Breath of Life

How To Obtain Salvation Take one breath and keep it! How silly, yet that’s the way life is as we know it. The KJ Holy Bible states; (James 4:14) “Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away.” Every person in the world will agree with that scripture because everybody knows everything dies. How did mankind reach this state? Why can’t science find the actual source, not cause; source, [...]

Breath of Life2024-04-23T08:45:21-04:00

Three Things Every Non-Christian Should Know and Feel

Please understand these three events in my life are true (Rev. 21:8 quote) “and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone which is the second death.” (Rev. 20:11-15) and I do not intend to go to hell and then on to the lake of fire! The reason I have written this introductory paragraph is because these three events are so unusual they are hard to believe but I did live them. They are included in other articles on this website but [...]

Three Things Every Non-Christian Should Know and Feel2024-10-21T09:59:38-04:00

Is God Fair?

The KJV Holy Bible is the source. Addressed in this article are nine categories of people who did not have a chance to obtain salvation in this life. Before we address those nine types it is necessary to explore some Scriptural truths to understand God's fairness in His offer of salvation to all people. Several paragraphs below this under the sub-heading, BELOW IS THE "KEY" TO NINE CATEGORIES OF PEOPLE WHO DID NOT GET DRAWN BY GOD OR HEAR THE GOSPEL ABOUT JESUS, is where the actual scriptural types [...]

Is God Fair?2023-04-18T08:26:34-04:00


NOTE: (1Cor. 11:26-29) An unsaved, non-Christian person is not qualified to be a part of the communion/foot-washing service because Jesus is not their Saviour. (John 3:3-8, Rom. 8:6-16, 2Cor. 5:17-21 & Titus 3:3-8) They are not regenerated through the born again salvation experience. NOTE: This article is a comparison between the Old Testament (covenant) Jewish Passover and the New Testament (covenant) Christian Passover. If you wish to read a comparison of the two covenants please see The Holy Spirit and You commentary, the article COVENANT: The Holy Spirit Trains Christian Soldiers for Spiritual Warfare and [...]


About the Writer

Briefly: I was born in 1943. I graduated high school then spent six years and four months in the Marines serving the Cuban Missile Crisis four month extension and two tours in Vietnam. I was honorably discharged, started vocational school in industrial electricity, got married, graduated and went to work: the American Dream. I have three sons and six grandchildren. I experienced my salvation event in 1976 and I thought I was on "easy street" from then on. BUT: Jesus said; (Matt. 10:22) "He who endureth to the end [...]

About the Writer2023-01-17T09:04:48-05:00
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