About awk59153

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So far awk59153 has created 154 blog entries.

Homosexuality & Transgenderism

I do not approve of the accepted way of placing just the scriptures at the end of a sentence or paragraph. On this website I place the scriptures at the beginning of the sentence because sometimes I feel keywords and/or the definition of certain words gives the reader better and more clear understanding of what they are preparing to read. I have been told many times that is a good way of helping readers comprehend the material they are reading. I use the KJV Holy Bible and for the [...]

Homosexuality & Transgenderism2024-11-27T10:28:02-05:00


I do not use the accepted way of placing just the scriptures at the end of a sentence or paragraph. On this website I place the scriptures at the beginning of the sentence because sometimes I feel keywords and/or the definition of certain words gives the reader better and more clear understanding of what they are preparing to read. I have been told many times that is a good way of helping readers comprehend the material they are reading. I use the KJV Holy Bible and for the definitions [...]


Jesus’ Gentleness

PERSONAL NOTE: I would like to share with you the God Love, Meekness and Gentleness in (2Cor. 10:1 & 1John 4:8 &16) for a few paragraphs. If God permits this writer to live until Sept. 19, 2023, I will have been a Christian 47 years and I still don't understand the magnitude of God's love nor the sweet gentleness with which He  extended His nail pierced hands of love to me, a sin drenched, worthless, useless Mr. Nobody in the middle of Nowhere, Kentucky. (Isa. 53:4-9 & Col. 2:13-14) [...]

Jesus’ Gentleness2023-12-27T14:55:13-05:00

Breath of Life

How To Obtain Salvation I do not use the accepted way of placing just the scriptures at the end of a sentence or paragraph. On this website I place the scriptures at the beginning of the sentence because sometimes I feel keywords and/or the definition of certain words gives the reader better and more clear understanding of what they are preparing to read. I have been told many times that is a good way of helping readers comprehend the material they are reading. I use the KJV Holy Bible [...]

Breath of Life2025-01-03T13:17:40-05:00

Three Things Every Non-Christian Should Know and Feel

I do not use the accepted way of placing just the scriptures at the end of a sentence or paragraph. On this website I place the scriptures at the beginning of the sentence because sometimes I feel keywords and/or the definition of certain words gives the reader better and more clear understanding of what they are preparing to read. I have been told many times that is a good way of helping readers comprehend the material they are reading. I use the KJV Holy Bible and for the definitions [...]

Three Things Every Non-Christian Should Know and Feel2024-11-15T09:34:37-05:00

Is God Fair?

I do not use the accepted way of placing just the scriptures at the end of a sentence or paragraph. On this website I place the scriptures at the beginning of the sentence because sometimes I feel keywords and/or the definition of certain words gives the reader better and more clear understanding of what they are preparing to read. I have been told many times that is a good way of helping readers comprehend the material they are reading. I use the KJV Holy Bible and for the definitions [...]

Is God Fair?2024-11-15T09:31:13-05:00


I do not use the accepted way of placing just the scriptures at the end of a sentence or paragraph. On this website I place the scriptures at the beginning of the sentence because sometimes I feel keywords and/or the definition of certain words gives the reader better and more clear understanding of what they are preparing to read. I have been told many times that is a good way of helping readers comprehend the material they are reading. I use the KJV Holy Bible and for the definitions [...]


About the Writer

Briefly: I was born in 1943. I graduated high school then spent six years and four months in the Marines serving the Cuban Missile Crisis four month extension and two tours in Vietnam. I was honorably discharged, started vocational school in industrial electricity, got married, graduated and went to work: the American Dream. I have three sons and six grandchildren. I experienced my salvation event in 1976 and I thought I was on "easy street" from then on. BUT: Jesus said; (Matt. 10:22) "He who endureth to the end [...]

About the Writer2023-01-17T09:04:48-05:00


The scope of this commentary begins in Eden and continues into the present day. (Col. 1:16) All things were created by God and for God. So, that tells us man has a “God Place” within him that demands man must worship someone or something to try to fill that “urge”. The vast majority of religions originating from man worship deities such as stone images, natural phenomena, imaginary deities, a prophet, a philosopher, a person; the list is long. With his self-created worship practices man always creates a list or [...]


The Reality of Hell, Four Other Non-Biblical Religions, Satan (Part 1)

In this first article: #1) We will examine how people twist history to erroneously “prove” the Bible is just another book of fables. #2) We will examine the awful reality of hell. #3) We will briefly explore four non-Biblical religions. #4) We will examine Satan the devil. Attacks on the truthfulness of the Holy Bible come in many forms, here is an EXAMPLE: Many people and organizations publish articles that declare the word hades actually originated from ancient Greek mythology because Hades was the name the Greeks gave their [...]

The Reality of Hell, Four Other Non-Biblical Religions, Satan (Part 1)2022-11-21T13:22:55-05:00
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