About awk59153

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So far awk59153 has created 154 blog entries.

The Holy Spirit Can Be Tempted

Most Christians who read this article will not be the same as they were before BECAUSE THEY WILL HAVE A GREATER AWARENESS OF GOD, THEIR LIFE AND THEIR SELF. The KJV Bible is the source. (Deut. 6:16-18 & Matt. 4:7) "Thou shalt not tempt  (Strong's #1598: to test thoroughly) the Lord thy God." This article will address (Acts 5:1-10) in which 2 people tempted the Holy Spirit and paid an awful price as a result of their action. The purpose is to help you avoid tempting the Holy Spirit. [...]

The Holy Spirit Can Be Tempted2022-11-18T14:38:17-05:00

The Holy Spirit Can Be Quenched

(1Thess. 5:19) “Quench (to extinguish) not the Spirit.” To extinguish means (to put out a fire; to put an end to; to obscure; and to nullify). (1Thess.5:11-23) In this series of scriptures are instructions concerning Christian conduct. The process of quenching is that a Christian can quench (extinguish) the Holy Spirit’s efforts to instruct a Christian to learn, grow, or do a particular job. The sad, sorry result of this is that as the process of quenching is repeated over and over the Christian grows colder and colder toward [...]

The Holy Spirit Can Be Quenched2022-11-18T14:39:14-05:00

The Holy Spirit Can Be Grieved

Understanding this article is very, very, very critical because it is the thermometer of your Holy Spirit health with God. It is sad to say but many Christians are so "spiritually blind" they would not recognize the Holy Spirit if they ran into Him in a wheelbarrow wreck! (Eph. 4:20-32 esp. V.30) “And grieve (to cause grief and make sad) not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed (to stamp with a mark for security or preservation) unto the day of redemption (ransom in full).” (Eph. 1:12-14) [...]

The Holy Spirit Can Be Grieved2022-11-18T14:40:14-05:00

The Holy Spirit Can Be Blasphemed

The eighth paragraph below this one begins the true, terribly true, story of my friend; he and I grew up together, hunted, fished, chased girls, got drunk, laughed and were very, very good friends. I'm not much for big fancy titles but this one is special to me. (2Cor. 6:14-17) (V.14) Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: AND (V.17) "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord," One of us did and the other one didn't. Blasphemy is (vilification, evil speaking against [...]

The Holy Spirit Can Be Blasphemed2022-11-18T14:43:05-05:00

The Holy Spirit is Truth (Part 1)

NOTE: The first part of this article introduces the reader to the Holy Spirit of truth. The middle part of this article is a revelation of the truth about what is commonly called the "Age of Accountability" you hear preached about, talked about, argued about, but never pinpointed. (Prov. 1:23-33) The last part of this article is a real life event, a true story, a heartrending story this writer participated in, in which a dear friend to three generations of my family  (John 6:44 & 12:32) fought the Holy [...]

The Holy Spirit is Truth (Part 1)2022-11-18T14:46:12-05:00

The Holy Spirit is Truth (Part 2): Jesus, My Daddy and Me

I have to introduce you to my Daddy first so you will understand how it was. Please pay attention to the date and God’s numbers in this true story. Yes, I still use the words Mommy and Daddy or Mom and Dad, they are more affectionate and loving than what many parents are called now. Maybe society would be a little better place if some people got back to the old ways. Daddy was a piece of work, very blunt, a hair trigger temper when pushed and it didn’t [...]

The Holy Spirit is Truth (Part 2): Jesus, My Daddy and Me2022-11-18T14:47:19-05:00

The Importance of God’s Word

I asked the internet; "What is the majority consensus of the Bible scholars as to how many authors wrote the Holy Bible over a period of how many years." I looked over several websites and there were many qualifier words uses such as maybe, could have, possibly, about, it is thought and etc. Some even presented their findings in an argumentative style? The consensus answer I finally arrived at was about forty authors over about 1500 years. After that I asked the internet the definition of theory. One of [...]

The Importance of God’s Word2022-11-18T14:50:17-05:00

Man’s Conscience

Please don't leave this article until you read the true, amazing story starting eight paragraphs below about a walk of conscience awareness, God's amazing grace and God's beautiful, stunning mercy. I know it’s a true story because I lived it with two people who became my very good friends. All Biblical usages of the word conscience have the same definition: (the soul’s perception of right and wrong). (Acts 24:16) The conscience is exercised (trained, programmed), by thinking (intellect, reason, and rationalization) and that results in action. The measurement of [...]

Man’s Conscience2022-11-18T14:50:53-05:00

Chosen Vessels (Part 1)

NOTE #1: Article #2 of this series is a real life event that shows how far the degradation of sin can take a living, breathing person into the abyss of destruction and how God's love can raise that same person to great heights of service to God by inspiring him to become a CHOSEN VESSEL and part of this event is the great wonder God accomplished in the lives of 8 little boys. I must admit something here; When I finished Part 2, I let one of those boys [...]

Chosen Vessels (Part 1)2024-11-05T10:14:16-05:00

Old Walter: A Chosen Vessel (Part 2)

This story I am about to tell you is a real-life event, a true story about an old drunkard and eight little boys, that happened because of God's mercy, grace, lovingkindness, tender pity and salvation. I know it's true because I lived it; every word, every look, every step, every smell is the truth. When God saved me through the blood of His Son Jesus there was a drastic, profound and wonderful change in my heart (soul). Through His kindness God somehow built a tenderness in me that had [...]

Old Walter: A Chosen Vessel (Part 2)2023-08-10T10:18:26-04:00
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