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So far awk59153 has created 154 blog entries.

Satan: A Study Guide and Teaching Manual (Part 1)

Source: unabridged KJV Bible. The definitions from the Strongs w dictionary are of the anglicized Hebrew or Greek words in italics. Objective: (2Cor. 4:4 & 11:14 then Eph. 6:12) This article is not to curse the darkness but to light a candle by which to light our way to the Promised Land. We all know the person, team or group with the best offense (the action of attacking) and the best defense (the action of resisting attack) always wins! All of Satan’s weapons are for offense and his one [...]

Satan: A Study Guide and Teaching Manual (Part 1)2023-04-24T12:20:09-04:00

Satan: A Study Guide and Teaching Manual (Part 2)

(Eph. 6:17) YOUR ONE WEAPON OF OFFENSE (Eph 6:17-18) “And take (Strong's Concordance W #1209: to take hold of, receive, to receive friendship, the thing offered in speaking, teaching, instructing, to receive favorably, make one's own, approve) the helmet of salvation,” A helmet protects your brain. Your brain is the physical thinking organ you, the spiritual soul, uses to think with. Among its many other functions your brain stores what you know. (Acts 20:28 & Rom. 5:8-11) At salvation individuals are saved through the blood of Jesus (John 10:28 [...]

Satan: A Study Guide and Teaching Manual (Part 2)2023-04-24T12:21:08-04:00

Satan: A Study Guide and Teaching Manual (Part 3)

TO KNOW SATAN'S PERSONALITY Personal experience: Far into the night a few weeks before God burdened and later inspired me to start writing the commentary God, Satan and Man: The Relationship, my wife was asleep in our bedroom, I was studying in the living room, nature called, I went down the hall to the guest bedroom and used the bathroom there. I came out of the bathroom, crossed the bedroom and was ready to step into the hall that leads back to the living room and I was suddenly [...]

Satan: A Study Guide and Teaching Manual (Part 3)2022-11-18T15:10:35-05:00

#6 When Is Holy Spirit Time

The 18th paragraph below this one begins the true story of a violent, angry, trouble hunting man who came to physically fight my congregation but he had a head on collision with the Holy Spirit and a small group of Christian children. The following is paraphrased from various scriptures to illustrate how God "talks" to us through His Holy Word: "Remember; it’s an enduring way and if you endure to the end you will be saved. Sure, it might get tough once in a while and you will sin, [...]

#6 When Is Holy Spirit Time2024-09-24T14:05:26-04:00

Backsliding — Quest for the Truth (Part 1)

OBJECTIVE (Heb. 9:23 keyword: patterns: defined: Strongs w #5262: an exhibit for imitation or warning, example, adumbration: the internet definition of adumbration is report or represent in outline: and the internet synonyms of adumbration are: presage, portend, foretell, prophesy, predict, foreshadow, herald). With this information in mind please read (Heb. 8:1 thru 9:28) and you will see how patterns/adumbration/prophesy will open a door of greater understanding. NOTE: Sometimes people object when some of these hidden prophesies are called prophecy. So be it. If you wish to call them other names [...]

Backsliding — Quest for the Truth (Part 1)2022-11-28T10:21:18-05:00

Backsliding — Quest for the Truth (Part 2)

Just remember; (Col. 2:8) “Beware (take heed) lest any man spoil (lead away as booty, seduce) you through philosophy (elevating human wisdom over the wisdom of God, loving one’s own thoughts at the expense of God’s word) AND (2Tim. 3:16) “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable (bring together) for doctrine (what is taught), for reproof (test, persuasion), for correction (reformation, setting straight again), for instruction (teaching) in righteousness (justness, justice). Also remember; (Matt. 4:4, 2Tim. 2:15, Heb. 4:12 1John 1:1 & Rev. 1:9 keyword [...]

Backsliding — Quest for the Truth (Part 2)2022-11-18T15:17:35-05:00

Jesus, The Beginning

(Gen. 3:13) Satan brought the spiritual enmity between God and Satan into the physical world when the serpent beguiled (to lead astray, deceive) the first woman and man to choose to know good and evil. (Gen. 3:15 also Gal. 3:16) God told the serpent; “I will put enmity (hostility, hatred) between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; IT (the seed) shall bruise thy head and thou shall bruise HIS heel.” IT identifies the seed as one and HIS identifies the seed as male so [...]

Jesus, The Beginning2022-11-18T10:34:20-05:00

Jesus, Abraham and the First Covenant

(Gen. 11:26-31) Abram was a Chaldean man who married a Chaldean woman named Sarai. (Gen. 12:1&7) God told Abram to go to Canaan; Abram went. (Gen. 13:14-18) God told Abram to settle in Hebron; Abram settled there. (Gen. 15:4-18) Abram had no heirs; God said his heirs would outnumber the stars.Abram offered up a blood sacrifice; God honored it and promised Abram the land from the Nile River to the Euphrates River (Gen. 15:4 & 13-18) for Abram’s heirs who are identified as the Hebrews because (V.13) they are the [...]

Jesus, Abraham and the First Covenant2022-11-18T10:35:37-05:00

Jesus’ Conception and Birth

(Luke 1:27) Mary is a virgin engaged to be married to a man named Joseph. They both live in Nazareth, a city in the province of Galilee. (Luke 3:1) Israel is under Roman subjection when the angel Gabriel brings the long awaited message to the Virgin Mary (Luke 1:26-35) that the Holy Spirit of God will come upon her, the power of God will overshadow her, she will conceive and bring forth a son, she will name him Jesus, and He will be called the Son of God.This definition and [...]

Jesus’ Conception and Birth2022-11-18T10:36:47-05:00

Jesus’ Physical and Spiritual Lineage

This is important because it finishes explaining the "family fight" that started at the beginning of time between Cain and Able, how God kept Jesus' true purpose a secret, why some people say God told two lies in the scripture, why there can be no permanent peace between the Middle East nations and the coming time when Jesus will be King of the Jews. (Luke 3:23-38) The lineage is unbroken from Jesus back to God through Mary’s bloodline as was prophesied; remember the quote in (Gen. 3:15), “THE WOMAN'S [...]

Jesus’ Physical and Spiritual Lineage2024-11-15T09:44:12-05:00
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