About awk59153

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So far awk59153 has created 154 blog entries.

Jesus, The Preacher and Miracle Worker

(Lev. 16:3-4) Aaron had to wash his flesh before he could begin the duties of high priest.  (Matt. 3:1-17 esp. V.15) Jesus told John, to baptize Him to fulfill all righteousness (Lev. 16:4) because that act (the washing of Jesus) completed the law of preparation (Heb. 4:14) for when the great High Priest would be installed in His office. (2nd SUPERNATURAL EVENT; again, remember the second part of the OVERSHADOW definition) the Spirit of God descends upon Jesus and the promised seed is endowed with authority. (Luke 4:1-13) After His baptism Jesus [...]

Jesus, The Preacher and Miracle Worker2022-11-28T11:13:11-05:00

Jesus’ Torture and Death

NOTE: Cyrene was settled by the Greeks in 650 B.C. At the time of the crucifixion of Jesus Cyrene was the capital of the Roman district of Cyrenaica. Cyrenaica was located on the northern coast of the African continent in what is modern-day Libya. (Mark 15:21) Simon the Cyrenian was the father of Alexander. Obviously no self-respecting Jew would name his son Alexander after the famous Greek conqueror Alexander the Great, a Gentile (non-Jew) because Antiochus, a Greek general in Alexander's army, had outlawed the Jewish religion and defiled the temple in [...]

Jesus’ Torture and Death2022-11-18T10:38:54-05:00

Jesus Takes the Keys to Hell and Death

This article reveals 4 of the most astonishing Biblical events you will ever read. Since they are of such magnitude they will be told in a semi-story style with scriptures included for verification. Put yourself in Jesus' disciples' place. What would you do, think and feel if everything you had believed in, committed yourself to and counted on had been killed? (Matt. 26:56) The disciples had fled when Jesus had been killed. (John 20:19) They had scattered then met at some secret place and now were hiding for fear of [...]

Jesus Takes the Keys to Hell and Death2022-11-28T11:12:02-05:00

Resurrection and the 40 Days

(John 11:25-26, Rom. 8:11 & 1Cor. 15:20-23) Jesus is the firstfruits of resurrection. (Matt. 28:6-16) The women go to the Lord’s grave but Jesus has risen from the dead, early in the morning, from that stinking, hateful hole in the earth and has left to go to Galilee (Matt. 28:16) where He has a prearranged meeting with the eleven disciples at a predetermined place. (Matt. 28:6) An angel tells the women the Lord has risen. (Matt. 28:9-10) With vast excitement the women are on the way back to tell [...]

Resurrection and the 40 Days2022-11-18T10:41:37-05:00
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