary with Jesus. (John 3:16 explained by 2Cor. 5:17-18 & 1Thess. 5:10) It was a back to the wall, blood and guts, knuckle and skull *spiritual* last stand there on Calvary, there was no way out, one of you had to die. (Matt. 26:53-54) Jesus could have quit, He could have called the angels to rescue Him, He had a chance, you didn’t, and nobody had the power to save you.
You couldn’t generate enough faith to just take salvation. You didn’t have anything valuable enough to buy salvation. You couldn’t live good enough or do enough good works to wipe out your sins and deserve salvation (2Cor. 5:17) and you surely could not change your fallen carnal human nature into something acceptable to God! (Luke 19:10 keywords: to seek and save that which was lost: Greek definition of seek: search for, desire, to seek by inquiring:) You had that awful feeling of being lost and on the way to hell. (John 6:44 & 12:32 keyword: draw: defined: pull toward, to draw by inward power, lead, impel) Yet somehow you felt drawn to Jesus but you didn’t realize Jesus was seeking you so He could save you.
Spiritually Jesus looked into your heart and said; “I love you. I died in your place; I took it for you.” When you completely understood that you got saved didn’t you? The chief priest told the truth but for the wrong reason! AGAIN: (John 3:16, 2Cor. 5:14-15 & 1Pet. 2:24) Jesus could not save Himself because He loved you and me so much He was willing to give His life so we could live with Him forever in heaven and be part of His eternal family.
Your sin account had come due, you were helpless and had no way to pay for your sins. That was when you broke and asked Him to forgive you and save you and He did. Spiritually God gave you a pardon NO CHARGE: PAID IN FULL: SIGNED IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS! (Eph. 1:12-14) And you knew you were saved!
That is the price He paid for your salvation, it is personal, only you. (John 14:16-18 & 23) It is personal because Jesus is in you and you are in Him through the Holy Spirit. (Rev. 2:7, 11, 17, 29; 3:6, 13 & 22 keywords: He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith to the churches) That is why you have those bittersweet, homesick feelings once in a while. (John 14:17-18 & 2Cor. 3:17) That is Jesus through the Holy Spirit of love calling out to you, He loves you and wants you back in His life.
(Read John 3:16, Eph. 2:4-8 & 1John 4:8 & 16 keywords in both: God is love) THE GRACE COVENANT IS A LOVE COVENANT
(1Cor. 1:10-13 & 3:1-6) Jesus did not bring a religion based on a denomination, not even yours, not even mine. (Heb. 10:1-10) Jesus did not bring a bunch of cold, dead impossible to keep rules and laws so He could find an excuse to send us to hell.
(John 14:6-9, 18 & 23 then Heb. 10:19-23 esp. V.20 keywords: living way) In His nail scarred hands Jesus brought the offer of an individual, living, personal love relationship with Him through the Holy Spirit of love according to God’s word, (1John 4:8 & 16) founded on love because God is love (Rom. 5:8-9 & Gal. 2:20) and based on love because Jesus loves us enough to die (Heb. 9:11-15 esp. V.12 & 14: for salvation & 1John 1:7-2:1 for Christians who have sinned V.8-10 and all Christians do sin AND V.10 if a Christian he/she says they have not sinned they call Jesus a liar and the truth is not in them = liars SO Rev. 21:8 keywords: and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone) so we can get saved and stay saved through his shed blood that cleanses our sins away.
(Matt. 1:1 thru Rev. 3:22 esp. John 14:15-29) It is built on love by keeping our relationship of love with Jesus flourishing (John 1:1-4 & 1John 1:1-4) according to God’s Holy Word of love (John 14:23) through the Holy Spirit of love.
(Matt. 13:18-23) Your Christian relationship with Jesus depends on the intensity of your love for Jesus as you either grow as a Christian or fail as a Christian.
Love is scripturally mentioned several times in the above paragraph simply because (1John 4: 8 & 16) GOD IS LOVE. Love is a deep, intense, emotional tenderness, attraction to and affection for another person personalized by an intense emotional attachment and benevolent devotion to, an intimate fondness for and a yearning to share with, give to and make the other person happy. That is how Jesus feels about you. He loves you enough to die a horrible, tormented, tortured death so you could live. It’s personal. Only you.
A person always examines love received by an ongoing examination and evaluation of the depth of passion (intensity of love) of the person you love. Its natural and its stupid not to. Do they love me like I love them? Is their love for me growing as they get to know me better? What am I getting for the way I act and feel? (Rev. 3:15-16) Do they have the desire to try to please me the way I please them? Depending on your patience and understanding, love is an eventual response to what the other person does, therefore love can be built up or torn down.
What does being loved mean to you? Even those childhood/teenager crushes count because it was all you knew about love at that time in your life experience. Please look back down your life and remember what you felt like in your heart when you were attracted to someone, your love was there, but they threw your offer of love right back in your face by refusing to even try to love you and you didn’t have a chance to be happy. People turn down Jesus’ offer of salvation all the time. I have also lived that with a man who was closer to my Dad, Mom, my brother and me than my blood relative uncles. To read about it see the one article commentary When You Refuse God’s Offer of Salvation.
Remember how it felt when someone slowly quit loving you, you knew it was happening, there wasn’t anything you could do about it and you watched your happiness just dribble away? OR: When someone you loved fell out of love with you and they suddenly, harshly crushed your happiness?
OR: When you deeply loved someone but you knew they didn’t love you the same way, they took advantage of your relationship, you always felt threatened and used and you could never have that beautiful, secure free happiness? OR: When the passion of the one you loved had cooled, the communication was dwindling and your happiness was turning into the taste of the cold ashes of futility?
Remember when you discovered the one you loved was cheating on you and giving their time and affection to someone or something else and your happiness was smashed? What was your reaction to all this? Pain? Anger? Suffering? Soul sickness? Loss? When someone rejects the love you give it hurts you! Your own patience and willingness to give them another chance hurt you! (Eph. 4:30 keywords: grieve not the holy Spirit of God & 2Peter 3:9 keywords: the Lord is longsuffering to us-ward) Now you know how Jesus lives every day because of us. SO: How much do you love Jesus? It’s personal. Only you.
If the situation was reversed you would feel this same way. Jesus gave all He had and all He was and now He offers all He has so He has the right to expect this love (Mark 12:30) “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength:” Do you remember when you loved Jesus like that? That was when God saved you wasn’t it (Psa. 119:1-10 esp. V.2 & 10 keywords: whole heart) You had to or He wouldn’t have given you salvation. So, what happened?
Here is How You Started Falling Out Of Love With Jesus
***1ST QUESTION: What if you, utilizing all your resources, had given a person the greatest, most precious, most beautiful gift you could ever give that person. Then they take that wonderful, unique, infinitely precious gift and treat it like it isn’t worth much. How hurt and angry would you be?
***1st ANSWER: (Rom. 6:23) God had nothing more precious to give you when He gave you the gift of His own Son’s life so you could be redeemed (saved) through His blood. (Heb. 10:29-31 esp. V.30 keywords: the Lord shall judge his people) Christians disrespect Jesus when we deliberately sin! How hurt and angry do you think God is about our treatment of His unique, infinitely precious gift? How would feel about it if your child’s life was treated that way?
*****2nd QUESTION: You have met this person, you did him/her the greatest favor that could ever be done (salvation), you want to get to know them a little better and establish a relationship with them. (Rev. 3:20) “Behold I stand at the door and knock.” You go to their door; your heart is filled with gladness and eagerness: “Oh boy! A brand new life to explore, a brand new experience!”
You knock. They come to the door. “Can we get better acquainted with each other?” They look at you and answer; “No, I’ve got better things to do.” They close the door in your face! How embarrassed and hurt would you be? How would you feel? How many times would you come back and try again?
*****2nd ANSWER: God makes the same offer of getting better acquainted and establishing a more meaningful relationship with you when His still, small Holy Spirit voice speaks in your thoughts (Matt. 11:29 keywords: Take my yoke upon you and learn of me) His invitation; “I feel like I need to read the Bible a while.” (Eph. 6:18 keywords: Praying always) OR: “I ought to go pray and thank God for all He’s done for me.” (James 1:12-15 & Rev. 3:20) But then you close the door of your heart in God’s face, you don’t let Him in, you refuse to learn about Him and you refuse to talk to Him. (Eph. 5:1-11) Then you go about entertaining yourself; TV, iPhone, other electronics, another person, hobby, club, sports, a team, political party, house, yard, pets, business, and well- the list is endless! Both God and you know the difference between entertainment and necessity!
Backsliding Further
(Rev. 2:1-5, 3:2-5 & 15-16) As time goes on you grow colder toward God. The church has lots of cold toward God Christians. Then you start missing church; “I’m tired, my significant other, old grumpy, is holding me back, they look down on me, nobody is friendly, blah, blah, blah.” Sure there’s some guilt brought on by the Holy Spirit but at your lack of response that also slows and slows until it’s only an occasional thought. How far have you backslid? Only God and you know.
God seems so big, strong and sometimes remote it’s easy to forget (Luke 15:10) God has feelings too; HE WAS FILLED WITH JOY IN THE PRESENCE OF THE ANGELS WHEN YOU WERE SAVED and now (2Pet. 3:9 keyword: longsuffering) you are hurting Jesus (1John 1:8 & 16 keywords: God is love) because love, especially perfect love, hurts when it is ignored or rejected by backsliding Christians. We are made in God’s image. Rejected love hurts us and it hurts God. It’s personal. Only you.
(James 1:13-24 esp. V.14) “But every man (Strong’s #1538: as a superlative each, every, every one, every man every woman particularly) is tempted when he is drawn away (lured) of his own lust (desire for what is forbidden) and enticed (allure, deceive).” god SELF! Remember? All of us including you, including me, are our own problem on an individual basis because so many times we act or speak before we think or we don’t study the Bible enough to know how a Christian is supposed to act or your preacher don’t preach the truth out of ignorance because he does not study the Bible enough or because Satan has your preacher deceived and, for effect, your preacher is working for Satan, the devil!
(Heb. 11:25 keywords: pleasures of sin) We get the stupids, forget, are ignorant of, or simply ignore God’s scriptural promises, admonitions and warnings and jump right into the middle of sin just because we want to and inevitably we suffer the consequences; usually in shame, despair, a slow loss of caring about Jesus and eventual backsliding. Backsliding causes other people to backslide or to never go to church, especially our families, especially the children. It happens all the time. There are cougar sightings where I live, some by officials, there was a newspaper article that two city police officers saw one in the city limits of Ashland KY, some by trail cameras and one sighting close to our house by one of our personal security system cameras. *If a Dad or Mom or both were out in the yard with their child or children and a cougar attacked to kill their child for food a parent would fight that cougar with their eight little pieces of bone (knuckles) against the cougars fangs and claws until they died to try and give their child time to escape, YET: (1Pet. 5:8) “Be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour;” THEY WILL NOT TAKE THEIR CHILDREN TO CHURCH TO BECOME CHRISTIANS SO THAT SPIRITUAL ROARING LION, an active predator, WILL NOT DEVOUR THEIR CHILD AND TAKE IT TO HELL WHEN IT GROWS UP! (Rev. 20:11-15 esp. V.12 & 15) What will you think of yourself and say to the darling of your life at the book of life judgment and it turns a horrified face to you and screams; “Mommy, Daddy why didn’t you raise me in church?” Backsliding starts with spiritual nibbling. (Eph. 6:11-12, 1Thess. 3:5, 2Tim. 2:24-26 & 1Pet 5:8-9) Satan watches you closely (Gen 3:1-7) just like he did Eve in the Garden of Eden, he sees your curiosity and desire then he inserts a little confusion into your thoughts about what God said.
OR: He sees some pride in you (1Chron. 21:1) and provokes you to rebel against God’s word just like he did David. OR: (Luke 22:1-6) He sees some greed or lust in you like he did Judas and he embellishes the object you want. OR: (Luke 22:31-34) (V.31) Jesus told Simon Peter Satan was going have him and sift (Strong’s #4617: figuratively by inward agitation to try one’s faith to the verge of overthrow) him as wheat is sifted. (V.34) Jesus said; “I tell thee, Peter, the cock shall not crow this day, before that thou shalt thrice deny that thou knowest me.” (Matt. 26:57-75) (V.69-70) the first time Peter denied knowing Jesus; (V.71-72) the second time; “And again he denied with an oath (Strong’s #3727: that which has been pledged or promised), I do not know the man.” The third time; (V.73-74) (V.73) “And after a while came unto him they that stood by, and said to Peter, Surely thou also art one of them; for thy speech betrayeth thee.” (V.74) “Then began he to curse and to swear; saying I know not the man. And immediately the cock crew (crowed).” (V.75) “And Peter remembered the word of Jesus, which said unto him, Before the cock crow, thou shalt deny me thrice. And he went out and wept bitterly.” You can be sure Satan, the devil, will try you and your only defense is God’s Word through the Holy Spirit!
You are not alone. Sin happens to all of us Christians including me, (1John 1:7-10 keywords: we, us, our & Ch. 2: through the first 8 words of V.2) including John the Bible writer, (Rom. 7:19-20) including Paul the Bible writer, church planter and evangelist. Some come back from sin and some don’t. Only you. It’s personal.
(John 10:28-30) Jesus boldly states no person shall ever take even one of His Christians away from Him or His Father. No person can take away your salvation (Rev. 3:5 keywords: blot his name out of the book of life) but you are free to give up your salvation if it has lost its meaning and value to you just like the prodigal son did. (Luke 15:11-24 esp. V.17 keywords: came to himself) After he had lost all he owned the prodigal son came back but will you? Only you.
(Heb. 6:4-6 & Rev. 20:10-15) If you die in a backslid state you will be brought to God’s great white throne judgment and you will be cast into a lake of fire and brimstone where death and hell are. You will be forever tormented and shredded by a raging, hating, evil Satan, the devil, and his devils. You will forever die, always in the final agonizing sting of dying, but never be able to finally die to escape. Only you.
(Heb. 6:4-6) Think very seriously about coming back because God reserves for Himself the option of finally refusing you the option of coming back to Him (Rom. 1:6-7 and 28) just like He did some of the church people at Rome. (Prov. 29:1) God says; “He that being often reproved (chastised, correction) hardeneth his neck (stiff necked), shall be destroyed, and that without remedy (deliverance). AGAIN: (Prov. 1:23-28) I was with a very dear friend during the long time it took him to die. He had refused to hear God, God refused to hear him and it was the most horrifying thing I have ever seen even worse than the time, I was staggering around, wounded and bloody on a torn stinking early morning battlefield picking up my fellow Marine’s body parts scattered here and there! AGAIN: You can read about it on this website, the one article commentary When You Refuse God’s Offer of Salvation.
There are ignorant preachers and teachers who teach and say a Christian cannot backslide and Jesus cannot or will not take a Christian’s name out of the book of life. SO: Let me meet that teaching with 7 questions to your own heart.
Here are some scriptures to set the stage for #1-#4). (Rev. 1:1-20) (2-5) John tells us Jesus is coming to give us the words of this prophecy. (V.6-9) John tells us his qualifications. (V.10-11) Jesus started the prophecy from behind John in a trumpet like voice. (V.12-16 esp. V.13 keywords: seven candlesticks and V.16 keywords: seven stars) John turned, saw Jesus in all His glory and fainted! (V.17-18) Jesus revived John, described Himself and told John about His (Jesus’) death and resurrection. (V.19) Jesus started His prophecy. (V.20) Jesus explained the mystery of the stars (messengers- pastors, Acts 2:1-41 esp. V.17, 33 & 38 the Holy Spirit is the spiritual messenger to the Church) and candlesticks (which are the physical churches).
#1) (Rev. 3:5) Do you think Jesus was lying or cracking a joke when He said He would ***blot*** out Christian’s names out of the book of life in the church of Ephesus if they did not repent? The word blot used here has the same definition as the word ***blotted*** used in Acts 3:19 where a persons sins are blotted (obliterate, erase) out at salvation. When your name is blotted out of the book of life it is gone forever!
#2) (Rev. 3:14) “the church of the Laodiceans”. (Rev. 3:15-16 keyword: spue) (V.15) “I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot:” (V.16) “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” Spue is defined as projectile vomiting. Do you think Jesus is going to puke up into heaven the lukewarm (tepid) Christians who make Him so sick to His stomach ? It is strange but the Greek for the word spue is emeu, pronounced em-eh’-o, and is the base word for the English word emetic which is defined as an agent that causes vomiting! WOW! If you are still not convinced they were in a backsliding state (Rev. 3:17-22) please tell me (V.17-18) why those people had to change their lifestyle into one in which Jesus would approve? (V.19) Why did Jesus tell them He was chastising them to be zealous (to burn with zeal) and repent (to change one’s mind for the better, heartily to amend with abhorrence of one’s past sins) (V.20) Jesus was knocking at the door of their souls. (V21) “To him that overcometh (Strong’s #3528: to conquer, of Christians that hold fast their faith even unto death against the power of their foes, and temptations and persecutions) will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I overcame (Same definition #3528: Jesus died for His beliefs!), and am set down with my Father in his throne.”
#3) (Rev. 22:18) If any man shall add to this book (Revelation) God shall add unto him the plagues written in this book. (1Thess. 4:13-18 & Rev. 7:9-17) The church will be caught away to heaven before the plagues are given so this means a person who adds to the book of Revelation will be left behind. SO: Do you think God lied in His own scriptures?
#4) (Rev. 22:19) “And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy (Revelation), God shall take away his part out of the book of life,” Do you think the teachers and preachers are calling Jesus a liar when they say Jesus will not or cannot take a person’s name out of the book of life? ARE YOU CALLING JESUS A LIAR?
#5) (Heb. 6:4-6) Do you think God lied when His word said; (V.4) “For it is impossible (without strength, impotent, powerless, unable to be done) for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted (partake of. enjoy, perceive the flavor of) of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers (a sharer) of the Holy Ghost (Spirit).” (V.5) “And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers (strength, ability, power residing in a thing by virtue of its nature) of the world (forever, an unbroken age, eternity) to come,” (V.6) “If they shall fall away, (to deviate from the right path, turn aside, wander, to apostatize) to renew them again unto repentance (a change of mind); seeing they crucify to themselves (himself, herself, itself, themselves) the Son of God afresh (to recrucify), and put him to an open shame (to set forth as a public example).”
Here are two examples of being loyal to god SELF and Satan, the devil, instead of God and God’s Holy Word: #1) A few years ago I hired a man to lay some tile for me. In the first 15 minutes he was here he casually took God’s name in vain three times in the worst way; “G. D. this!”. I called his hand on it “I’m a Christian and I don’t like that kind of talk!” “I’m a Christian too and they ain’t nothin wrong with it.” And he named his church. But he didn’t say any more curse words. Later on before the job was over he told me he was living with a woman but not married and that was also OK! Two years later he was admitted to a local hospital for a fatal disease. In the few weeks before he died he cursed God for letting this happen to him! It was the talk of the hospital and eventually much of the county and even the nurses who were not Christians were deeply shocked and talked about him.
#2) This happened to a member of a different church. A lady friend of my wife and I suspected her husband, a lay preacher in their church, was having an affair with another woman. That tough little lady went to an electronics store, secretly bought a recording device, secretly crawled under their house trailer and hooked it up to their incoming phone line. She came to us with her recording, that is when she revealed the above information to us, she played the recording for us and, sure enough, she had recorded his sweet, loving conversations with ‘the love of his life’ girlfriend while our friend was at work. She filed for divorce. A few days later she brought another recording and let us listen to the pastor of their church tell her husband to get his marriage straightened out for appearance sake and when he felt the urge take a hundred or so dollars to a larger city about 70 miles away and get himself taken care of in a house of prostitution! A pastor and his lay preacher! She divorced him, started attending another church of a different denomination and kept their three children in church. All three are adults now and still loyal to their Mother and their church.
PLEASE READ (Acts 20:29-30 keywords: grievous wolves AND 2 Cor. 11:13-15 about Satan’s ministers of righteousness) to understand the how of the two events above.
#6) (1Cor. 9:27) Do you think the apostle Paul was joking when he said he worried he might become a castaway (rejected, reprobate)?
#7) (Acts 1:16-18) Judas was numbered with the disciples and had obtained part of their ministry. (Luke 22:3-6 then 22:48) Do you think he was welcomed into heaven for following Satan and betraying Jesus for money? How many Christians still do? What you believe will determine your eternal destination! ONLY YOU!
YOU, ME, All Christians
The world is filled with things and people that tempt us, we sin and sometimes sin miserably, we sometimes just give up and quit, we sometimes feel like we lose our connection with God but here is God’s guarantee of our success; (1Cor. 10:13 with definitions) “There hath no temptation (test) taken you (seize, assail, grasp) but such is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer (to permit) you to be tempted (tested) above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape (flee away), that ye may be able to bear it (carry the burden).”
(1Cor. 10:13) Written again using the underlined italicized definitions above to promote understanding. “There hath no test seized, assailed, and grasped you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not permit you to be tested above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to flee away that ye may be able to carry the burden.”
BUT YOU MUST DESIRE TO ESCAPE! (1Tim. 4:11 & 2Tim. 4:2) God, through Paul, was telling Timothy what to teach and preach so what is written in the two books of Timothy is to us, YOU and ME and all Christians. (2Tim. 2:15) “Study to show thyself approved (accepted) unto God,” (2Tim. 3:16) “All (each, every, any, the whole, everyone, all things, everything) scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable (advantageous) for doctrine (teaching, instruction), for reproof **(proof, that by which a thing is proved or tested),** for correction (restoration to an upright or right state), for instruction (the whole) in righteousness (the condition acceptable to God).” Do you think the members of the 2 churches the 5th and 6th paragraphs above this one studied enough to PASS THE TEST WHEN THEY WERE TESTED BY SELF, THE WORLD AND THE DEVIL? (Rev. 20:11-15 & 21:7-8) Obviously, at the judgment, they will find their names are not in the book of life. What about you? Do you love Jesus enough to pray and study God’s Word for instruction in righteousness SO YOU CAN PASS THE TEST in (1Cor. 10:13 above)? READ THE NEXT PARAGRAPH BEFORE YOU ANSWER!
(2Pet. 3:15-18) (V.15) “And account that the longsuffering (patience, endurance) of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you:” (V.16) “As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned (ignorant) and unstable (vacillating, unsteadfast) wrest (to twist, turn away, pervert), as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction **(destroying, perishing, the destruction which consists of eternal misery in hell).”** (V.17) “Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware (to guard, keep watch) lest ye also, being led away (to be carried away by a thing, so as to experience with others the force of that which carries away) with the error **(a wandering, a straying, one led astray from the right way, mental straying, wrong opinion relative to morals or religion)** of the wicked (one who breaks through the restraints of law and gratifies his lust), fall from **(to lose it, fall from the divine promise of salvation)** your own steadfastness.” (V.18) “But grow (become greater, increase of inward Christian growth) in grace (that which affords joy, pleasure, delight, sweetness, charm, loveliness: grace of speech, the spiritual condition of one governed by the power of divine grace), and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever. Amen.”
DO YOU REMEMBER? (2Tim. 2:15) “Study to show thyself approved unto God.” You would not be reading this if you were not concerned and still want to go to heaven to be with the God that is living, perfect, amazing love. SO (1Tim. 6:12) “Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life.” SO START! (John 11:25-38 esp. V.35 keywords: Jesus wept) Jesus wept because His friends (V.32-33) still had not recognized Him for Who and what He really is (V.25-26) even though He had told them.
I have been where you are there in the beginning of my Christian walk but I fought back with God’s words in my Bible and praying that God would help me. I did not yet understand that the devil, Satan, was trying to make me lose my salvation. I was a baby Christian, brand new born, and through God’s Word, the Holy Spirit AND Jesus’ wonderous gentleness, loving kindness and tender pity. I have won up to this point in my life BUT I STILL FAIL AND SIN (Heb. 4:14-16) “Lord, oh Lord, It’s me again!” Please click on the commentary Sin in Church and read the seven article series Growth as a Christian: The Survival Principal AND **The Four Stages of Spiritual Growth as a Christian: The Need Principal** listed in the menu. I believe with all my heart every article on the Sin in Church menu will help you. SO:
(1Pet. 2:2 keywords: newborn babes) Picture a child, a baby, learning to walk. It is inevitable that they will fall but they get up and try again. That is what (1Cor. 10:13 above) is saying; “You will fall because you are learning to walk as a Christian.” Christians are a work in progress. (John 14:15-27 esp. V.26-27) We are supposed to be building a relationship with Jesus through God’s word and the Holy Spirit. When you fall (sin) it is up to you to get up and try again!
The following scripture is written to Christians everywhere in all times. (1John 1:1-10 esp. V.1 keywords: Word of life: NOTE: Jesus is the Word of life personified and the Word you read is life itself! WOW!! END OF NOTE.) Jesus had walked with John and the disciples as a man, they had looked at His miracles, they had listened to His teaching, they had broken bread with Jesus and touched Him for more than 3 years (John 13:25) and John had actually leaned on Jesus’ chest at the last supper. (V.7) You are backsliding back into Satan’s darkness and Satan is helping you but Jesus’ blood will cleanse us from all sin. (V.8 keyword: we: John is including himself) If you, me, or any Christian says they have no sin we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. REMEMBER THIS: ***(V. 10) If we say that we have not sinned, we make Jesus a liar, and His word is not in us. (V.9) If we confess our sins, he (Jesus) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness with His blood.*** (1John 1:1 thru 2:1) will be explained thoroughly below.
(Heb. 4:15) Jesus was a man, a human with all the hormones and emotions of a human and He was tempted (tested) just like us but He did not sin!
(John 4:4-42) The woman at the well had been married 5 times and was living with a man out of wedlock. She had to be a beauty but she obviously had weak morals. Surely you are not foolish enough to think she didn’t give eye signals and body language invitations to this handsome Jew when she first met Him met at the well. It was a wide-open invitation to secret sin. Jesus did not sin!
(Luke 4:1-13 esp. V.5-7) Surely you can imagine what the devil showed Jesus to try to get Jesus to compromise his purpose and join the devil’s side! There were fabulous riches in piles of gold, jewels and all other riches. He offered Jesus every kingdom in the world. There was immense political power, vast armies of soldiers and every sort of sexual situations available.
Look at the harems and dancers made up of the most beautiful women the whole world had to offer. They must have been jaw dropping and mind boggling in their beauty. It was a wide-open invitation to wide-open sin for all to see. Jesus did not sin!
When you read the scripture and think about the people Jesus met you will realize He had many opportunities to sin (Luke 4:13 keywords: for a season) and Satan, the Devil, came back again and again to tempt Jesus. Jesus did not sin!
(1John 1:8) Do not let the Devil tell you that you have to live a perfectly sinless life to be a Christian. God said it will not happen! You cannot do it. Only Jesus Christ, the Son of God, had the strength and will to live a sinless life because He loves you and me enough to overcome sin. SO: When you overcome the desire to sin that’s great, God is proud of you. BUT:
When you and I do sin, which is common to man God has placed this scripture, (1John 1:9 keywords: he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins), into effect for our final escape but we have to ask (confess)! God wrote it, He promised it, He means it and it works! God gives us the power of choice and time to confess.
Your Choice and God’s Giving of Time
(Heb. 4:16 with definitions) “Let us therefore come boldly (confidence and freedom of speech) unto the throne (seat occupied by a King) of grace (graciousness of manner and act, divine influence upon the heart, favor, kindness) that we may (faith, trust and confidence) obtain mercy (pity, compassion) and find grace (graciousness of manner and act, divine influence upon the heart, favor, kindness) to help (take interest in and cooperate with) in time of need (poverty, want).” Please read (Heb. 4:14-16) it is important!
Written again using the underlined italicized definitions to promote understanding. (Heb. 4:16) “Let us therefore come with confidence and freedom of speech unto the seat occupied by a King of graciousness of manner and act, divine influence upon the heart, favor, kindness that we with faith, trust and confidence obtain pity, compassion and find graciousness of manner and act, divine influence upon the heart, favor, kindness to take interest in and cooperate with in time of (poverty, want.”
(Read this: Heb. 12:5-17 esp. V.8 & 11) Poverty is in our Christian soul when the Holy Spirit chastises (disciplinary correction) us for our sin to draw us back to God and want is our desire to renew our personal love relationship of union with God and get back to our joy of serving Him. How this is put into action will be shown below.
(1John 1:1 thru 2:2 explained) (V.1 thru 7) John describes Jesus, identifies that this scripture is written to Christians, that our joy may be full and stresses the fact “the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.”
(V.8) “If we (John includes himself) say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. (V.9) If we confess our sins, he (Jesus) is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (V.10) If we say we have not sinned, we make Him (Jesus) a liar and His word is not in us.”
(2:1-2) “My little children (Christians), these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate (intercessor, pleader, defense counsel) with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous: And He is the propitiation for our sins.” Ultimately, propitiation is the turning away of God’s wrath by a blood offering of atoning sacrifice.
(Rev. 1:9-10) John was a Christian Apostle (our brother) and he wrote the Revelation. (Rev. 12:9-10) (V.9) The great dragon is identified from the beginning (Genesis) as that old serpent (Lucifer) and is also called the Devil and Satan. (V.10) And Satan is the accuser of our brethren (Christians) who accuses US before God day and night.
During this church age (Rev. 12:10) Satan is the accuser (prosecutor) which accuses the brethren before God day and night. (1John 2:1-2) (V.1) If any Christian sin we have an advocate (Defense Counsel) with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. (V.2) And he is the propitiation (the atonement, the atoning victim) for our sins. (Rev. 20:12) God is the Judge who announces the decision the evidence proves. (John 16:7-14) The Holy Spirit is the High Sheriff of Heaven because (V.8-9) He serves warrants to bring the lost before the High Court of Heaven to face their sin judgment in this life instead of after this life is over (V.10 & 13) and He serves a sin summons to Christians who sin. THINK! The next 14 paragraphs Biblically explain how All Christians including ME & YOU can, and had better, come to the throne of grace to have our sins forgiven.
(Isa. 6:14 & Rev. 4:8) God is absolute holiness (holy). Holy is defined sacred and pure. (Prov.6:16-19, Matt. 12:34-37 & Rev. 21:8) Sin is absolute evil and thus it is a sickening, reprehensible, revolting, condemnable insult to God’s absolute holiness and sin will not enter heaven.
God is so holy He sees (Matt. 5:27-28) lust as adultery (1John 3:14-15) and He sees hatred for a Christian brother as murder. God’s absolute holiness demands absolute justice but God’s absolute love demands absolute mercy. Remember? Love wants to give. So: God’s absolute justice and absolute mercy were reconciled by Jesus on His bloody cross.
(Rom. 5:8-11) Righteousness is the gift of innocence from God, we become righteous (innocent) through Jesus’ blood at the time of salvation. (Heb. 9:22-28) Jesus’ blood is the only source of sin cleansing available so man can be declared innocent of his sins. (John 14:15-18 & 23 and Eph. 1:13-14) That is when the Holy spirit came to live within you and he brought you a PARDON signed in Jesus’ blood; “NO CHARGE: PAID IN FULL! And you knew you were saved, its personal. Only You! You were as saved as you can ever be but:
THEN YOU SINNED. It is an offense to God’s holiness, to His love for you and to His Son. (Rev. 12:10) Satan the accuser, the prosecutor, brings the reality of the sin charge against you before the High Court of Heaven and accuses you, the Christian; “Look what they did” and he goes on and on about it by laying out every sordid detail, sound and smell of your sin over and over. The Judge issues a sin summons to the High Sheriff for you to appear in Court.
(Eph. 4:30 keyword: grieve) The High Sheriff is grieving as He leaves. (2Pet. 3:9 keyword: longsuffering) God the Judge sits silent, offended and suffering and Jesus, your advocate, is mute, ashamed and suffering as the prosecutor rails on and on about you. (Psa. 25:6 & 103:4 then 1John 4:8 & 16) Because of their love, kindness and mercy God and Jesus suffer because of you while they extend to you a choice and a giving of time. They can only suffer in silence until you do something that will release them. ONLY YOU!
(John 14:26 The Holy Spirit will bring all things to your remembrance & 16:13 The Holy Spirit will guide you into all truth). The indwelling Holy Spirit, the High Sheriff of Heaven, brings you the sin summons and starts guiding you into all truth; “You are guilty of sin and it is very bad!”
(1John 1:9) Finally, finally, finally, thank God you, and me, finally come to your senses and admit your sin guilt to yourself, you are ashamed, you know you have shamed God’s holiness, (Rom. 5:8-18) you know you have soiled (made dirty) your own atonement, justification, reconciliation with God and your free gift of righteousness from God. (Matt. 27:1-4 keywords: betrayed the innocent blood) You have betrayed Jesus’ innocent blood (Rom. 8:9-17) that was shed so you could join God’s Holy Family. Sin is serious.
You may wiggle and squirm for a while but the undeniable truth is; “I have sinned! I’ve got to get this fixed!” You finally decide to repent (turn back the other way from your sin). (John 1:9) It is a decision, not a relief and you finally realize, through the Holy Spirit’s work in your thoughts, you are going to have to confess your sins and ask forgiveness or (Rev. 21:7-8 & 27) you will not be righteous (innocent) in God’s eyes!
Sin is serious, it is a burden and a bondage to you. It is a heart-breaker to God and Jesus and a soul killer to Christians!
(Heb. 12:7-11) You possibly do not realize and are probably not thankful you have been chastised by the Holy Spirit, the High Sheriff of Heaven, who rounds up scoundrels like you and like me! You finally (Heb. 14-16 esp. V.16) drag yourself up to the throne of grace, (1John 1:9) confess your sin, and ask forgiveness for your sin. You have exercised the choice principal in a giving of time provided by the kindness and patience of God who is absolute love upon which His absolute grace and absolute mercy is founded. Love wants to give.
(Heb. 4:14-16 esp. V.16 keyword: boldly) You have come boldly (I don’t know about you but I am ashamed each time and my head is bowed low) unto the throne of grace to obtain mercy and to find grace in your great time of need. You have kept the High Court of Heaven waiting while you dithered. Your defense counsel, Jesus, presents your confession and plea for mercy.
Jesus states; (Rom. 8:15-17 esp. V.17) “This is thy child Holy Father, my joint-heir (Heb. 2:9-11 esp. V.11) brother/sister to thy kingdom bought through my shed blood, here is the prayer petition of his/her asking for forgiveness.” (1John 1:7-10) Jesus presents your prayer petition before the Judge, (John 5:22 keywords: hath committed all judgment unto the Son) “and heavenly Father I have once more applied my blood and have cleansed him/her of this sin.”
“IT IS DONE!” Thunders the Judge from His throne. The prosecutor’s shoulders slump in defeat and Satan tiptoes out of the High Court of Heaven with his head down. God’s giving of choice and a giving of time have operated in your favor.*****
(Heb. 12:7-13 esp. V.8 keyword: chastisement) *****The chastisement (disciplinary correction) was grievous for you but now you can be at peace because your righteousness has been restored (Heb. 4:14-16) when you exercised your right to come to the throne of grace in your time of need. Spiritually the High Sheriff of heaven once again brings to your soul a PARDON written in the blood of the Son of God: NO CHARGE: PAID IN FULL!***** Five stars, the Biblical number of grace!!!!!
(Rom. 8:15-17) Christians are the children of God. We are heirs and joint-heirs with Jesus. You are special. You are a member of God’s personal, forever family. Jesus is our elder Brother. (Matt. 18:21-22) (V.22) Jesus said if our brother trespass (to sin, to offend, to miss the mark and not share in the prize) against us, for us to rebuke (censure, admonish) our brother and if he repent to forgive him over and over again. Jesus will not give us a commandment He will not do Himself!
(1Cor. 10:13) You have utilized God’s final escape plan to escape from temptation failure! THAT’S GOD’S WORD ON THE MATTER.
All these events happen at the speed of thought except for the time you take to make up your mind to repent and pray. ADVICE: Do it as fast as you can. Don’t make Jesus suffer! AND you do not know if you are suddenly going to die, or get killed in a car wreck, or etc.
God also knows when a Christian is really not serious when asking for forgiveness (Rev. 2:4-5 esp. V.5, 14-17 esp. V.16, 20-21 esp. V.21 then 3:2-5 esp. V.3 & 19, keyword in all repent: defined: to change one’s mind for better, heartily to amend with abhorrence of one’s past sins) and does not really repent. God knows when a Christian is just mouthing the words to feel good about himself.
(Rom. 6:12 keyword: reign) Repetitious sin means sin is becoming your king to obey (Heb. 3:6-12) and you are hardening your own heart (Heb. 11:25) by enjoying the pleasure of sin for a season (James 1:12-15) which will bring eternal death.
God knows when a Christian is just “trying to milk the system” of His forgiveness because He said; (Rom. 6:12) “Let not sin therefore reign in your mortal body, that ye should obey it in the lusts thereof.” When you quit fighting temptation, when you quit praying, when you quit studying scripture, when you quit going to church and when you quit trying then sin reigns and becomes your king.
*****THINK! Surely you do not want to go to hell! THINK! Paul was telling Timothy what to (2Tim. 4:2) preach and (2Tim. 2:24) teach so that brings that message through the generations, (1Pet. 1:25) and it will endure forever, so that word applies to us, YOU AND ME. (John 14:26) And Paul wrote (2Tim. 3:16-17) “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:” (V.17) “That the man (Strong’s #444: a human being, whether male or female) of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works.” (2Tim. 2:15) “Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” And that puts the burden of living an approved life according to God’s word on every individual Christian! STUDY FOR YOUR ETERNAL LIFE! Don’t depend on your preacher or teacher or your denomination because they may have it wrong. AGAIN, ask the internet for a list of Christian denominations and what each one teaches and preaches. You and I are studying to determine our eternal destination; Heaven or Hell then on to the lake of fire!
Read the commentary Who is Satan, the Devil and you will be shocked by the number of churches that operate under the spiritual guidance of Satan and how (2Cor. 4:4 keywords: In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not & 11:13-15 esp. V.14 keywords: And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed *(Strong’s #3345: to change the figure of, from #3326: to transfigure or disguise)* into an angel of light. V.15 keywords: Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers (Strong’s #1249: one who executes the commands of another, esp. of a master, a servant, attendant) also be transformed *(same definition as above)* as the ministers of righteousness: whose end shall be according to their works) the “god of this world” SATAN, THE DEVIL, has his false “ministers of righteousness” operating in churches. And yes, some are so scripturally and spiritually ignorant they do not know they are working for the devil and lead their congregations where the devil tells them to go. “Oh that scripture don’t apply to us!”
Common sense tells us God won’t force you to stay in church when you want to depart because you don’t love Him enough to stay in church or to repent and come back to church. Remember our discussion about love? Common sense also tells us if God did use force to keep you in church you would hate God for enslaving you against your will. God isn’t stupid. It’s personal. Only you.
(Heb. 11:25) God said sin has pleasure. You are not really happy are you, not happy and loving your Saviour, Jesus, with all your heart like you were when God saved you are you? (Luke 15:11-24) In reality you are sometimes homesick like the prodigal son. Like him you are afraid because of where sin and pride have taken you, aren’t you? That sometimes causes you to be ashamed doesn’t it? SO:
(James 1:13-15) God also said sin has consequences (Heb. 3:12-14 esp. V.13 keywords: lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin) and that deceitfulness of sin is what is pulling you further and further away from God. You have got a choice follow sin and go to hell (Rev. 20:10-15) and on to the lake of fire (V.10) “and shall be tormented (to torture) day and night for ever and ever” or come on back home where you will be loved and appreciated like the prodigal son did. IF (Rom. 1:28 keywords: God gave them over to a reprobate (Strong’s Book #96 unapproved, rejected, castaway, by implication worthless) mind (Strong’s #3563: the faculties of perceiving and understanding and those of feeling, judging, determining) BECAUSE:
(Heb. 6:4-6) (V.4) “For it is impossible (Strong’s #102: unable to be done) for those who were once enlightened (Strong’s #5461: to imbue with saving knowledge), and have tasted (Strong’s #1089: partake of, enjoy) of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers (Strong’s #3353: sharing in, a partner—remember the yoke?) of the Holy (Strong’s #40: most holy thing) Ghost (Strong’s #4151: the third person of the triune God, the Holy Spirit, coequal and coeternal with the Father and the Son),” (V.5) “And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,” (V.6) “If they shall fall away (Strong’s #3895: to deviate from the right path) to renew them again unto repentance (Strong’s #3341: a change of mind); seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.” I have met people like that and they just did not care! It is so sad because (Heb.10:23-31 esp. V.31) (V.31) “It is a fearful thing (Strong’s #5398: terrible, formidable) to fall into the hands of the living God.”
Have you ever thought about hell? (Luke 16:19-31 esp. V.23-28) The cruel, heedless, selfish, arrogant, sinful rich man (V.23) could see, (V.24) talk, taste, touch, (V.25) hear, (V.27) understand, pray, (V.28) had memory, could reason and he loved his brothers. The most pitiful thing of all is that he did not ask to get out of hell because he knew he deserved to be there= horrible resignation. Lazarus and the rich man had died, both bodies were rotting in the ground but they both still had all their mental and physical attributes, (V.25) Lazarus was comforted while the rich man was tormented, in their spiritual bodies. It is personal. Only you.
The devil will always point out enticing things to take your attention away from getting back where you need to be. He’ll also point out the hypocrites in church; “If they are going to heaven you don’t have a worry in the world.” I don’t like the way they act either (Matt. 13:24-30 esp. V.25 & 27 keyword: tares and V.30 keywords: burn them) but God said go to church with them or go to hell with them! (Prov. 11:9) They are part of your and every Christian’s test of heaven worthiness.
If somebody told you they’d slap your face if you showed up at church you would come if it killed you just to show them they couldn’t bluff you. BUT:
The devil is spiritually slapping your face when he whispers in your thoughts; “Just wait a while before you go.” OR “Look at that hypocrite, why go to church with that?” OR “They’ll laugh at you.” (Rev. 20:10-15 esp. V.15) The devil wants to take you to hell with him because that hell will be his kingdom of rejection, fire and torment.
Click on the commentary Sin in Church and scroll the menu to the article Growth as a Christian: the Survival Principal (Part 7) and read the complete story about how far into sin one of the best friends I have ever had went into horrendous sin for 5 long years yet when Jesus forgave him and brought Wetzel back into good standing at Jesus’ Throne of Grace and the High Court of Heaven. You will also read the amazing answer Wetzel told me concerning the dream I had about my cancer and he did not know I’d had the dream! It brings tears to my eyes even now as I write this. I ASK YOU TO PLEASE TAKE TIME TO READ IT!
Then he will have you to do with as he pleases. You take up for yourself and fight back when trouble comes don’t you? Fight back now! Take up for yourself! (Heb. 13:5-6) Jesus will help you be a winner. You don’t have to be a loser unless you just want to!
Every Christian I know including myself has sinned and/or backslid to one degree or another at one time or another. All of us Christians know the shame of when we let Jesus down and let ourselves down. We also know it is a much greater shame to remain a failure. That’s why we repented, confessed, received forgiveness and came back to where we needed to be.
I have been where you are and it was miserable, a miserable life that was leading to a miserable forever. Only Me. It was personal. We understand exactly how you feel and we will welcome you back with open arms. Spiritually the Holy Spirit will give you a PARDON written in the blood of Jesus, the Son of God: NO CHARGE: PAID IN FULL. Only You.
You are my blood relative brother or sister; Jesus’ blood and I love you. With my whole heart I truly hope and pray you make it. GOD BLESS YOU and look me up if you get to heaven.