The Church at Sardis – Section 2 (Part 34)

A GROUP REFLECTS ITS LEADER You will have a much greater understanding of this article if you will click on the commentary The Holy Spirit & You, scroll the menu and read the three-article series Satan: A Study Guide and Teaching Manual. Question: Have you ever heard a complete Bible Study session or a preached sermon completely dedicated to exposing Satan, the Devil? I haven't either and I've been a Christian forty-four years. (Eph. 6:10-13 & 1Pet. 5:8) HAS THE CHURCH FORGOTTEN OUR GREATEST ENEMY? Death of a church: [...]

The Church at Sardis – Section 2 (Part 34)2023-05-09T10:21:22-04:00

The Church at Sardis – Section 3 (Part 34)

A Brief Review of Lucifer, (Rev. 12:9) the great dragon, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan: Please read these given scriptures. (Isa. 14:12-15) Here Lucifer is called son of the morning and his 5 "I wills" against God are given. (Ezek. 28:13-17) This scripture describes Lucifer and states he had been in Eden, the garden of God, that he was lifted up (proud) because of his beauty and he is the anointed (to rub with oil) cherub that covereth (defend). He was an especially beautiful angel with [...]

The Church at Sardis – Section 3 (Part 34)2022-11-26T11:08:42-05:00

The Church at Sardis – Section 4 (Part 34)

Writer's Note: True story: A terrible event I personally witnessed that has played itself through my brain hundreds of times over the years: More than 30 years ago in another time, in another house, when I lived in another "holler" (the hollow, the mountain valley between 2 mountain ridges or points), I saw a bird become "serpent charmed". It was summer and I was sitting on the porch, in the swing, relaxing, having a soda, appreciating the day before I had to get ready to go work the evening [...]

The Church at Sardis – Section 4 (Part 34)2022-11-21T11:25:36-05:00

The Church at Philadelphia – Section 1 (Part 35)

Philadelphia was established in 189 BC by King Eumenes II of Pergamon and named in honor of his brother Attalus II whose loyalty to Eumenes II earned him the name Philadelphos. Philadelphia (Philadelphos in Greek) is defined literally as one who loves his brother. The name is a fake, a counterfeit, because, just like all the other cities in ancient Asia, it was soaked in the blood of soldiers as various conquering nations fought their wars to come to power. Philadelphia was known as a commercial, educational, legal and [...]

The Church at Philadelphia – Section 1 (Part 35)2023-05-09T10:22:51-04:00

The Church at Philadelphia – Section 2 (Part 35)

SO: Paul founded the church at Philadelphia. Jesus gave John a vision and a letter to the church at Philadelphia that is a message to all Christians. AND: Oddly enough, as I read about the Church at Philadelphia I was plagued with the question; “Why is Philadelphia’s synagogue of Satan described differently than Smyrna’s synagogue of Satan. I was astonished as I was led on a journey through God’s word to the Samaritan mystery woman at the well and the revelation of her life lived that led to Satan’s [...]

The Church at Philadelphia – Section 2 (Part 35)2022-12-20T10:36:45-05:00

The Church at Philadelphia – Section 3 (Part 35)

To keep our focus a few paragraphs below this one are carried over from section 2 because through them is revealed the meaning of the number of the beast (1John 2:18) who is the antichrist. (Rev. 13:2-18 esp. V.2 keywords: dragon which gave him his power and V.18 keywords: six hundred threescore and six). A dragon gives the beast his power and the number of the beast is 666. (Rev. 19:20 thru 20:3) It is revealed that Satan is the dragon who gave the antichrist and the false prophet [...]

The Church at Philadelphia – Section 3 (Part 35)2022-11-21T11:29:41-05:00

The Church of the Laodiceans – Section 1 (Part 36)

When Alexander the Great died his empire was divided between his 4 generals. General Seleucus took what was then called Syria. General Lysimachus took Eastern Asia but General Seleucus took part of that land away from Lysimachus and named a certain town Diospolis (the City of Zeus). The pagan Greeks who were devout to their stone idol of their occult, imaginary god Zeus considered him “the father of gods and men, the ruler and protector of all”. After General Seleucus died the rule of Syria fell to Antiochus II, [...]

The Church of the Laodiceans – Section 1 (Part 36)2023-05-10T09:57:00-04:00

The Church of the Laodiceans – Section 2 (Part 36)

THE LAODICEANS ARE US AND WE NEED TO PRAY Please dear heavenly Father, oh great and beautiful God of all glory, thou who art our sword and our shield, our high tower and our buckler, thou giver of all life, please hear our prayer with thine ear of grace and help us repent from our evil, backslidden ways with the balm of thy love. Oh Lord of all lords, King of all kings, oh God of all gods please permit us to stand before thee with the publican dressed [...]

The Church of the Laodiceans – Section 2 (Part 36)2022-11-21T11:31:46-05:00
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