Introduction (Part 1): Was America Founded on Christian Principals

The unrevised King James Holy Bible is the sectarian, scriptural reference source. Internet information is the secular political reference source. All highlighting, underlining & etc. in the written statements are mine. We must very briefly review the history of the relationship between "Church and State" in order to understand how the splintered, fragmented, denominational Church in America came into existence. There are situations all through the Bible where individuals had an Unknown Divine Appointment to accomplish God's desired ends. (1Sam. Ch. 17) David is a perfect example. He went [...]

Introduction (Part 1): Was America Founded on Christian Principals2022-11-26T10:45:06-05:00

Introduction (Part 2): Was the Church that Came to America Founded on Christian Principles

In Part 1 we saw how the church arrived by covenant to America and how it was politically established, But: 1) (Luke 24:46-51) Jesus had ascended into heaven. 2) (Acts 2:1-14) The Holy Spirit had been given to man at Pentecost (Passover). 3) (Acts 2:38-41 & 4:4) Thousands of Jews had been saved during the Pentecost "Revival". 4) (Acts 10:1-45) Cornelius, a Roman Centurion, a Gentile (non-Jew), and his family were saved. 5) (Acts 11:1-18 esp. V.3 & 18) From then on both Jew and Gentile were saved in [...]

Introduction (Part 2): Was the Church that Came to America Founded on Christian Principles2022-11-21T14:27:00-05:00

Introduction (Part 3): Is Your Church Founded on Christian Principals — Are You

Remember, look for Unknown divine Appointments, maybe yours! UNDER CIVIL LAW: America is a democracy that guarantees the freedom of religion. Americans are free to worship or to not worship as they see fit. Americans are free to do exactly as they please under the rules of civil law. When America was first founded as a colony of the British Empire the Puritan Church and its dictates became the rule of law; each citizen had to dress according to church law, each citizen was required to attend church a [...]

Introduction (Part 3): Is Your Church Founded on Christian Principals — Are You2022-11-21T14:26:27-05:00

Legitimate Christians: The Choice Principal

Here are the six other KJV Bible words and their definitions that are commonly used to describe the #1) born again (beget again, offspring) experience: #2) (John 3:17) save/saved (to deliver and make whole); #3) (Matt. 18:3) converted (reverse direction); #4) (Luke 19:9) salvation (rescue); #5) (Matt. 26:28) remission (forgiveness); #6) (Luke 4:18) deliverance (pardon); #7) (Matt. 19:28) regeneration has two meanings: (Titus 3:5) (the state or the act of spiritual rebirth in the individual life when a person is saved) and (Matt. 19:28) (the eternal renovation at the end of time). [...]

Legitimate Christians: The Choice Principal2022-11-21T09:51:46-05:00

The Four Types of Christians in a Congregation

THE PRODUCTION PRINCIPAL (Matt. 13:18-23) The parable of the sower states (V.19) the word of God is sown in these individual’s hearts and all these individuals (V.19, 20, 22, & 23) received the word, so the parable illustrates FOUR TYPES of Christians, one at a time, which are found in every congregation. It is obvious Jesus gave this parable as a warning to Christians so we can understand the things that cause Christians to backslide and (V.23) that the people who remain faithful Christians are of different capabilities. When [...]

The Four Types of Christians in a Congregation2022-11-26T10:46:31-05:00

Growth as a Christian: The Survival Principal (Part 1)

GOD, THE DEVIL AND THE HUMAN CONSCIENCE Examination of the human conscience begins after this brief NOTE: (Isa. 14:12-15) It is obvious Lucifer is the name of the fallen angel who (Rev. 12:3-9) rebelled against God, drew one third of the angels into his rebellion (Isa. 14:4-24) and helped the king of Babylon program his own conscience to do what he did. God showed us how they worked together so we would understand how the Devil works to "stir up" a person's rebellion, pride, greed and etc. This one [...]

Growth as a Christian: The Survival Principal (Part 1)2022-11-21T09:54:20-05:00

Growth as a Christian: The Survival Principal (Part 2)

A great sadness and shame started coming over me during that second year and I would sometimes cry right there in church; not the audible kind but just a silent flow of shirt collar wetting grief because God was so good and I was so bad and because beautiful Jesus had paid such a horrible price for my sorry, useless hide. It got worse. (2Cor. 7:10) I didn't know it at the time but I was learning about "Godly sorrow". I cried almost every service as the weeks dragged [...]

Growth as a Christian: The Survival Principal (Part 2)2022-11-21T09:55:17-05:00

Growth as a Christian: The Survival Principal (Part 3)

Back when I first got saved: The superintendent of the non-union mine, mentioned in article two, where I worked was a pastor. I got saved on a Sunday night. Nobody knew it but my wife. The next day, Monday afternoon, I went to the underground coal mine where I worked afternoon shift, went into the mine office, a beat up, dirty, smelly, ancient trailer filled with tools, tracked in mine mud, oil and grease stains, equipment parts and supplies, the battered superintendent's desk and a couple of rusty file [...]

Growth as a Christian: The Survival Principal (Part 3)2022-12-20T10:26:50-05:00

Growth as a Christian: The Survival Principal (Part 4)

Old Testament Conscience Programming for the Future of Present Day Christians There are preachers, teachers and lay Christians who say the OT prophecies are about Israel and Jesus and do not apply to the Church. I call them the naysayers (the no people). Before the naysayers can work up a head of steam and start arguing; "This is about the Old Testament (O.T.) covenant of blood sacrifice people and it don't apply to Christians who are under the New Testament (N.T.) covenant of grace." Please see this N.T. scripture [...]

Growth as a Christian: The Survival Principal (Part 4)2022-11-21T09:56:41-05:00

Growth as a Christian: The Survival Principal (Part 5)

Conscience programming by the physical path my life takes when I relate my life experience as an allegory of my spiritual walk on my path for God, JUST LIKE YOU (Eccl. 8:5, 1Cor. 2:14-16 & 12:10 and Heb. 5:14 keyword: discern) if you permit the Holy Spirit to let you spiritually see. (Jer. 6:16) There is a path called the old path. First, I'd like to discuss glaciers. Science says glaciers carved these mountains where I live, the KY part of the Appalachian mountain range. Science says the glaciers traveled [...]

Growth as a Christian: The Survival Principal (Part 5)2022-11-21T09:57:23-05:00
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