About awk59153

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So far awk59153 has created 148 blog entries.

The Murderer and His Seed (Part 4)

(Heb. 11:4) Cain stood over the bloody, lifeless body of his brother. He was stunned, the bloody club slipped from his suddenly nerveless fingers; "What have I done? How can I hide THIS? How can I explain THIS?" Like so many of us do it never entered Cain's mind what the God of Eden would think about what he'd done. It never entered his mind how what he'd done would affect his family either. Like so many of us do he thought only of himself. Even Satan had been [...]

The Murderer and His Seed (Part 4)2023-06-05T16:45:41-04:00

The Corruption of Seth’s Seed (Part 5)

NOTE: Do not forget: This commentary is based on scripture because the scriptural people lived. Their lifestyle is very, very skimpy in the scripture SO based upon research, imagination and inspiration their lifestyle, the origin of the Neandertals and Giants is basically conjecture, a semi-novel. It had to happen some way that is not given so why not this way or something similar? NOTE: For a moment think about this example of the progress that can be made by intelligent people in a very short time. June 25, 1876 [...]

The Corruption of Seth’s Seed (Part 5)2023-07-28T10:21:40-04:00

The Gathering Storm (Part 6)

There, in the far, far future, near where, the modern city of Varazdin would be built in a nation named Croatia Satan again copied God's method because Croatia is a country that is a crossroads of central Europe, the Balkans and the Mediterranean nations, a country well situated to disburse a population and/or disburse information. In the beginning we learned Satan hated humans because he was proud and jealous that God had taken such special care to make them in His own image. He hated all the hybrid types [...]

The Gathering Storm (Part 6)2024-05-06T10:17:39-04:00

The Time of the Giants and the Clay Tablets (Part 7)

NOTES: From parts 5 & 6 we see the 10 to 12 foot tall giants were genetically 1/4 human DNA, 1/4 native born Neandertal hybrid and 1/2 angel/Neandertal hybrid = 3/4 Neandertal DNA but only mixed as shown before. Man in his urgency to obtain sexual release, his selfishness in obtaining that which makes him happy and (Exodus 22:19-20) his willingness to commit bestiality (sex with an animal) with a soulless, non-human hominid, an animal, had released upon the world a race of giant, soulless, man-like hominids who lived [...]

The Time of the Giants and the Clay Tablets (Part 7)2022-11-21T10:29:41-05:00

Evil Imaginings (Part 8)

NOTE: Some of this information was taken from Ch. 5: The Book of Jasher mentioned in (Joshua 10:13 and 2Samuel 1:18) and translated from Hebrew to English in 1840. The book of Jasher is not authorized to be a part of the KJ Bible and is considered by this writer to be a historical Hebrew document. Any information used from the book of Jasher will be noted by a # and the end of the Jasher information will be noted by a #. END OF NOTE. Noah was 480 [...]

Evil Imaginings (Part 8)2022-12-20T10:35:20-05:00

The Ark (Part 9)

The next visit between Noah and Naamah was a week later at her home on her small farm. To preserve all decor Noah insisted Methuselah accompany him. As the day of the visit approached Noah became more and more fidgety, nervous and sweaty. He had trouble sleeping and had to pray desperately for the God of Eden to cleanse his thoughts of any impurities! He had never wanted to see anyone so badly in his life. When Methuselah's niece, Naamah, admitted them into her home her color was high, [...]

The Ark (Part 9)2023-07-28T10:39:09-04:00

The Flood and After (Part 10)

NOTES: An interesting article in the March, 2014 National Geographic Magazine, "People of the Horse", points out the development of various breeds of horse. Therefore it is obvious Noah had only 1 pair of horses on the ark. "Most experts now believe that all dogs, no matter how different, originated exclusively from a single species: the grey wolf (Canis lupus) of central Asia. The evidence comes from a 2009 study in which a team of researchers at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm analyzed samples of mitochondrial DNA [...]

The Flood and After (Part 10)2024-01-06T18:43:18-05:00

Nimrod and the Tower of Babel (Part 11)

Do not forget: This commentary is based on scripture because these scriptural people lived. Their lifestyle is very skimpy in the scripture SO based on inspiration, research, Biblical definitions and imagination their lifestyle had to happen some way that is not given so why not this way or something similar? AND: (Eccl. 1:9) "The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun." All through this article Satan [...]

Nimrod and the Tower of Babel (Part 11)2023-03-27T09:32:47-04:00

Nimrod’s Tower and Their Worship (Part 12)

Writer's NOTE: I would like to personally thank those scholars who painstakingly investigated the ancient records, uncovered the various types of worship, identified their astrology, idols and mythological beings, discovered the meaning and connection of those names, traced the connections backwards from civilization to civilization back to their beginning and published their findings in the free internet information media. Their conclusion that the basic concept of astrological and mythological idolatry originated around Babylon was enlightening. Those scholars discovered, (1Sam. 4:2 thru 6:18) when tribes or nations conquered other tribes [...]

Nimrod’s Tower and Their Worship (Part 12)2022-11-21T10:38:29-05:00

The Scattering (Part 13)

Nimrod was discontented as he sat there in the darkness watching the festivities. He had half-heartedly participated in the beginning of the worship mainly because it was expected of him but a sense of discontent had destroyed his mood. "Its that &%# Noah, I know he knows the secret of brass and iron. The old ones, the ones who came across the flood, talk about it but they were too young to know the secrets. They say Tubal-cain guarded the secrets so he could corner the market and be [...]

The Scattering (Part 13)2022-11-21T10:39:08-05:00
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