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So far awk59153 has created 154 blog entries.

Pergamos – Section 1 (Part 32)

Pergamos (Rev. 2:16) needs (1Cor. 6:18 & 10:14, 1 Tim. 6:3-11 and 2Tim. 2:22 keyword in all: flee) a warning Spirit. Summary NOTES #1) The theoretical clay tablet record of the history of the beginning of man mentioned in the first parts of this commentary were kept by the "First Born Sons" before the flood and then passed on through that lineage after the flood to Abraham's son Midian who was (Gen. 25:1-2) Abraham's son by his 2nd wife Keturah. Midian was the founder of the Midianites. (Gen. 1:1 [...]

Pergamos – Section 1 (Part 32)2022-11-28T09:50:56-05:00

Pergamos – Section 2 (Part 32)

OBJECTIVE: This article will investigate Balaam and his teaching (doctrine) in the OT (Old Testament), through the NT (New Testament) churches, through the modern churches on to the prophetic church in Pergamos. In this article the Christians who follow the Balaam doctrine will be called Balaamite or Balaamites simply for identification purposes (neither is a Biblical word). Church: In every instance the word church or churches is used in the NT the definition is the same: a calling out, a popular meeting especially a religious congregation, Jewish synagogue, Christian [...]

Pergamos – Section 2 (Part 32)2023-03-27T09:39:11-04:00

Pergamos – Section 3 (Part 32)

LOVE This is not about sex. Ultimately love is a choice; “This is attractive about them, I want to know them better, that is attractive about them, I want to know them even better.” and you learn about them. It’s a process of exploring a personality, a soul. You are making small choices along the way; “I love this and that about them”. Finally; “I love them.” With that growth of love process comes a process of growing attention to, allegiance, loyalty and commitment. Love is a work in [...]

Pergamos – Section 3 (Part 32)2022-12-20T10:36:06-05:00

Abraham’s Separation (Part 16)

We must thoroughly explore God's reason for and method of testing so we can understand why and how God separated Abram from his people and the life he was living. Abram's decisions were to have a direct effect on you and your relationship with God thousands of years after Abram's lifetime was finished. No covenant= no Israel= no Jesus= no church= no salvation. It is that important.(Gen. 3:6-24) We live a cursed life in a cursed world because Adam and Eve failed a test. (Gen. 2:9-17) They made the choice [...]

Abraham’s Separation (Part 16)2022-11-26T11:02:13-05:00

Abraham’s Refining (Part 17)

NOTE: There are always people who will give all their treasure, teeth, tonsils and toenails to find a discrepancy and fault in God's scripture so that needs to be addressed first. (Gen 11:26) Terah was 70 years old when Abram was born. (Gen. 12:4) Abram was 75 when he left Haran, SO 70 + 75 = 145. Thus Terah was 145 years old when Abram left Haran. (Gen. 11:32) Terah lived 205 years, 205 - 145 = 60 so Terah lived 60 years after Abram left Haran. BUT (Acts [...]

Abraham’s Refining (Part 17)2022-11-21T10:42:59-05:00

Abraham’s Testing (Part 18)

(Gen. 12:18-19) "What is this that thou hast done unto me? why didst thou not tell me that she was thy wife? Why saidst thou, she is my sister? so I might have her to me to wife: now therefore behold thy wife, take her, and go thy way." It was one of the few times God and Satan would ever smile at the same time! (Gen. 12:20) Pharaoh turned and gave his subdued, still in shock servants some special orders. None of them thought it odd that Pharaoh [...]

Abraham’s Testing (Part 18)2022-11-21T10:44:33-05:00

Abraham, Lot and Ishmael (Part 19)

(Gen. 16:7-16 esp. V.7 keyword: fountain: Hebrew word 'ayin: defined: the eye of the landscape) Pregnant Hagar headed south to Egypt but she traveled alone in what would later be named the Negev Desert. Coming north from Egypt she had been with Abram's clan, they knew the way and they knew the watering places in this desert land. Her water bags were empty, she was ready to throw their useless extra weight away and Hagar was dying from thirst when she staggered numbly to the top of a dune [...]

Abraham, Lot and Ishmael (Part 19)2022-11-21T10:45:36-05:00

Abraham, War and Melchizedec (Part 20)

If you wish; see Part 18, 20 paragraphs up from the end to see Abram's timeline. Shaveh was a good place to leave. The bloated, darkened corpses of the multitudes of thousands lay sprawled where grotesque rigor mortis had left them strewn across the valley where they had fallen before the bloody blades of other men's fear and fury. Their stiffened hands still grasped their own bloody swords or axes, sometimes broken bows or knives and their shields. Some had arrows protruding from them; all were slashed, battered and [...]

Abraham, War and Melchizedec (Part 20)2022-11-21T10:47:30-05:00

God’s Everlasting Covenant (Part 21)

Situation Notes: The Pilgrims landed in America in 1620 and it has been 394 years to now, 11-11-14. Look at the progress and population growth Americans have experienced in 394 years. (Gen. 11:10-26 key: every even numbered scripture gives a number of years, add them together plus Abram's age, 99 years, and the total = 391 years) (Gen. 17:1) Abram was 99 years old and 391 years had passed since the flood. Imagine the possibility of the progress and population growth these Biblical people could have made in the [...]

God’s Everlasting Covenant (Part 21)2022-11-21T10:49:03-05:00

Abraham, Satan and Sodom (Part 22)

I cannot even imagine what Abraham (his new, God given name) must have thought after the Lord God Almighty went up from him (Gen. 17:23) but he got busy that very same day to accomplish what God had told him to do! I suppose when Abraham gathered the males of his clan and told them his intentions a voice, maybe even a chorus of voices, surely shouted; "YOU'RE GOING TO CUT WHAT OFF??? I am sure pupils contracted, eyes squinted, foreheads wrinkled and goose bumps raced! While he was [...]

Abraham, Satan and Sodom (Part 22)2022-11-21T10:49:37-05:00
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