About awk59153

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So far awk59153 has created 150 blog entries.


The word backsliding is not in the New Testament. Backsliding is a convenient Old Testament word that describes the New Testament situation of (2Thess. 2:3) falling away. This commentary explores Christian activities after their salvation event. I do not approve of the accepted way of placing just the scriptures at the end of a sentence or paragraph. On this website I place the scriptures at the beginning of the sentence because sometimes I feel keywords and/or the definition of certain words gives the reader better and more clear understanding [...]


When You Refuse God’s Offer of Salvation

PERSONAL EXPERIENCE: I have personally experienced the **(Proverbs (Prov. 1:23-29 esp. V.28 keywords: "but I will not answer")** event as it happened to a dear friend and it was the most saddening, sickening, frightening, gloomy darkness I have ever experienced; worse even than the time I was staggering around, wounded and bloody and filled with that awful, numb sickness of being trapped in a surrealistic world. The rest of them had left by med-evac and I was gathering my dead friend's blown apart body, with its parts here and [...]

When You Refuse God’s Offer of Salvation2024-08-19T10:25:26-04:00

Who is Satan, the Devil

Writer’s comment: I have inserted the definitions of various words in this writing with the Strong’s number included to give a much more penetrating understanding of this commentary. You can check these numbers in Strong’s if you so desire, you can ignore the numbers, you can read the definitions, or you can altogether ignore them. There are many types of people who read these commentaries and articles and I am simply attempting to meet all needs and desires. Also I have inserted other scriptures and comments to strengthen understanding [...]

Who is Satan, the Devil2024-06-24T21:18:32-04:00

Is Drug Abuse Sin

I do not judge people. I love people and my assigned job/purpose from God is to point people toward God and the salvation He offers by using His Holy Scriptures illuminated by the Holy Spirit. If you desire to know how impossible it was for me to construct a Christian website and how it came about please feel free to read the article About the Writer located to the left of the commentary titles on this website. Please read (Ezek. 3:18-21): paraphrased: (V.18) If I do not warn the [...]

Is Drug Abuse Sin2024-01-22T07:51:32-05:00

Homosexuality & Transgenderism

I do not judge people. I love people and my assigned job/purpose from God is to point people toward God and the salvation He offers by using His Holy Scriptures illuminated by the Holy Spirit. If you desire to know how impossible it was for me to construct a Christian website and how it came about please feel free to read the article About the Writer located to the left of the commentary titles on this website. Please read (Ezek. 3:18-21): paraphrased: (V.18) If I do not warn the [...]

Homosexuality & Transgenderism2024-03-25T08:23:52-04:00


I do not judge people. I love people and my assigned job/purpose from God is to point people toward God and the salvation He offers by using His Holy Scriptures illuminated by the Holy Spirit. If you desire to know how impossible it was for me to construct a Christian website and how it came about please feel free to read the article About the Writer located to the left of the commentary titles on this website and you will also see how I chose the KJV Holy Bible. [...]


Jesus’ Gentleness

PERSONAL NOTE: I would like to share with you the God Love, Meekness and Gentleness in (2Cor. 10:1 & 1John 4:8 &16) for a few paragraphs. If God permits this writer to live until Sept. 19, 2023, I will have been a Christian 47 years and I still don't understand the magnitude of God's love nor the sweet gentleness with which He  extended His nail pierced hands of love to me, a sin drenched, worthless, useless Mr. Nobody in the middle of Nowhere, Kentucky. (Isa. 53:4-9 & Col. 2:13-14) [...]

Jesus’ Gentleness2023-12-27T14:55:13-05:00

Breath of Life

How To Obtain Salvation Take one breath and keep it! How silly, yet that’s the way life is as we know it. The KJ Holy Bible states; (James 4:14) “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” Every person in the world will agree with that scripture because everybody knows everything dies. How did mankind reach this state? Why can’t science find the actual source, not cause; source, [...]

Breath of Life2024-04-23T08:45:21-04:00

Three Things Every Non-Christian Should Know and Feel

Please understand these three events in my life are true (Rev. 21:8 quote) “and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death.” (Rev. 20:11-15) and I do not intend to go to hell and then on to the lake of fire! The reason I have written this introductory paragraph is because these three events are so unusual they are hard to believe but I did live them. They are included in other articles on this website but [...]

Three Things Every Non-Christian Should Know and Feel2023-12-20T07:55:08-05:00

Is God Fair?

The KJV Holy Bible is the source. Addressed in this article are nine categories of people who did not have a chance to obtain salvation in this life. Before we address those nine types it is necessary to explore some Scriptural truths to understand God's fairness in His offer of salvation to all people. Several paragraphs below this under the sub-heading, BELOW IS THE "KEY" TO NINE CATEGORIES OF PEOPLE WHO DID NOT GET DRAWN BY GOD OR HEAR THE GOSPEL ABOUT JESUS, is where the actual scriptural types [...]

Is God Fair?2023-04-18T08:26:34-04:00
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