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So far awk59153 has created 154 blog entries.

Manifestation of The Holy Spirit

THESE THREE DEFINITIONS IN THE FOLLOWING SCRIPTURE ARE VERY IMPORTANT: (1Cor.12:1-31) (V.7) “But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal.” Manifestation is defined (#1 exhibition, #2 expression, and #3 bestowment). Profit is defined (to bear together in the sense of contribution, be better for, and bring together). Withal is defined (at the same time, close association, together). Obviously (V.7) “the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal” describes the possibility of a local church service where the members [...]

Manifestation of The Holy Spirit2022-11-18T14:54:23-05:00

The Holy Spirit and Circumcision

(Gen. 17:7-14) Physical circumcision is (cutting off to remove the foreskin) and was instituted by God as a physical sign of His covenant with Abraham and Israel. (V.14) If a male Jew was not circumcised he had broken the covenant and that soul was cut off from his people. (Gen. 34:22-25) Circumcision is a very painful operation. All the millions of physical circumcisions performed on Jewish males over thousands of years prophesied of future spiritual circumcisions that would have eternal spiritual consequences for all of mankind. (Luke 24:44) Israel [...]

The Holy Spirit and Circumcision2022-11-18T14:54:53-05:00

The Holy Spirit and Grace

It will be easier to understand Jesus' identity if you read the article Who is the Holy Spirit in this commentary. Note: There are two aspects of belief between some Christians, some local churches and even a few denominations concerning grace. One side believes grace ends immediately after salvation and the other side believes grace continues throughout salvation. The “grace enders” say the “grace continuers” believe they have to get saved over and over and over. The “grace continuers” say the “grace enders” must not have gotten saved in the [...]

The Holy Spirit and Grace2022-11-18T14:57:35-05:00

The Holy Spirit is a Fruit Grower

NOTE: PLEASE READ AND THINK ABOUT THESE TWO PARAGRAPHS BEFORE WE START. (Matt. 10:22) Jesus said; "but he that ENDURETH to the end shall be saved." People sometimes say Jesus was talking to Jews in this scripture and they are absolutely right BUT: (Matt. 10:1-8) they were racial Jews who became the very first (Acts 11:26) Christians; they simply had not been called Christian yet! AND: (Matt. 10:9-42) These first Christians had some ENDURING to do because Jesus was instructing them how, through the power and leadership of the [...]

The Holy Spirit is a Fruit Grower2022-11-18T14:58:05-05:00

Covenant: The Holy Spirit Trains Soldiers for Spiritual Warfare (Part 1)

The Jewish Library contains ancient Jewish documents called Midrash and they contain specific information concerning the steps of the ancient Hebrew Blood Covenant process. As I researched and wrote about God’s Old Testament Blood Covenant with Abram/Abraham (Part 21 in the commentary God, Satan and Man: The Relationship on this website) was astonished by its similarity to the New Testament Grace Covenant and how perfectly both COVENANTS addressed my salvation event and afterward. (Heb. 8:13 thru 9:28 esp.V.9-11, 15, 23 keyword: patterns: defined: to foreshadow, a type, a prophesy & V.24-28) But [...]

Covenant: The Holy Spirit Trains Soldiers for Spiritual Warfare (Part 1)2022-11-28T11:06:56-05:00

Covenant: The Holy Spirit Trains Soldiers for Spiritual Warfare (Part 2)

WAR? WHAT WAR? NOTE: We must remember God always gives man a choice to obey or disobey. Example: (Gen. 12:1 thru 15:8) Abraham made many choices to obey or disobey before God made the covenant with him. (Matt. 24:36) God knows what we will do and by that knowledge He can make prophesies (the future foretold), promises (covenants) and a timeline (the times when prophesies will happen). People, including me, including you, do not know what our future decisions will be and that is why we must be knowledgeable [...]

Covenant: The Holy Spirit Trains Soldiers for Spiritual Warfare (Part 2)2022-11-18T15:01:03-05:00

Covenant: The Holy Spirit Trains Soldiers for Spiritual Warfare (Part 3)

As you have already read: NT Greek- The Greek word for circumcision is formed from two base words. (English example: fiberscope, if you had never heard of a fiberscope you could go to the words fiber and scope to get a more complete understanding.) SO: circumcision is- #1 completeness, one cut, all through, (compare to salvation when all your past sins were suddenly cut away and gone), AND #2 repeated blows, like hacking, (Heb. 4:12 keyword: sharper) with a sharper instrument, (compare to spiritual growth as God's word and the Holy Spirit hack away at the [...]

Covenant: The Holy Spirit Trains Soldiers for Spiritual Warfare (Part 3)2022-11-18T15:02:53-05:00

Christian War with the World

(Matt. 13:22 & 16:26) The world mentioned in these scriptures is not the earth; it is the world systems controlled, operated, utilized and justified by unbelievers or Holy Spiritless believers which offer opportunities for illicit sex, acceptance of scripturally forbidden sex; riches, power, position and self-gratification if you will perform certain acts and commitments. The world also offers ready access to scripturally forbidden entertainment and intoxicants. The world systems offer “religions” in which you can worship whatever can be dreamed up to be worshiped. (Matt. 11:29 & 2Tim. 2:15) [...]

Christian War with the World2022-11-18T15:03:47-05:00

Christian War with the Flesh

(Matt. 4:18-20 esp. V.19) Jesus walked up to Simon called Peter and his brother Andrew. They were fishermen casting their net into the sea. (V.19) Jesus said; "Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men." Jesus left out one important fact, or maybe He figured they, being fishermen, already knew it, or maybe Jesus didn't tell them He was running an on-the-job training program, or maybe He knew, at that stage of their Christian experience, they'd run for the far hills if they knew what following Him [...]

Christian War with the Flesh2022-11-18T15:05:40-05:00

Christian War with the Devil

If you are not absolutely sure of the identity of the Holy Spirit please read the "Who is the Holy Spirit" article in this commentary before you continue. (Rev. 12:9) The great dragon, the old serpent (Lucifer), the Devil and Satan are different names for the same evil being. (1John 4:1-3) There are only two spirits; the Holy Spirit of Christ and (Eph. 2:2) the unholy spirit of antichrist which is Satan, the Devil. There is something beautifully clean cut about that; there is no in-between; it is God [...]

Christian War with the Devil2022-11-18T15:06:51-05:00
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